@chickenfrogman group
(I didn't know a chick could look like an ice queen, but I'm happy for you XD)(Where's @Rocky?)
(I didn't know a chick could look like an ice queen, but I'm happy for you XD)(Where's @Rocky?)
(that's what i said)
Heylo? Anybody mind if I join? I'm new here :)
(SarahSmiles is my sister)
(she may join right?)
(just ignore my comments on the dead line pls XD)
(Would you repost your character, but over here please?)
(SORRY BABES. I MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE DROPPED OFF THE FACE OF THE INTERNET FOR A WEEK PLUS)(i'm so sorry y'all but i'm back i promise. and y'all were waiting on me *cries)
Silver chewed on her fingernail thoughtfully. "Well, I don't know exactly what I can do but I can manipulate things in the air. I might be able to mask Ben's heat signature? Or block the devices from detecting him? But if I'm the bait I probably wouldn't be able to pay enough attention to keep him hidden if I get distracted." she took a deep breath. "They probably will be combing all over that warehouse since they found us there. You said we haven't sighted anyone there on the cameras since we left?" she turned to Hush (Hush is watching the camera feed right?? sorry if i'm wrong). "That's kind of weird that we haven't seen anyone there since we left, especially if they know there was a good group of us back there when they showed up."
(Dash is watching the camera feed)
Dash glanced up and flicked his hair behind his ear, distracted. "Yes. Maybe they set a trap first and they're waiting for us."
Tod finished his cookie and continued watching everyone. Sung squeezed his hand and let go, listening to the others sift through possibilities.
(Dash is watching the camera feed)
Dash glanced up and flicked his hair behind his ear, distracted. "Yes. Maybe they set a trap first and they're waiting for us."
(that's exactly what Ben was afraid of when they brought up the ambush idea XD)(he gunnu be maaaddd)
Ben's eyes widen in frustration and he lets out a quiet huff.
Нет дух Может быть, потому что засада САМАЯ ОЧЕРЕДНАЯ ПЕРЕМЕЩЕНИЕ, КОТОРОЕ МЫ МОЖНО СДЕЛАТЬ! Aiyaiayi, sometimes I hate you all.
He runs a hand through his hair and Violet eyes him from his left. "What do you think?"
He glares. "I think the idea was stupid in the first place. They're going to expect us to make that move. Why would we make it? But nevermind. We'll just take extra precautions and follow through anyways." he glares out the window for a moment, then looks back over the group.
"They'll definitely have people there, looking over the place. But if we get to the warehouse before them and have already planned escape routes and emergency protocols, that won't matter as much. It'll still be a concern. I think-" He squints at Shadow for a moment before continuing, "I think that Shadow and Hush should be there with Sil, since they're the most likely to get out without being seen if anything happens."
(this group is very awful at communicating XD)
"What was your idea again?" Hush asks, frowning innocently.
"But won't they see us?" For once, Dash isn't hunching like a vulture. "I honestly don't think escape routes or emergency protocols will be helpful. When you're running for your life, you never stop to think 'Okay, turn right here, there should be a trapdoor. Open it and go down the stairs, turn right again and go up the stairs. Exit through a secret doorway quietly and meet up at 13th Street.' You are occupied with just getting away. As for being seen, you're right, but it also solves the problem of them watching the house, because Shadow, Hush and Sil can just become invisible. Hush and Shadow, at least." He immediately returns to hunching.
(they really are XD)(And I'm holding back so many characters right now)(I usually have like 10 plus characters in my RP's, but I can't in this one)(And it's driving me crazy XD)
Ben goes to snap back at Hush, but Violet puts her hands up and starts before him.
"Alright, just calm down. The ambush can work. We do need to be careful though. " She looks over the group once, trying to see if anyone's going to help her out, but gives up and continues. "Escape routes won't work, Dash is right. A place to regroup will. How's that? Why don't we pick a place to regroup afterwards if needed." She glances up to Ben, who immediately looks the opposite way, glaring. She sighs. "Shadow and Hush should be with Silver though, if that's alright with you two. Leo has enough power over electricity to jam their heat signature reading devices, and Cage can help contain Ben's if needed."
