The Dragon Amulet (Scratchpad)

(aight when you get hosers to read this, copy-paste the whole thing into a separate doc, then give eef's account permission to contribute. readers can write down notes as they read, if they'd like.)

if you have strong thoughts regarding certain scenes, characters, lines of dialogue, etc, insert these () and please write them down as they come to you. This will make it easier for me to address things that might need changing. 

(hmm, perhaps start with some sort of event, like jousting haha. flurry is super into it, and then she sees some memories)

Modern-day jousting: There are three passes to a match. 1 point for broken lance, that breaks at the top; 2 points for a break in the meat of the lance (the thick part); 3 points to an unhorsing or a coronal break (the metal fitting on the tip of the lance). The goal of the joust of peace is to break the lance without killing your opponent. 

So how does this translate into MLP? Would the Crystal Ponies use a breakable lance? What would they make it out of? Ooh they do have trees, I can see them here and there around the houses. So they COULD make breakable lances. And if they don't have the materials themselves, they can get imports. Next, the point is to break your opponent's lance, and/ or toss the opponent. 

I don't think it would be too much to assume that Rainbow knows next to nothing about jousting. So she sees the picture of ponies jousting in one of the Empire's books and thinks that's exactly how it works -- except it was probably a stylized picture and/or the featured ponies were using ornamental gear. 

"Welcome everypony, to the annual Crystal Empire jousting tournament! Coming onto the field are some of the finest jousters you will ever see, let's give them a big round of applause!" 

A jolly fanfare began to play as () jousters trotted onto the field. The air rang with the sound of cheering, stomping, and hundreds of hoofs clapping in unison. 

Their ()'s stood nearby, raising posts high in the air that proudly bore the flags of their knights. 

"Let me introduce you to our jousters. Hailing from our very own Crystal Empire, -"

"Competing against him, -"

"And here to spectate with us today, the royal family; King Shining Armor, the lovely Queen Cadence, and princess Flurry Heart!"

Anypony not visiting the field as a spectator would (not be looked down on?) for hearing the distant stomping of hooves and mistaking the sound for thunder. Within the stadium, the sound was almost deafening, and the young princess squished her ears down against her head with both hooves.

She felt a tap on her (direction?) shoulder and looked up to see her mother looking at her. "You'll get used to it, honey."

On her (other side), her father leaned in and whispered behind a hoof, "You don't have to worry about it once your hearing goes."

The two of them snickered and Cadence rolled her eyes.

"For those not hailing from the Crystal Empire, the rules are quite simple. There are three passes in each match, and three blows to be exchanged. The jousters will be aiming to score points; should their lance-tip break cleanly it will be one point they are awarded. 

Sunlight danced off each rattling set of armor as the jousters (sidestep thingy?), snorting and tossing their heads. 

Flurry's ear twitched. She frowned and pawed briefly at it, then returned her attention to the jousters. After a moment, it twitched again. Amidst the roar of the crowd, something seemed to be tickling her ear, deep down on the inside, like the whisper of a distant sound. She felt it wriggling like a worm through soil, getting closer to the surface, until-


Flurry jumped in surprise. A shadow was cast over the field. She heard the pounding of hooves and watched as a crowd of ponies charged through the field. They came from the direction of the castle, eyes and mouths wide in unhinged terror. Somepony charged right past her, almost knocking her over, and she threw a hoof up in defense-

"Woah, Flurry, what's going on?"

She threw her hoof down and glanced all around herself, panting in shock. The shadow had passed, and sunlight dazzled her vision. There was no crowd of charging ponies. Just grandstands filled with sitting ones.

Her father was the one who had spoken, his tone a mixture of humor and bewilderment. Now the latter was stamped cleanly across his face as he studied her, tilting his head to one side.

"Hey, you okay?"

She was sprawled on the floor next to her chair. She must have tumbled right off it. Everyone under the royal canopy was looking right at her, expectantly. 

