forum Monsters? These are my children -Ben (o/o with lisapickle)
Started by @chickenfrogman group

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@chickenfrogman group

Cage shakes his head as well and heads into the kitchen to finish preparing the Thai food. “Maybe she’ll wake up around the time it’s done.” He says aloud to himself.

(Wanna time skip?)

@chickenfrogman group

(Two hours time skip)

Cage sighs, setting the last tubberware in the fridge. He turns, looking back to Miki. “When do you think they’ll get up? I’m so hungry I could eat Silver’s Thai food.”


Gabriel sighs, a little hot from all the body heat, and turns to scoot away from Sil a little, but ends up inching into Ryders lap. He opens his eyes, turning to see Ryder face.
Ah. Hi.
He pats Ryders cheek, and Ryders eyes blink open.
“Heeeeey.” He whispers.


"And that would be the last thing you did." Miki said. She opened the pantry and grabbed a box of crackers, taking them over to the couch and plopping down. "Let's play video games or something. But not racing games, because I'm too loud when we race."

Silver shifted as Gabriel eased out from under her, and rolled more onto her back, stretching her arms and blinking her eyes as she woke up, mind groggy and her headache still a dull presence beating behind her forehead.

@chickenfrogman group

Cage agrees with a nod and goes to the TV to turn it on and hook up a game. “Wanna play Zelda? Robin got it for me a while back but I haven’t actually played it yet.” He picks up the case and shows it to her over his shoulder.

“Okay, now get off. You’re making me too hot.” Ryder whispers, shoving Gabriel off of him and back towards Silver.
He (Gabriel) sits up and gives a small yawn before sleepily blinking around the room. The rain has long since stopped outside,but it’s still nice and dark out.


"Sure." Miki says, opening the box of crackers and shoving a few into her mouth. "Isn't that the one with the little green elf guy?"

Silver sank back into the beanbag and squinted up at Gabriel. The only lights on in the library were sconces along the walls that gave soft, yellow light, so her eyes began adjusting easily. She reached up and stroked Gabriel's bed-head hair down into something less chaotic. "Di'oo'sleep good?" she mumbled to him.

@chickenfrogman group

Gabriel turns his head to blink at her, and gives a soft smile.
If Ryder weren’t here, I’d probably kiss you.
Ryder blinks at the two of them for half a second.
“You guys hungry? Cause I could eat a horse.” He whispers, still laying down.


Cage looks over the case, then nods, pulling out the disc. “The one with yellow hair? Yeah. I think his name is like….” he looks on the back of the case. “Link??”


Silver frowned and cut her gaze over to Ryder, mostly not visible to her since he was basically on the floor. "Go ge' 'urself some food." she grumbled at him. Looking back up to Gabriel, she smoothed her thumb over his cheek and cupped the side of his neck.
If we were invisible, I might kiss you right now.

Miki frowned. "What? I thought he was Zelda. Who is Zelda if it's not the green guy?"

@chickenfrogman group

Ryder sighs. “As much as I’d like to leave, since you’re about to make me lose my appetite, I can’t. I’m stuck.” He gestures to Kissa’s arms around him and Gabriel furrows his brow, looking Kissa over.
Kissa snuggles?


Cage quickly picks the case back up and looks it over. “What really??? I don’t think they’re the same person! Isn’t Zelda a girl?”


Silver sighed, awake enough now to be annoyed at Ryder for being there. With a sigh she pulled Gabriel close enough to whisper, "Turn us invisible please." only loud enough for him to hear.

"What? A girl? Zelda isn't a girl name. Here, gimme." she held her hand out to him and wiggled her fingers for him to hand her the disc case.

@chickenfrogman group

Cage stands and walks to Miki, plopping down beside her.
“Isn’t this big princess lady Zelda??”


Gabriel blushes, but turns them invisible anyways.
Ryder rolls his eyes and sighs.
“Disgusting.” He mumbles.


Miki took the case and looked it over, front and back. "There's a princess? What is this game even about, anyway? I thought it was the little green guy and you go around and… I don't know, kill bad guys and collect magic or something."

Silver smiled, winding her fingers into Gabriel's hair as she pulled him down until his lips touched hers, gently holding him in place in case he panicked.

@chickenfrogman group

Cage shrugs. “Let’s play and find out?”
Ben walks down the stairs and pauses in the kitchen, looking to Cage and Miki.
“It’s… quiet down here.” He states suspiciously.
Cage nods and points towards the hallway. “They’re all hiding.”


Gabriel doesn’t panic, and instead places his hands palm down on the bean bag on either side of her to keep himself balanced.
Ryder fake gags and pulls a thick strand of Kissa’s hair over his shoulder to play with.
“That’s disgusting.” He whispers.


Miki glanced up at Ben and then handed the case back to Cage. "Sure. Is it multiplayer? Or should I just watch you play and mock it?" Silently she thought, Ohhh boy, if Ben finds all the birds in the library, this is gonna get interesting.

