Judson took the aura and started looking. Wisps of fire aura started appearing around him. "I can see her. She's in some sort of portal, stuck in the middle of it. She's about 50 miles away from here." Judson said as the aura around him was fading.
Luma imediately shifted his brother following suit, "Can you show us the way?" he asked motioning for Laurette to mount Firiko, and Judson to get on.
"Yeah abosulutley lets go." said Judson as he got on to fly with Luma.
Luma barked once, and took a running takeoff, with Firiko leaping up for a more vertical climb, Soon the two were circling over judson's house gliding higher and higher. "Which way do we go?" he called.
"Go straight for about 20 miles after that I will tell you where to go." said Judson as Luma took off from the ground.
Luma barked a command to his frivoulous brother who had decided to impress Laurette with fancy flying he struck out due north…
"Where is your brother going?" Judson asked Luma.
"Nowhere" said Luma "He just likes fancy flying" "Cut it out bro! We have to save energy!" he said rebuking his brother a bit more harshly. "Jeeze Luma, I'm just trying to have a little fun!" came Firiko's sheepish reply as he leveled with Luma.
(Sorry I took so long. I had so much homework last night.) "He seems fun. Are you guys close?" Judson asked Luma.
"Yeah," said Luma diving a little lower to get out of the clouds.
"That's nice. I was really close with my older brother." said Judson. "Alright only about another 5 miles before we have to turn." he said to Luma.
Luma rumbled in reply and dove a little lower to pick up speed before soaring higher on an updraft.
"The view up here is amazing. You must love flying any time you can." said Judson as he admired the amazing scenery before his eyes. He wished he had such an amazing ability like Luma does.
Luma couldn't help grinning at that,
Firiko pulled up beside him, "You got a point pal! I know for a fact I can never get tired of it!
"Liar" growled Luma surging ahead.
"What are you talking about?!" Aksed Firiko indignantly
"Have you ever managed to keep up with me for 6 moons straight without stopping?" laughed Luma
"I've been able to fly longer than you!" Shouted Firiko indignantly,
"Yeah yeah.. but you still can't go as long as me…"
Judson just listented to the brothers banter back and forth with each other missing getting to do things like this with his own brother. "I wish I could still have this." Judson whispered to himself.
"Can too!!" retorted Firiko,
"No. You can't." said Luma closing the argument. "Hey Judson how much far-"
He froze for a spilt second, nearly falling out of the sky and just barely managing to keep gliding. His brother Firiko was doing the same. Both of them were tense, ears flattened, as they glided along.
"Luma! Firiko! HELP ME!!!" came the frightened cry of pain
"SHIARA!" both of them yelled, a call of reassurance and anger.
Luma's wings and fur suddenly gained black streaks as he summoned his aura and dived. Firiko followed suit, a Silver aura becoming visible around him. once out of the cloud cover Luma dropped back, gliding in Firiko's wake. suddenly his eyes became blue and if you were looking you would've seen Luma, in ghostly blue human form, diving down towards the trees.
Suddenly Luma and Firiko heard their sister.
They started summoning their auras and flying after her. Judson was just hanging on as best he could. They were going so fast he didn't know what was going to happen.
He heard a girl shreak and realized that she must be their sister, Shiara, who was in grave danger. Hopefully she is going to be ok. We will be there soon and the twins and I will be able to help her get to safety I'm sure of it, Judson reassured himself.
Firiko really wanted to nosedive when he heard the shriek but he also knew that Luma needed him as a guide while in that state…..
Suddenly Luma's eyes reverted to normal and he dove straight down.
Firiko saw Luma's dive and followed him immediately.
"Luma is she gonna be ok?" asked Judson
"Assuming we get there fast enough yes" said Luma with a growl wincing as the mark on his left shoulder burned even more…
Judson was afraid that he might fall off at this speed. I comepletely understand how he feels though.
Soon luma pulled out of the dive, gliding incredibly fast over the trees. Firiko dove lower, hoping his rider Laurette could handle some highspeed flying through the trees as he let his dive pull him into the trees where he pulled level just inches from the ground and proceeded to wing it through the trees at an incredibly fast speed.
Judson felt Luma swoop lower towards the ground while he was trying to take in every aspect of this amazing view that he could. He was really enjoying this more then he thought that he should be, because they are trying to save Luma and Firiko's sister, but he still wanted to take advantage of this oppurtunity to look at all of the beautiful secenry around him.
Luma tensed a little as he heard his sister's cry of fury from a small clearing up ahead. and he sped up to meet it.
Firiko heard the cry too, and it was only a few seconds longer before he broke into the clearing, landed, And surrounded the beast that was in the clearing with a collumn of bright red fire. He howled to Luma as his brother came into veiw, spiralling down and landing near a cylindrical container. They heard shouting and thumping from inside the container, "Get! ME! OUT!" came the cry, Luma padded around the container until he came to a window where he could see inside. Inside there was a girl with short red-gold hair, and unlike her brothers she had green eyes, and slightly darker skin. "GET ME OUT!" she yelled at Luma, clearly furious.