Cage bounces. "I like this plan best."
A small smile crosses her face. "Hush and Shadow will need to stay out of sight, but near enough to help Silver if anything goes bad. If Silver acted as if she was waiting for us, they'll (the bad guys) probably just sit and 'wait' for the rest of us to show up. Any ideas on what to have Silver do?"
Silver rubbed her forehead as the conversation gained momentum and ideas began to roll. "Okay so…" she said, trying to make her voice heard amongst everyone else's. "So… if half of us don't like this plan, why are we even trying to make this work? What, exactly, are we trying to accomplish? Aside from potentially getting us all killed?" she raised her head and looked around at them all. "How is this ambush-not-a-plan going to help us?"
(why y'all all have to get on and be busy while i'm at work XD)
(you're allowed to have 10+ characters??) (Did Rocky die???)
"I don't think any of us like this plan, actually," Hush mutters, eyeing Ben. "But we're just trying to figure out what the corporation ((can we call it that?)) is planning, why the kids are being taken, and what the scientists specifically are doing and are going to do to them and us."
"I have a bad feeling," Dash mouths, then remembers to use his voice. "I think they made a breakthrough. Whatever they're experimenting on us for, they - made progress." He darts a glance at Silver. "No one wants to run forever, right? No one wants to jump at their shadow, be constantly looking behind them, keep waking up in cold sweats. We're just kids, we want to lead normal lives. We have the same rights as any other human being - that is to forget to feed the dogs, get nervous about tests, stay up late watching movies, go to the mall, even just take a walk down the street. The problem is that they don't see us as human beings. And they never, ever will. So, unless we find some way, any way to drag every last one of them down, we'll never get to do any of those things." He looks down again. "Impossible as that sounds and probably is, the first step is to collect information. And the way to do that seems to be to capture one of them…"
(Am I allowed to have 10+ characters??? visible excitement)(Did Rocky die? I go check)
Ben bites his lip. "If we want to catch only one then we shouldn't go through with this. They won't send one person to catch us, they'll send over twenty."
Silver nodded. "I agree that we need to be more offensive in learning what's going on and fighting back, but we need to be smarter about this. I'm not afraid to be the bait, but we need to have a better plan than just to use me as bait." she started chewing her fingernail. "We need to figure out a time when it's likely that one or two of their people will be alone, and not in a group or with backup." She glanced up at Ben. "How much do you know about them? Is there anyway to track or observe some of them to know what they're doing and where they are?"
Cage raises a hand, "OH! I know! There's a guy that's always mean to me at the library and-"
Ben glares, shushing him. "Seriously? No, Sil, otherwise I'd have this over with and you wouldn't blasting be here right now."
(him mad)
Silver glared at him and flipped her hand in the air, instinctively snatching up all his fuming energy and condensing it back toward him and away from herself. "It was just a question, Ben. We're all lost here. All we have is a scrap of an idea that I can't even remember who suggested it. We can't make any progress until we figure out what we do or don't know. And if I'm gonna be the bait for this stupid plan, I think I deserve to ask these questions."
(they gon' fite)
"Вы не волнуетесь, заслуживаете право раздражать меня. Просто заткнись, пожалуйста." He waves a hand and turns away. "We don't need the stupid bait plan, that was Hush's idea! Если бы у нас была небольшая группа людей, которые действительно хотели бы cooperate, maybe I could fix this. Вы, ребята, все раздражаете. Даже вы, Violet."
Cage let's out a very small and quiet gasp, "Beni…" He quietly says.
Violet raises an eyebrow. I have no idea what he's saying.
Silver pinched her nose and closed her eyes, not evening bothering to look at him after his slew of Russian. "So everyone thinks the bait plan is dumb. Let's ditch that and find a new stupid plan, maybe one that will work." With that she shoved herself off the couch and marched up the stairs to find a bedroom to hide in.
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