forum I wanna roleplay
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people_alt 55 followers


"Huh." Rig fell silent, thinking about the riddle. "Dang, I know this one. Hang on."
It took him a full fifteen minutes of riding along, quietly murmuring the words over and over to himself, sometimes in a different harsh, clipped language, sometimes phrased differently, changing words out, rearranging it, but he finally brightened.
"Your shadow?"

Deleted user

"Yep!" Vozreal said, "here's another one. If eleven plus two equals one, what does nine plus five equal?"

Deleted user

"If eleven o'clock plus two hours equals one 'clock, then nine 'clock plus 5 hours equals two o'clock!"


"Alright, that;s just unfair. You guys use a whole different system of calculating time, no way I coulda got that," Rig complained lightly.


"We're so far up north that the sun almost never sets fully. We either have it, or we don't. So our season's are a lot longer, and our days are all sorts of messed up. My tribe kinda has their own system as well, but it makes it hard to calculate time down south." Rig grinned ruefully. "You should see our calendars, they're wild."

Deleted user

"Oh, thats pretty neat! Heres another riddle! What is it that given one, you'll have either two or none?"
Vozreal asked.


"Ah, that's one used by some people I lived with before…before I met my tribe. But it wasn't really a riddle to them, it's kinda like how people say 'what's the magic word?' to get you to say please, they used it like that." Rig shrugged. "That wasn't my favorite time in my life, that's all."


"Yeah, I got one more. What has a life in the ocean, yet no scales, is hunted by all yet a threat to none, and sings a song all can understand?"


"Yep! That one's not super hard." Rig laughed slightly. "Didn't stop me from puzzling over it for hours as a kid."

Deleted user

The days past by and finally they arrive at the mafia's hideout