I'll be upgrading the database tonight (when this post is about 10 hours old) which will result in the site being down for approximately 10-15 minutes.
During this time, I'll also be pushing out several security updates, a few minor fixes and improvements to the forums and the rest of the site, and more optimizations to keep pages loading faster and faster. Also in this release will be the ability to send people private messages from a link on their profile, and several fixes around PMs in general.
Thanks for your patience. Happy worldbuilding!
Thanks, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) and I like the sound of the release, with the whole 'private messages from a link on a profile' it would definitely make it much easier for the people to access it
Thank you so much, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)!
(I'll be starting the maintenance shortly.)
Thank you andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) for what you do!
Thank you andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), you're wonderful
Does that mean the amount of threads you haven’t opened before?
The blue box with the unread, I mean.
Yep, the blue box is incorrect for all users right now. I'll have it fixed shortly.
Thank you
I was so freaked when I saw like one thousand something
Maintenance has concluded. Please let me know if anything seems off or broken and I will investigate.
You'll also notice PMs function a bit better now, especially in the dropdown when selecting users. Additionally, you'll see this new button on user profiles that will allow you to start a conversation via PM with that user (or open an existing one if you already have one):
You'll also see a bit of a styling change on the forums, helping users better find where their unread notifications are coming from. You'll now see a little bell icon next to each messageboard with unread threads that you are following. By default, you follow your own threads, threads you respond to, and threads you're mentioned in. You can change these preferences in your forum settings.
Thank you, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)! :)
Thank you for this cool update! Does this now mean that @mentions should be working?
@Riorlyne I think so. One way to find out! (Will be mentioning you elsewhere shortly :P)
I just mentioned you on a dead thread - did it show up?
D'oh, looks like I need to dig more into mentions. Doesn't look like they're working quite yet. I'll spend some time tomorrow investigating and see if I can get it working shortly. Thanks for the assist.
All right! Let me know if you need any testing help with it at that point. :)
Thank you @andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) !!! You do so much for us, so, thank you!
throws confetti with sad birthday noise
Thanks, everyone.
As a follow-up to this, it looks like we had some kind of hardware failure last night (no lost data, but it looks like several servers weren't being used overnight). I've asked our host to look into the issue and will be working with them today to get everything hunky-dory again.
Thank andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer).
Thanks so much andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)!
Thank you! We appreciate you and this site!