Without answering, she scrambled to her hoofs and darted out the side of the canopy, glancing at the sky. Had a cloud covered the sun? No, the pegasi had delivered clear skies today so the tournament wouldn't be disrupted, and there wasn't a cloud in sight. She looked towards the castle, just beyond the jousting field. Where had all those screaming ponies come from, and where had they gone? 

Ignoring the calls of concerned ponies behind her, she cantered to the right, towards one of the main roads. As she approached she heard the signal of the bugle, and the sound of hooves pounding the ground underneath clattering armor. She turned to look-

The sky darkened, and the field changed. The (curtain thingy dividing the jousters) had fallen over and lay sadly in the dirt. Bits of wood cluttered the ground and formed a pile where the grandstands had once been. 

Two ponies stared at each other from opposite sides of the field. Flurry felt a stab in her chest as her eyes fixed themselves on the one standing to her right. He was dark and had a strangely curved horn. He looked familiar to her somehow...but she couldn't place him. So she turned to the other pony.

This one had a pinkish-purple coat and wings spread wide over her back. Her beautiful blue mane obscured her face. 

The two ponies tensed and crouched low, before charging straight towards each other-


"Ooh a lance broken down to the meat! That's two points to ()!" 

Light returned. The two jousters came together in a spray of splintering wood and stumbled about dazedly. Near the road, unbeknownst to them, Flurry mirrored their clumsy movements and shook her head in confusion and fear. Who did she just see? What was happening to her?

Something tickled her ear again. She turned towards the castle, her eyes tracing the points and curves that led to the spire. 

She'd never been up there. The way was locked and had not been opened in a long time. Gazing at the topmost tower, Flurry thought she heard...something, or someone, calling from up there. Though it was quiet, it had a sharp, mournful edge, like the cry of an oboe.

She blinked rapidly, then turned and galloped towards the sound. Ponies not attending the jousting tournament milled about in the streets, setting up stands and carts of goods to sell when the crowds left the field. They called out eagerly to Flurry as she passed but she paid them no mind. Her ears were filled with sorrowful sounds, her hooves driven ever faster to reach her destination. 

She skidded to a halt before the castle, panting heavily. She swallowed hard, trying to ease her dry throat. As she looked up, searching far above for the spire, she realized she couldn't hear the strange sounds anymore. 

Her eyes widened as the sky changed once more. This time she was watching, as the cheerful, cloudless blue was painted over by a dim, dark smog. She inhaled a lungful of smoke and coughed harshly, wiping tears away from her eyes. 

When she looked up again, something green shot upwards from the spire. At first she thought it was (the sky-lights), rippling through the air. Then it formed a hollow circle. She was reminded of the circular wave a single drop of water could make in a puddle, as the circle of green light quickly grew larger and cascaded down to the very edges of the Empire. When it touched the ground, a massive wall of green and purple flames erupted into the sky. 

Shouting and wails of terror filled her ears from all around. Her chest felt tight and she wanted to let loose her own cries. But her eyes were drawn back to the castle, as another sound cut through the din. On the balcony, a dark form emerged. It was the same stallion she had seen before, at the jousting field. But where was the other pony, the mare she had seen?

The stallion's laughter was a horrible sound, echoing deeply through the air. It mixed with the screaming and her head buzzed as everything grew louder and louder. It felt like her head was going to split open. She threw herself to the ground, hooves over her face, and screamed.


As somepony nearby shouted her name, the buzzing gathered in her horn and shot out as a massive bolt of magic. It screeched upwards and flew straight into the balcony with a great crash. Crystal fragments and bits of railing rained down, and great chunks of the balcony descended towards the inert filly.

Something slammed into Flurry from behind, grabbing her so tightly she could hardly breathe. She felt her stomach drop and air whistling through her ears, then the horrible sound of the balcony exploding into the ground, before an abrupt halt that sent all her limbs flailing.

"Flurry!" She was set on the ground below the castle and felt hooves around her cheeks, lifting her whirling head to meet her mother's worried eyes. "What in Equestria just happened?! Are you alright?"

"M-mom--" Flurry mumbled through squashed lips, and Cadence immediately let go.

