forum Monsters? These are my children -Ben (o/o with lisapickle)
Started by @chickenfrogman group

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"Whoa!" Miki yelled, pausing in her vacuuming. "You didn't kill him? Man, Ben survived almost being killed by two women this morning. He must be blessed."

Silver rolled her eyes and helped herself to a heap of waffles.

@chickenfrogman group

Violet chokes on her wine, setting the glass in the sink.
Oh goodness I forgot.
“Benjamin!” She scolds. “You- you-“ she growls and takes a deep breath.
Cage bites his lip, trying not to laugh. “Miki, sush! You’re ruining it. He’s gonna get in trouble again now!”


Silver paused and glanced back and forth between Ben and Vi, taking in the wine glass and remembering how Ben had 'forgotten' why they'd been kissing. "Vi, were you gonna kill him because he gave me wine last night?"

Miki cringed and turned the vacuum back on, cleaning up cobwebs in the corners of the ceiling with gusto.

@chickenfrogman group

Ben bites his lip.
Augh, great.
Violet gives him a hard glare, “Yes, Silver. If you didn’t notice, Gabriel was passed out on the floor, and smelled like wine.
Ben has the nerve to give a small chuckle. “Gabriel? He’s 21, yes? He can have-“
“Benjamin, he’s not even human. You had no idea how it would effect him! Besides, he’s never had it before and probably didn’t know what it was.” Her voice raises pitch more than it does volume.
“Vi, you’re overreacting. I didn’t even give it to him! He poured and chugged a gl-“
“-no no no, don’t try that one again. We both know it wasn’t true last time.”
Cage gasps quietly. “Last time?” He repeats to Miki. “I’m loving this.”


"Hey, Violet." Silver said, leaning against the counter. "Seriously, Ben gave me like half a teaspoon to taste. Gabriel grabbed my glass and filled it to the brim and downed it in like four seconds. You know Ben would never give Gabriel any on purpose. If you want to get someone in trouble, do it to Gabe. Apparently he has no self control."

Miki paused her vacuuming, holding the roaring hose up in the air. "She's just gonna sacrifice Gabriel to Vi's wrath?" she said to Cage, but could barely be heard over the noise of the vacuum. "Maybe she is hungover."

@chickenfrogman group

Violet’s glare let’s up a bit and she sighs. “Fine, fine.” She rubs her forehead and turns around. “Where did he go anyways?”

Cage giggles. “I mean, i don’t think he’ll die. Ben is most likely to be killed still.”


Silver pointed to the ceiling. "Attic." She took her waffles into the living room and plopped on the couch. "Assure him that I won't kiss him today. That probably freaked him out."

@chickenfrogman group

Vi nods and heads up the stairs. Ben takes a waffle, setting it on a plate and making himself some coffee.
One of these days I’m really going to die.

Cage flops onto the couch. “Can I have wine next time?”
“No.” Ben states, not bothering to look away from his coffee.


"How did she even–MIKI," Silver yelled. "TURN THAT THING–" she flicked her hand and the noise of the vacuum stopped instantly, leaving a ringing silence in it's place.

"Sil!" Miki squeaked. "I'm trying to clean for Robby!"

"It's still on." Silver said around a mouthful of waffle. "I just made it stop murdering my ears."

Miki held her hand in front of the hose to test it and it immediately sucked her skin again it. "CAGE." Miki cried. "We can have a silent vacuum now!"

Silver swallowed her bite of waffle. "So how did Vi find out about the wine thing anyway?"

@chickenfrogman group

“Maybe because she had to drag you out of Gabriel’s bed.” Cage glares. “Stay out of my room. A teaspoon of wine isn’t going to make you drunk.” He crosses his arms and turns to Miki, looking over the vacuum. “How’d you get it to do that??”


Silver perched her plate on the arm of the couch and drew her legs up to her chest, settling her cloak around her body so only her head and her wings were visible. "I was in Gabriel's bed? And you moved me?" she stared at them in confusion while a piece of waffle floated up from her plate and toward her face. "I would have woken up." she said and opened her mouth to eat the waffle bite.

Miki snorted. "Yeah, no, you were like DEAD. And you weigh like nine hundred pounds. I haven't picked you up since you got wings and I almost dropped you like five times."

Silver raised an eyebrow, unbelieving. "I mean I don't doubt that I slept in Gabriel's bed. I've done that before. But I should have felt you move me."

Miki shook her head. "Nope. And I smelled your breath and Gabriel's and that's how I figured out what had happened. And Vi found the wine glasses but Ben ran away without telling her." She turned to Cage, waving the vacuum hose. "Silver turned the noise off. Isn't this awesome?" she ran the hose up and down the corner of the wall to eat up the spiderwebs.

"I only had like a teaspoon." Silver said. "I don't remember feeling weird or tired or anything. But I also don't remember going to bed so…." she shrugged and ate another waffle bite out of the air.


Silver squinted at him. "You're 'favorite part'? What is wrong with you? No, I don't– Oh wait! Yeah, I do. And you were standing up there on the balcony, right?"


Silver rolled her eyes. "You weirdo. Yes, he bit her and she got super upset because he was acting really strange and feral and he bit her hard. And he has freakin' fangs so it hurt."


"I don't know. I think so. She was fine enough to tackle me to the floor and give me a bloody nose." she paused, horror dawning over her face. "KISSA. Violet, did you see what happened to Kissa??"


Silver scrambled off the couch. "Where did Kissa go?? I didn't see what happened to her and I think I threw her into a wall. Is she okay??"

@chickenfrogman group

Cage stands, “Oh my WORD YOU DID. Kiss! KISSA!” Cage cups his hands to his mouth, calling for her. “Kissa, are you okay???”
Violet scrambles down the steps of the attic, waving a hand. “It’s fine, it’s fine! She’s up here with Gabriel. A little bruised, but okay.”


Silver flew up to the balcony and tore down the hall, barely touching the ladder on her way up to the attic. As she reached the top she slowed her movements to be quieter and crept into the attic. "Kissa?" she whispered. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to throw you like that." She peeked around, looking for her in the dim light.

@chickenfrogman group

There’s a small hiss and it’s hard to tell whether it came from Gabriel or an animal. He sits cross legged in a corner, Kissa laying with her facing his stomach and her head in his lap. His fingers run through her smooth hair and he stares up at Silver. He doesn’t look angry or sad, just normal.


Silver finally found them and clamped a hand over her mouth, her gut churning with horror and remorse. "I'm so sorry." she whispered again, not quite daring to approach them. "Is she okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt her."