Hush takes the back
Hush takes the back
Sung and Tod find seats in the full car. For Tod, claustrophobic feelings rise a little but dissipate as he tells himself that Sung seems to trust everyone else in the car. It's okay for now.
(Lol, all of the seats are full now XD)(They picked up too many strays)
Violet turns the car on and smoothly pulls out, driving back to the house. They enter the rich neighborhood and pull into Ben's garage. She turns the car off and closes the garage door.
"Make sure not to break anything." She says before climbing out of the vehicle and leading the way into the house.
Ben stands from the couch as Violet walks in. His greeting smile turns into more of a glare as the steady flow of people doesn't stop till… now? 7 people… 10 counting him, Dash and Sil. He sighs quietly before taking Violets coat and hanging it up.
(No matter what RP I'm in, everyone always ends up in Ben's house XD)
Sung smiles at Violet's warning of sorts. Ben's house, then?
She helps Tod out of his coat and hangs both of theirs up before taking his hand again and following the others farther into the house.
Leo and shadow get out of car and walked inside the house
Shadow asked “what are all of your powers?”
Violet dusts herself off. "I'm Violet Parks. I have Earth, I think."
Cage waves a hand up and smiles, "I'm Cageually Azil! I can freeze somethings…"
“ Great mine is shadow leaving my element is air”
Ben runs his fingers through his hair before rolling his eyes, quietly huffing and retreating to the kitchen.
Почему люди умножаются ?? Тьфу.
He starts another pot of coffee.
Они толпятся в моем доме и делают меня слишком горячим. He wipes down the counters, Is there a such thing as too hot?
(btw, Peter, we're all using Google Translate to translate Ben cause)(He speaks Russian)(A lot)(And the translations are pure gold)
Shadow pipes up “so what’s his power”
"oh my WORD" Silver cried as everyone came tromping in. "I thought you were gonna pick up one person?" She tucked her wings tightly behind her as everyone filtered through the rooms. I didn't think I was claustrophobic but… She took a deep breath and eased herself out of the socializing until she found a quiet corner in the upstairs lounge where she could listen but not be caught up in everything.
Hush doesn't say anything but she agrees. Who even are these people and why should I tolerate them? She glares at Violet behind her back.
Dash looks up quickly when the door opened again. Hush, Violet, Leo, Cage, check. Friend of Leo, check. Unnaccounted-for, alarming, random, menacing strangers, check. He stares at the three motionlessly as Hush sits down next to him with a breeze.
(good idea, Sil)
Violet finds Ben in the kitchen, and they start to whisper a bit.
Ben runs his hands through his hair and looks over Todd and Sung while glaring.
She nods, "I know, I know. But I know her. And she is an elemental."
He turns his glare to Violet, but looks away after a moment and starts to gently rub his collar bone.
"Fine. Мой дом большой в любом случае."
Cage turns to Shadow, "who's element?"
“The angry Russian in the kitchen” shadow said
Cage's eyes go wide and he shushes Shadow.
"Shhhh! You'll make him mad!" He whispers.
"He's fire, so don'y mess with him. I think he's in charge, since we're in his house. He's my brother, Beni."
Leo said back “don’t be so rude”
Cage smiles a bit, "though he is Russian and he is in the kitchen… but he's just irritated, not mad."
“Why does she have wings” shadow asked
Leo answered “she is an air elemental just like you”
“Really, finally someone who I could relate to” shadow said
Shadow started walking up the stairs where the other air elemental was
Cage watches as Shadow starts to trudge upstairs. He makes his way towards him and takes his arm.
"Hey, um, you should stay down here for now. Introduce yourself to Ben and maybe grab something to eat. I think Sil wants to be left alone."
(nice save)
“Fine” he said reluctantly he started walking back down the stairs towards the kitchen
Bless you, Cage. Silver silently thanked him as she squeezed herself between a chair and the wall, having found a Russian dictionary of one of Ben's shelves. She wasn't sure why exactly she had grabbed the dictionary, but hopefully it would distract her from getting too anxious and breaking things again. There were just too many people in the house and she could feel them all.
“So your Ben” he said in ben’s direction “ My name is shadow levang”
(poor Sil)
Ben looks over the people, his heart pounding and his eyebrows creased. Violet takes his hand.
"Look, why don't you calm down for a little while. Once everyone is settled and done chattering we can go over plans."
He exhales. "Это звучит хорошо."
He lets go of her hand and weaves through the scattered people to the stairs and heads up, subconsciously looking for his anxious child.
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