"Oh, I'm sorry honey. I just -- you scared us, Flurry!" Cadence looked at her daughter helplessly. "Why were you screaming?"

"Flurry!" Her father galloped towards them and skidded to a stop, chest heaving. "Flurry, are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

"N-no, dad." She glanced at the perfectly blue sky beyond the castle, then between her parents, at their increasingly worried expressions, and wondered if they would know what she saw.

"What happened? Did you have another surge?"

"I -- Well, yes, but--" Her breathing quickened, and the world swam as tears rose into her eyes.

"Okay, honey, look at me." Cadence sat down and placed a hoof to her own chest. Flurry automatically mimicked her. Cadence inhaled deeply, then let it all out in an airy whoosh. Flurry took a shaking breath, and sighed heavily. They repeated the exercise three more times, until Flurry could breathe steadily. 

 "Let's go inside, Flurry. Shining, get someone to take care of the balcony. Let them know everything's fine." She pointed with her chin to the jousters field. Shining Armor nodded and trotted off. Cadence unfolded a wing and let it drape over Flurry's back. Flurry, feeling small and tired, leaned against her mother as they walked quietly to the stairs that led inside the castle.


Cadence led Flurry up to the master bedroom, carefully navigating the castle so as not to go near the destroyed balcony. An uncommon draft blew through the halls, slamming open doors shut and causing Flurry to flinch. Her mother's wing tightened around Flurry's shoulders. 

Once they enter her parent's room, Cadence guided Flurry to the bed. She needed no encouragement, and flopped down with a sigh.

Cadence regarded her with a clouded expression, then reached a hoof out and drew Flurry's head beneath her own chin. "Stay here for a minute, honey. I'll be right back." Cadence let go and trotted softly into the hall, shutting the door behind her.

Flurry stared at the closed door for a while. Except for the tiniest flicker in her eyes, she didn't move. Thoughts flowed loosely through her mind, like a pool of abstract colors. The strange dark stallion, the screaming ponies, the mysterious mare...the corners of her tightened lips twitched downwards against her will. She thought about how dry her throat was and glanced around the room for a glass of water. But she didn't see one. Her throat tightened, and she blinked furiously. She'd let a surge happen, and destroyed the balcony. Her breathing quickened. She had gone so long without one, and now she was back to square one. When she allowed a stray thought to take form, she remembered the inside of the Canterlot Library, and her friend Dahliah. How excited she had been when Flurry finally had permission to visit the assistant librarian.

She started to sob, and fat tears slipped down her trembling cheeks, falling onto the bedspread with audible plops. Something cold and wet slid through her nose and she sniffed, reaching for the box of tissues her mother always kept on her nightstand. She went through four tissues before the bedroom door opened again.

"I'm back, Flurry," Cadence called softly, quietly shutting the door again. She started forward and stopped, as Flurry looked at her with puffy red eyes and sniffed loudly. Cadence went quickly to the bed and eased herself up next to Flurry, wrapping her up in hooves and wings as Flurry began to cry harder. Cadence rocked her slowly back and forth, making soothing hushing noises and brushing damp curls away from Flurry's cheeks. 

When Flurry recovered enough to speak, she asked, "Mom, ca-an I ha-ave some water?"

"Sure, I'll be right back." Cadence left the room again and returned moments later, a glass of water held in her purple telekinesis. Flurry took the offered glass eagerly in both hooves and gulped the contents down, relishing the banishment of the dryness in her throat. She set the glass on the nightstand, wiped her mouth, and took a deep, shuddering breath.

"Are you feeling better now?" Cadence asked, putting a hoof on Flurry's shoulder and tilting her head to look her daughter in the eye. 

Flurry sniffed and nodded. Then she croaked, "I'm sorry about the balcony."

"Oh Flurry, I'm just glad you didn't get hurt...but, I do need to know; what happened? Why did you run out of the jousting field?"

Flurry wrinkled her brow as she thought for a few moments. "I saw something...and I don't think anypony else did."

"What did you see?"

"It was...when I fell out of my chair, it was because there were ponies running around and yelling."

Cadence blinked in confusion. "What ponies? The jousters?"

