(Welcome stranger) (Alrighty let us skip to the next morning then)
(Welcome stranger) (Alrighty let us skip to the next morning then)
(yus)(okie let's say it's like 5am and they're up and eating)(Or getting up to eat)(They were told to get up at 5am and then they'd pick peeps to go)(How's that?)
Cage sits up on his bean bag, stretching and yawning. He scratches his head through his whipsy, white blonde hair and slowly blinks open his small, blue eyes. He glances at the clock and smiles.
Yus. I love morning!
He stands and does some stretches before bouncing into the bathroom and changing into new clothes. (cause Ben definitely has clothes for Cage in his home XD)
He bounces down the stairs, slowing down once being shushed by Violet. He skips over to her and hugs her.
"Good morning!" He whispers squeakily.
She ruffles his hair, smiling.
"Good morning, Cage."
Hush is still twitching even after Dash brushes his hair and teeth so he bends down to force her eyes open. She lunges at him but he's already jumped back. After a moment he follows her downstairs, glad night's gone.
Ben stands in the far corner of the room, leaning against the wall with coffee in his hand and his head in a Russian book. He glares over the book at Hush as she descends the stairs.
Violet flashes the two a good morning smile, obviously being a morning person herself.
"There's eggs and biscuits if you'd like some," she offers, gesturing to a counter set neatly with food.
"No," Hush growls, for no reason since she goes over and starts eating eggs and biscuits. Dash stares around hopelessly. He cautiously approaches Ben and tries to lean on the wall hotly too. "…What are you reading?"
Leo walked into the room “mornin” his hair even more messy than usual
(lol, Dash)(I just)(I laughed so hard I cried)(Omo, I think I'm tired XD XD)
Cage bounces in the kitchen behind Hush and gets himself a plate.
"Wow, you're hungry." He states, watching Hush devour her food.
Ben raises an eyebrow at Dash.
"Tili Tili Bom. Yeh ne dumayu, chto tebe ponravitsya." He states in Russian. A sly grin crosses his face for half a second, and he continues, "Nothing you could read. Obviously."
Violet smiles to Leo.
"Good morning! There's food if you're hungry."
(Would you guys rather I put Ben's Russian in actual Russian form or the pronunciation? Because like, the pronunciation isn't hard to read and is obviously another language, but if I put it in Russian form when he speaks Russian, you can go look it up on Google Translate.)(His thoughts will always be in Russian form)
(actual Russian please)
Silver remained curled up on the couch where she had slept, doggedly denying the fact that she was awake and periodically groaning as each person entered the room and the noise level rose.
(silver is actually me)
(lol he's just bein smol bean) (actual Russian, I rely on Google Translate)
Hush decides not to glare at Cage, nods, and directs the glare at Dash instead.
He doesn't notice, studying his feet. "Then…what's it about?"
Leo looked up at the clock “so it’s 5:00 AM we’ll meet him at 6:30 am who wants to go with me?”
(Leo, it's 5am)
(lol he's just bein smol bean) (actual Russian, I rely on Google Translate)
Hush decides not to glare at Cage, nods, and directs the glare at Dash instead.
He doesn't notice, studying his feet. "Then…what's it about?"
Ben turns his eyes back to his book.
"A murder back in Russia." He waits a few moments before deciding to continue, ".. do you read?" He asks quieter.
(Sorry missed that)
Leo looked up at the clock “so it’s 7:00 AM we’ll meet him at 8:00 am who wants to go with me?”
(it's okay)
"We're meeting him at 6am. Where are you meeting?"
“An ally near by about 10 miles away.near the park”
Ben chokes on his coffee, setting his book down open on the couch.
"An alley?!"
Violet rolls her eyes and glares.
"Sounds good, Leo. Thank you."
“Ben it’s fine I’ve lived around there for awhile “
Ben's eyes widen in irritation and he picks his book back up rather angrily, leaning against the wall yet again.
An alley. Huh. That's it. We're all going to be caught.
"Yeah." Dash looks at Violet uneasily. "A lot. Usually not murders."
Ben bite the inside of his lip, trying to read and not stress over the alley idea.
"Hmm. What would you read then?"
(enthusiastic applause)
"I mean, I like moral gray and you find that a lot in murders." Dash drummed his fingers on the wall, staring off. "But real life is so crazy a lot of murders are boring in comparison. Fantasy and science fiction have a lot of neat little sub genres so it's hard to say which I like."
Ben glares down at his book.
An alley. Geez.
"Hmm,.." he mumbles, flipping the page and toning the world out.
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