Silver relaxed her grip of Gabriel's hair when he didn't freak out, and wrapped her arm around his neck. With her powers, she smacked Ryder as hard as she could on his leg.

@chickenfrogman group

Ryder jumps, then rubs his leg. “Agh! Gabriel, tell your girl not to hit me!” He hisses, but Gabriel ignores.


Ben squints as Cage turns back to Miki.
“I think it’s two player. I don’t wanna play by myself anyway.”
Ben looks to the hallway, still squinting.
Violet told me to leave them alone. But-
He slowly walks down the hallway and pauses in the library doorway, leaning on the frame.
Instead of seeing Gabriel and Silver, like he expected, he only sees Kissa and Ryder. He glares.
“What’s going on in here?”
Ryder turns his head and points to the bean bag. “Gabriel and Sil are here too, I swear. They’re kissing.”


Silver smirked at Ryder's yelp, but continued kissing Gabe until she heard Ben's voice. With a gasp, her eyes flew open and she stared at Gabriel in horror.
Keep us invisible, keep us invisible, keep us invisible.

Miki shrugged. "Okay. I'll play it with you and mock it. Because I'm talented."

@chickenfrogman group

Cage rolls his eyes and turns on the game system. “Wow Miki. Okay do you wanna be princess or blonde guy?”


Ben looks from Ryder and Kissa to the bean bag.
One thing at a time.
He glares back at Ryder.
Deal with what you can see right now.
How do i even deal with this???
Gabriel stays completely still.
We move or make a noise, we die.


"Well, if I'm the Link dude then that makes you the princess so…" Miki laughed. "I don't care. But I'll be the girl if you don't want to be her."

Silver's heart pounded in her ears, but she almost didn't dare to breathe. Slowly she mouthed, "Whatever happens, I love you." to Gabriel.

@chickenfrogman group

Ryder and Ben maintain eye contact and just stare at each other for a few minutes, and Kissa stirs, giving a small sigh in her sleep.
“Y- you need something?” Ryder nervously asks, a little worried by the expression on Ben’s face.

Cage chooses the princess. “Here. Cause I’m real life I’d be the princess and you’d be the crazy sword man.”


Silver slowly glanced over toward Ryder and saw how Kissa was curled up with her arms around him. Well, at least Gabriel and I won't die alone.

Miki snort laughed. "This is true. I'm the farthest thing for a princess ever." She picked up her game controller and crammed another mouthful of crackers in her mouth.

@chickenfrogman group

Cage takes a handful of crackers. “Do you think Ben is gonna kill them all? It’s sad that only minutes ago he liked Ryder.”


Gabriel turns to look at Ryder and sticks his tongue out at him.
This is what you get for throwing us under the bus.
Ben runs a hand through his hair and he turns around and leaves the room, much to Ryders relief, but he turns right back around and walks in closer, standing by Ryders feet.
“Okay, no, I’m not okay with this, get her off of you.”
Ryder sighs. “Serious? She’s sleeping, you’re gonna wake her up?”
Ben glares. “No, you are.”


"Well, he hasn't set anything on fire or killed anyone yet." Miki said through her mouthful. "Which means he's probably gonna do both in short order." the game started and Miki spammed her buttons, promptly getting herself stuck in a wall.

Silver grinned and pressed her lips together. He deserves to be caught between Ben and Kissa since he ratted on us.

@chickenfrogman group

Cage turns to glare at Miki. “Why’d you do that? How am I supposed to get you out of there? That’s a fricken wall mik. Don’t jump at it.”

“Why?” Ryder questions.
Ben’s eyes widen, feeling a bit challenged.
“Because I told you to? This is inappropriate. Stop.”
Ryder raises an eyebrow. “Inappropriate?” Despite not agreeing, he peels Kissa’s arms off of him and pushes her gently to the side. “Happy?”
Ben nods. “Yes. And she didn’t even wake.”
Ryder kicks the bean bag, making Gabriel lose his balance and tumble to the floor, still invisible.


"Uuuuggghhh, I'm sorry." Miki groaned. "I thought I was walking out and then that wall got in my way." She spammed her buttons again and somehow jumped out of the wall. "See? There. All good."

Silver gasped as Gabriel tumbled over her. Her feet got pinned underneath him and she held her breath, staring at Ben.

@chickenfrogman group

Ben watches the bean bag shift and hears Silver gasp.
Oh my word.
I thought he was messing with me.
“Alright you two, turn visible now.” He demands.
Gabriel quickly repositions himself, so he’s sitting on the left side of Silver, and gives her a glance before turning them both visible.
Ryder squints at them.


Cage watches in utter confusion, but decides not to question and begins collecting coins and fighting monsters instead. “You amaze me.” He states, “with your craziness of course.”


Silver sat up straight in the beanbag, hands in her lap, and held her breath, waiting for Ben to murder them all.

Miki batted her eyelashes. "Why thank you. Whoa, rude!" She yelled as something attacked her. "Die die die!" She cried as she beat the monster to death without a weapon.