"No, not the jousters. I don't know." Flurry rubbed the side of her head and tried to explain. "The sky got dark and a crowd of ponies ran through the field. I think they were running from something. Then the sun came back and all the ponies were gone."

Cadence scrutinized her daughter carefully.

"I went out to look at the sky but it seemed normal. I wanted to find out where the ponies went, so I ran to the road. But then the sun disappeared again and I saw just two ponies in the field."

"Do you remember what they looked like?" Cadence asked, absently brushing a stray hair away from Flurry's face.

"One was a mare. I couldn't see her face, but she was a pinkish-purple pegasus with really pretty blue hair."

"What about the other one?"

"It was a stallion, with a dark coat and a red cape. And his horn was funny looking."

Flurry jumped when Cadence gasped, her gaze snapping to look at her mother's face. "What?"

"You say his coat was dark? Was his hair dark too?"

Flurry scrunched her eyes up. "I think so."

"Did his horn have a patch of red?"


Cadence put a hoof to her own cheek. "That sounds like...King Sombra."

"King Sombra?" Flurry asked in surprise. "That's what he looks like?"

"I'm not surprised you don't remember him. You were only (moons old) when he tried to take over the Empire a third time."

"He's scary," Flurry mumbled.

"How did you see King Sombra...?" Flurry didn't answer, as it sounded like her mother was asking herself more than anypony else. "Well, it's alright now. He's long gone."

"Do you know what happened to me?" Flurry asked meekly. 

"Hmm..." Cadence tapped her chin with a hoof in thought. "I know Celestia has prophetic visions, but...this sounds more like something that already happened. I'm not sure why you would be able to see those things, unless you took Zecora's memory potion."

Flurry shook her head rapidly. "No, I didn't."

"Then -- I don't know, honey. But maybe Twilight does. We'll go visit her as soon as we're able, and maybe she can help us figure out what happened."


Cadence wrapped a hoof around Flurry and squeezed her close. 


(Shining Armor returned to the castle after reassuring everypony at the fields that they were not being attacked, and encouraging them to continue the tournament. Ponies were already hard at work, fixing the hole in the side of the castle and clearing away debris. )

Flurry was with her mother in the dining room, chewing on a chunk of daisy, when the double doors opened and her father entered. 

"I've got a team of guards taking care of the balcony. They should have it fixed by tonight," he reported as he approached. He stopped in front of Flurry and leaned down to look her in the eye. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm okay." 

Shining Armor nuzzled her cheek. "Glad to hear it."

"She's okay, but we'll be making a trip to Canterlot as soon as possible, to talk to Twilight," Cadence said, her eyes following Shining as he moved to his chair and sat down.

"About what?"

"Flurry, why don't you explain?" Cadence looked at her daughter, who swallowed a mouthful of salad before speaking.

"I ran out of the tent because I saw ponies running and screaming, and -- mom thinks I saw King Sombra."

Shining Armor's eyebrows shot up. "For real?"

"No dear, visions," Cadence interjected. "No one else saw anything out of the ordinary, especially not him."

"You think Twilight will know what's going on?"

"It's worth a try. If anything, the answer is somewhere in that library of hers."

At the word "library," Flurry's ears drooped, and she looked down at her plate. Cadence eyes snapped to look at her and her expression softened. "Oh Flurry..."

The young filly took a deep breath, and tried to speak clearly. Her voice broke despite her efforts. "I can't go back inside the library, can I?"

"Hey there." Shining Armor scooched his chair closer to Flurry's and put a hoof around her shoulders. "You're going to grow out of this. 


The ride to Canterlot was a quiet one for Flurry, full of inner thoughts. 

(First encounter with Sombra)

Coal noticed a faint light, coming from the other side of the room. Moving carefully, he slid the covers back and slipped of the side of the bed. Nebula shifted slightly, her blue mane curling softly around her cheeks. His steps produced light clinking sounds as he crossed the room. As he neared the (desk thingy?), his eyes fell upon the red gem, casting rays of ruby light across his face. 

