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She’s from an anime called Konosuba! If you haven’t seen it I recommend it! It’s really good!

What kind of anime is it?

It’s a small magic adventure style anime.

From what I've seen and heard, it's one normal guy traveling around with a bunch of pretty useless female companions. They're all good characters, but they all have something that gimps their fighting ability.

Deleted user

She’s from an anime called Konosuba! If you haven’t seen it I recommend it! It’s really good!

What kind of anime is it?

It’s a small magic adventure style anime.

From what I've seen and heard, it's one normal guy traveling around with a bunch of pretty useless female companions. They're all good characters, but they all have something that gimps their fighting ability.

Yeah. Aqua(the first girl on the team) is a goddess, and Kazuma(main protag) drags poor Aqua into a magical world where they meet Megumein and Darkness. All the girls are Waifus. Darkness is powerful, but misses a lot (and is weirdly kinky). Megumein is powerful, but uses a spell called explosion, while amazing, can only be used once. Aqua, well… she is a support party, she has very useless spells, and some healing spells. Kazuma is the well rounded character, and he isn’t your normal boring protagonist, all his interactions with the three girls are sooooo funny, emotional, or even downright serious.

Deleted user

giggle ok boomer

(my predicted speech already predicts ‘boomer’ when I type in ok)

@Reblod flag

Hello again I thought I'd just swoop on in and show you the finals I was freaking out over a while ago. I still hate them but they have been submitted and I didn't fail so that's good

..on another note here are some character references that I liked

..and also this rough painting while I'm at it

Deleted user

and then there's me just going "holy heck. how?????"

A hoollllleeeee lot of dedication and practice my homie


Aaaaaaah how did I not know you were so good at drawing???

Some of me requesting from others and the others are people requesting to me


to be honest, the colors don't look that bad to me, they're cold colors so they kinda work
The saturation might need some tweaking, but you probably had no control over it
I love how it looks ovo

Deleted user

Ye i feel like a darker green would’ve worked (oo it’s the joker lmaoo) but it works really well with the blue eyes. The proportions are just a little wonky tho

@saor_illust school

It's probably one of those coloured pencils that claim to be blue but looks purple, or it's like a blue-purple pencil.

And no, it's not just you, I can definitely see how that looks like a purple. (And a blue too.)