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@Axel commented
0 unread of 98 threads
Official announcements regarding and the forums.
@Akmedrah commented
General Worldbuilding
0 unread of 414 threads
All about creating new worlds, universes, and ideas: anything goes.
@Paker commented
0 unread of 3,425 threads
Meet new characters, share your own, and create believable souls together.
@korixkj commented
0 unread of 50 threads
Humans aren't the only race in a lot of worlds. Elves, dwarves, orcs, oh my! What races are in your world?
Levina commented
0 unread of 16 threads
Far out worlds call for far out worldbuilding. What's in your galaxy?
@Cackla-the-Phantasma commented
0 unread of 8 threads
People of all kinds eat and drink things of all kinds. Come eat, drink, and be merry!
BrunoFarmer commented
0 unread of 25 threads
The plants, flowers, trees, and other nature that paint a rich landscape in your world.
@Gabriel_Binette commented
0 unread of 114 threads
Explore anywhere from downtown Kansas City to the furthest reaches of space.
@Xiyeld commented
0 unread of 156 threads
Magicbuilding could have an entire site dedicated to it. But here’s a forum to start!
@MossyBlahaj commented
0 unread of 145 threads
Lions and tigers and dragons, oh my! Show off your beasts!
@Serpentess commented
0 unread of 56 threads
Building new religions for your world? Chat about deities, followers, rituals, texts, and more.
@Cackla-the-Phantasma commented
0 unread of 50 threads
Sci-fi brothers, unite! This is the place for all your crazy awesome technologies.
@Cackla-the-Phantasma commented
0 unread of 11 threads
Share the legends, myths, fables, and tales that breathe life into your world.
@Axel commented
0 unread of 5 threads
Holidays, superstitions, customs, and more. What traditions are there in your world?
@Eli-the-transboi commented
0 unread of 9 threads
Get help with jobs you don't know much about, or talk about brand new jobs from your world.
Lisandre commented
0 unread of 72 threads
Linguistics, phonotactics, vexillogy, scripts, and more! Are you constructing your own language?
Lisandre commented
0 unread of 5 threads
Caves, waterfalls, ruins, mountains—whatever your world has. If it's a landmark, it belongs here.
Lisandre commented
0 unread of 49 threads
Good conditions, bad conditions, and more. What affects the characters in your world?
@Null-Gravity commented
0 unread of 10 threads
From Hogwarts to Walkerville to Brakebills, schools educate every new generation in our worlds.
@Kefi commented
0 unread of 38 threads
From legendary items to the most common things lying around your world, items encompass your world's *things*.
Lyman commented
0 unread of 7 threads
Sports seem to naturally emerge in of every world. What crazy sports are in your world?
@Travesty commented
0 unread of 52 threads
Every world’s got ‘em. Some worlds like them, and some certainly don’t. What’s The Man like in your world?
@Travesty commented
General Writing
0 unread of 950 threads
We’re all writers here, and we all know the need to just chat about writing sometimes. Anything writing-related goes!
@Serenity88 commented
Sharing & Critiques
0 unread of 768 threads
Share stories, snippets, and pages to get feedback!
@the-void-phantasmic commented
Writing Prompts
0 unread of 175 threads
Need a little writing fuel or warm-up? Browse tons of writing prompts here to write on, or share your own!
@EldritchHorror-Davadio commented
Plot Factory
0 unread of 349 threads
Need some help with your plot? Trying to come up with a new one? Need to fix that one tiny problem? We can help!
@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror commented
National Novel Writing Month
0 unread of 91 threads
National Novel Writing Month is in November! Discuss your progress, find writing buddies, and talk all things NaNoWriMo.
@Eli-the-transboi commented
0 unread of 3,799 threads
For one-on-one, small group, closed, or otherwise space-limited roleplaying.
@knightinadream commented
Wildcard Roleplaying
0 unread of 4,104 threads
See and live worlds through the eyes of your characters here. Any and all genres welcome!
@Serenity88 commented
Fantasy Tavern
0 unread of 228 threads
Roleplays set in fantastical worlds, pretty different from our own. Find crazy beasts, magic, and more.
@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror commented
Fandom World
0 unread of 543 threads
For all roleplaying containing pre-created characters or places from books, movies, video games, etc.
@Elise_Is_Feeling_Very_Homosexual_Rn commented
Beginner's Lounge
0 unread of 103 threads
Never roleplayed before? Any genre goes, and beginners are very welcome!
@gay_corgi commented
Character Chats
0 unread of 249 threads
From the point of view of your characters, this board was born for character chats and Q&As.
Dr. Sunzy commented
0 unread of 120 threads
For all contemporary roleplaying set in a world and time very similar to our own.
@Serenity88 commented
0 unread of 53 threads
When your world is set in the future, it’s probably futuristic. Dystopias (and utopias) very welcome!
@Toxic_Persephone commented
Genre Lounges
Mixed bag
0 unread of 37 threads
Everything else (even the other genres with lounges) — any genre goes here!
@Dayzed commented
Science Fiction
0 unread of 22 threads
When tech takes your story to the next level, discuss SF here.
@Cackla-the-Phantasma commented
Dungeons & Dragons
0 unread of 72 threads
Roleplaying, campaigns, and other D&D stuff
viper commented
0 unread of 27 threads
Boy meets Girl. Girl visits forums. Boy does too.
@Serenity88 commented
0 unread of 58 threads
Fantasy worlds full of magic, kingdoms, races, and more.
@Eli-the-transboi commented
0 unread of 18 threads
Worlds set in the good ol’ old times of the past
@HighPockets commented
0 unread of 7 threads
Stories with suspense, anticipation, anxiety, and... thrills!
Deleted user commented
0 unread of 5 threads
For all kinds of mystery chats: detective, crime, whodunnit, and more.
@Nightmare_Eclipse commented
0 unread of 9 threads
Stories set in our world — or at least an Earth-like world
@StarryWolfy commented
Topic Q&A
0 unread of 192 threads
Are you an expert in anything? Start a thread here about it and help others by letting them ask you questions!
TandyAngie commented
0 unread of 106 threads
Requests/offers for your art, map-drawing, and other skills you can share with other worldbuilders.
@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire commented
0 unread of 31 threads
Share your tips, tutorials, and guides on all things worldbuilding, writing, revising, and publishing.
@Morals-are-for-mortals commented
General Chat
0 unread of 5,628 threads
Come on in and introduce yourself! All are welcome for all kinds of chat!
tomatotomato commented
TV Shows
0 unread of 175 threads
We know you love TV shows. Talk about them here!
@Serenity88 commented
0 unread of 164 threads
Painting, drawing, sculpting, sketching, photography, and more. Art lovers unite!
@NikolaNiks commented
Video Games
0 unread of 173 threads
What are you playing? Talk about it or find people to play with here.
Levina commented
0 unread of 81 threads
What hobbies interest you?
@m1dn1g7t_ri0ts_13 commented
0 unread of 217 threads
Love music? So do we! Music lovers very welcome!
@m1dn1g7t_ri0ts_13 commented
0 unread of 167 threads
What's your favorite book? What are you reading now? What are you reading next?
@Serenity88 commented
0 unread of 103 threads
See a movie you liked? Disliked? We probably saw it too; let's talk.
@Serpentess commented