Had it been glowing earlier, when it was presented to him, but it went unnoticed in the strong afternoon light? Or had the glow been building since then? The ponies who presented it to him gave no indication that it was anything more than an extremely handsome gem. He picked it up with a hoof and examined it closely. He noticed that, although the light from the gem was strong, the very center seemed shadowed. 

                                                     (omfg this is amazing I love that i can do this)

He gave a start when the shadow moved, shifting like a curl of dark liquid. The light pulsed, growing steadily brighter. He felt a strange, tingling sensation...and the air darkened, becoming cloudy...


He felt as though he might stumble and tried to catch himself. His hooves flailed through open air, finding no purchase beneath. There was none to find. The floor, and the rest of his bedroom, had been swallowed up by the dark red void he now found himself in. He could feel the vast unendingness of the space around him, stretching to unfathomable lengths in every direction. The air hit the back of his throat, burning as it entered his lungs and causing him to cough.

Wiping his watery eyes, he raised his head and noticed a light far above him, like the evening sun behind clouds of smoke. The light shone weakly down on the stallion, seemingly the only thing in this void. 

(sombra is in a laying down position. coal manifests right next to where sombra's chest would be. the dragon's neck is stretched around him and he draws it back and up, almost blocking out the light coal saw far above, when he rises up.)

A deep rumble rattled his chest. From somewhere behind him a bright yellow light erupted, casting his shadow far into the void. He wheeled about, hooves pawing the air. 

An enormous yellow orb, broken by a long black slit through the middle, dominated the space before him. The slit was longer than he was tall, though not by much. The orb winked out briefly, and the returning light stabbed his eyes. But he found he could not look away. His heart pounded, and his breathing grew shallow and quick. 

If this was an eye, it was much, much larger than any he'd ever seen in his life.

The eye began to move, sliding around Coal's right. He followed it as it began to rise, and another appeared to the left of the first. Up and up, and something incomprehensibly large rose before him. It blocked the light, creating a hazy silhouette of a beast, long necked and large of frame. Two curving protrusions jutted up on either side of the creature's head, ending in wicked points.

 The eyes, casting beams of harsh yellow light down upon him, narrowed as they focused on him. A deep voice rumbled through the air down to Coal, buzzing inside his ears. 

"A pony?"

He did not respond, too awestruck to say anything at all.

"After all this time, I still must be tormented by your wretched kind?"

Coal opened his mouth, his throat burning. "Sir, I don't mean to disturb you--"

"And yet here you are, fouling the air with your stench," the creature rumbling angrily, his words slow. "What irony this is. Even in death I find no peace."

Coal was utterly confused. "Death? This cannot be, I was alive mere moments ago."

"Whether we're ready to meet it or not, death always finds us."

"No, I cannot be dead, all I did was touch your gem!"

"Gem?" The eyes winked out for a moment. "What gem?"

"Allow me, sir, to introduce myself. I am Coal, and I was crowned earlier today as king of the Crystal Empire. I was gifted a magnificent ruby by my subjects. When the queen and I retired for the evening I saw the gem glowing, and approached it to investigate. I did not know that touching it would bring me here, much less that you reside inside of it. I offer my sincerest apologies for disturbing you." Coal bowed as best he could, embarrassed to find himself rolling forward like a ball down a hill, and righted himself clumsily. 

A deep, rhythmic rumbling came from the creature. It sounded like...he was chuckling. 

"A king? Ha. Lesser beings should not think so highly of themselves." 

The creature's eyes drifted through the smoky air till they hovered once more before Coal. The deep black of each iris held a reflection of Coal. He could see the fear in his own eyes. Beneath the eyes, a seam opened to reveal long, wickedly sharp teeth like tree branches. The creature spoke, his voice so loud that Coal clamped his hooves over his ears.

"Gaze upon a true king, little pony.  I am king of the dragons. They called me many things. Bloodclaw, Devourer...but my true name inspired more fear than any other. 

"I am King Sombra."

