•Possible Quotes•

And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of names of blasphemy with seven heads and ten horns. The woman was garbed in purple and scarlet, and gilded with gold, gems and pearls, and bearing a golden goblet in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication. Babylon, the domain that embodies evil on earth, burns with huge explosions of flame and smoke in the distance, and from the upper left come the armies of heaven, led by the knight Faithful-and-True. -- Revelation 17:3-4.

"The world doesn’t revolve around you. You're just along for the ride."

 "Everyone has their demons. Will we judge based solely on those?"

 "It brings out things in ponies that, under normal circumstances, wouldn't be brought out." (Twilight Sparkle in a dream)

 "You can't understand what it's like. Constantly finding, or searching for, a deeper meaning in everything. Seeing the past, present and future all at once...and not even with my abilities. Always caught between the layers of time." -- Dahliah

 "I've lived countless lives.....thousands of years worth of memories, each lived in a few seconds."‎ -- Dahliah

 "He who babbles knows not what he speaks..."

 "Wake me up! Wake me up!!!" they screamed, voice gurgling. "I CAN'T WAKE UP!!! WAKE ME UP!!!"

  "Wait -- I remember seeing something, in a library -- a legend of sorts."
 "Well, let's go find it, then!"
 "Wait, what? We can't just leave, not with Starlight on the loose!"
 "We have to know what we're up against!" -- Dahliah and Twilight.

  "You -- ponies -- are too soft. Why don't we get you some armor? -- Sombra

  "Sometimes, you make decisions, and they make you dead." -- Mysterious Stallion

  "I can do whatever I want. You have no power over me."
 "Yes, I f--" (Pause)
 (Soft chuckle) "You see? am the one who has power over you."
 "No, you don't. Because it's not a matter of power -- it's a matter of will."

  "As I was once nothing, soon you shall be nothing."

  "Now I'll believe that Unicorns exist, and that there's a tree in Arabia where the phoenix lives." -- Shakespeare, The Tempest

 "How so! I plunge, plunge without fail my blood-black saber into your soul, that art God neither wants nor wists, it leaps to the brain from Hell's black mists. Till heart's bewitched, till senses reel; with Satan I have struck my deal. He chalks the signs, beats time for me. I play the death march fast and free." -- Karl Marx

 "A lie told often enough becomes the truth."

  "There is always three, and always a fourth."

  He shrugged. "It's not murder if you're killing a monster."

  "Believe...in the beauty...of your nightmares."
-- somebody XD

"(Do something) like there's no tomato."
*Confused look* "Tomato?"

"We aren't the only ones who can stop him. There might be others out there who can help us --"
"Yeah, well, we can't just sit on our haunches and wait for them to come. We don't have that kind of luxury." 

"Now is the time for a new, more capable leader to rule you. Those who defy me will die, like your king." Sombra, TLOTCE

‎"You cannot do this. It is not our destiny to love like this."
"Sister, please listen to Celestia."
"No! What do you two know about destiny? All you do is raise and lower the sun and the moon -- I read the stars! This is my destiny." -- Andromeda, Stardust
"Just as Celestia is keeper of the sun, and I of the moon, our sister was keeper of the stars." 
-- Luna, at some point ;)

"She's not who we think she is. Isn't that right -- Queen Nebula?"
"What are you talking about, pony? Who is 'Queen Nebula'?"
"You are. Your adopted brother, Coal, was possessed by an angry dragon king. After you helped your daughters escape him, in his anger he placed a powerful curse upon you. This is the outcome." -- Twi and Chrysalis

"I hurt myself...so that I don't hurt the ones I love."

"No one can make me bleed my own blood."
