forum Show off Your Art!!!
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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Step one: bullshit your way through a sketch
Step two: lineart and color
Step three: cry and then hide the flaws with white gel pen

Digital art version:

Step one: bullshit your way through a sketch
Step one and a half: second sketch, if you're an overachiever who likes to flex on everybody else
Step two: lineart
Step two and a half: oops wrong layer start over
Step three: cry at the realization that you messed up a perfectly good drawing with the lineart
Step four: try the lineart again
Step four and a half: did you really forget to lock your sketch layer after step 2.5
Step four and three quarters: yes. yes you did. start over.
Step five: color
Step six: cry because the color never looks good
Step seven: bullshit your way through the nightmare that is shading
Step eight: cry and maybe pass out from exaustion
Step nine: shit you forgot to save and Krita crashed
Step ten: start again at step one


Step one: bullshit your way through a sketch
Step two: lineart and color
Step three: cry and then hide the flaws with white gel pen

Digital art version:

Step one: bullshit your way through a sketch
Step one and a half: second sketch, if you're an overachiever who likes to flex on everybody else
Step two: lineart
Step two and a half: oops wrong layer start over
Step three: cry at the realization that you messed up a perfectly good drawing with the lineart
Step four: try the lineart again
Step four and a half: did you really forget to lock your sketch layer after step 2.5
Step four and three quarters: yes. yes you did. start over.
Step five: color
Step six: cry because the color never looks good
Step seven: bullshit your way through the nightmare that is shading
Step eight: cry and maybe pass out from exaustion
Step nine: shit you forgot to save and Krita crashed
Step ten: start again at step one


@tiredandconfused group

All of your guys' art looks so good!! :00 (and I feel you on the digital art problems)
I just recently did this piece with my OC because I'm trying to get more into drawing backgrounds and I ended up being really proud of the finished product

Deleted user

Step one: bullshit your way through a sketch
Step two: lineart and color
Step three: cry and then hide the flaws with white gel pen

Digital art version:

Step one: bullshit your way through a sketch
Step one and a half: second sketch, if you're an overachiever who likes to flex on everybody else
Step two: lineart
Step two and a half: oops wrong layer start over
Step three: cry at the realization that you messed up a perfectly good drawing with the lineart
Step four: try the lineart again
Step four and a half: did you really forget to lock your sketch layer after step 2.5
Step four and three quarters: yes. yes you did. start over.
Step five: color
Step six: cry because the color never looks good
Step seven: bullshit your way through the nightmare that is shading
Step eight: cry and maybe pass out from exaustion
Step nine: shit you forgot to save and Krita crashed
Step ten: start again at step one

Hell I feel Step ten.

Deleted user

@Mosis there be a shep thread on the General Chat forums now :D

( :O @ me pls)


@Mosis there be a shep thread on the General Chat forums now :D

( :O @ me pls)

(Go check it out. I also just posted a fluffy shep story)


First time using Clip Studio- Thoughts??? (Please excuse the extremely visible line art. I tried, y'all ¯_(ツ)_/¯)

@saor_illust school


also @Kefi that's amazing !! if i may ask, what brushes did you use for the colouring? i've been moving over to csp as well, but i still can't figure out how to use the brushes for colouring besides the g-pen tool- LJKFDSKJLFDSKJL


Step four and a half: did you really forget to lock your sketch layer after step 2.5

wait ash you only use one sketch layer????? (for each sketch, ofc)

You use more than one? Like, I only use one sketch total. Lineart is my cleanup layer

@saor_illust school

Step four and a half: did you really forget to lock your sketch layer after step 2.5

wait ash you only use one sketch layer????? (for each sketch, ofc)

You use more than one? Like, I only use one sketch total. Lineart is my cleanup layer

i mean,,, yeah??
almost always two, so i can cleanup everything first before starting lineart-

oh also i forgot to mention when i say sketch layer i really mean a whole folder of at least 15 different sketch layers-

@Katastrophic group

From stream~
Just the flats for now, but here's betrayal featuring a cameo from my purple traitor friend, angry red friend bro, and my 'sleeping' roommate who has no clue what's going on in the game.