A dragon? Here?! Coal had read stories of this creature's kind, and how the founders of the Empire defeated many a long time ago. He never imagined they could grow to such a size as this one, who could fit Coal into his mouth with no effort. He couldn't be eaten in here, right? Sombra seemed to have a personal vendetta against ponies. 

Attempting to present himself as non-hostile, Coal answered "Pleased to make your acquaintance, your highness."

A snarl curled the dragon's lip. "You ponies and your theatrics."

"Forgive my ignorance, this is the first time I've met one of your kind, and I know nothing of your (customs? politeness???)," he hastily replied. "I have heard tales of your--strength."

"Anything else?" Sombra growled. Alarm shot through Coal when he saw a deep red glow appearing in the dragon's mouth, reminding him of a glowing bed of coals in a fireplace.

"I-I've read that you breathe fire," he stammered, leaning away from the glowing maw. "And that your hides are tougher than crystals--"

(sombra is angry because he is remembering what the alicorns did to him, and pressing coal to see if HE knows.)

"Bah!" Sparks billowed from Sombra's mouth as he spat. "If my brethren had not been driven across the eastern sea, perhaps your knowledge of history would be different."

"Your highness, I can see you wish to be left alone. (If you could show me the way out Ill leave you in peace)"

A long, low grumble issued forth from the dragon's chest. But the glow in his mouth had died down, and he drew his head back slightly. Coal breathed a silent sigh of relief. "I would not still be here if I knew how to leave. But perhaps there is a way out, at least for you."

"How did you come to find yourself in here?" Coal asked, carefully watching the dragon's eyes. They blinked slowly.

(trapped inside his "heart," he feels the need to now follow logic and his head instead.)

"I did not simply appear, as you did. I've been here a long time."

"And you've never been able to find the way out?" Coal asked, feeling his hopes plummet.

"No. However, I've also never had a visitor." The dragon's massive head tilted as he scrutinized Coal, allowing the distant light Coal had seen before shine directly into his eyes. He raised a hoof to shield them.

"What about the light?" he asked, tilting himself around to see it better. An idea came to him and he churned his legs, trying to gallop through the open air. To his surprise, it worked, and he rose past the dragon.

"Hmm?" Sombra turned to watch him.

"Have you ever tried to approach the light?" he called over his shoulder, then turned around again. He could feel a strange fuzziness enveloping his head, and tried to keep going. As the light grew bigger, his limbs felt stiffer. 

He thought he heard Sombra say something below him, but he could no longer move, and the light filled his vision.


The light faded, and he realized his eyes were open. They were staring down at the gem in his hoof, no longer filling the room with its ruby glow. He wriggled his body, feeling stiffness in every muscle and joint. As he turned his head from side to side, he locked his gaze on the window next to his bed. The moon had hardly moved at all, still shining on Nebula, who laid on her side in a cloud of her own mane. 

He shook his head and blinked a few times. Though he'd woken up feeling like a crystal statue, his body buzzed with energy. This puzzled and concerned him. He needed sleep for tomorrows duties. He briefly wondered, even if he were tired to the bone, would he be able to sleep with so many questions?

He set the gem back down and trotted stiffly back to bed. When he slid beneath the covers and settled in, Nebula stirred and turned over, rubbing her cheek against the pillow and opening her eyes slightly.

"Go back to sleep," Coal whispered, reaching a hoof up to touch her shoulder. She smiled faintly and closed her eyes.

He kept his hoof there for a few moments, listening to her breathing grow quiet, thinking. 

(why wouldn't he tell her? does he think she would be frightened by sombra? what does he intend to do? does he think he can show friendship to sombra?)


He was back in the smoky void. He realized he could see Sombra's body before him, and looked up to see the dragon's neck stretching far above. Just as he found Sombra's head, it jerked and looked straight down at him.

"You've returned."


"I am surprised." The dragon paused. "That is not something I've said in a long time. How did you leave this place?"

"I followed the light above us," Coal answered. "I came back to myself in my chambers. My body was standing exactly the same way it had been when I first touched the gem, and it was still night; in fact, it seemed as if no time had passed at all. My limbs were quite stiff. But I felt energy coursing through me, and had difficulty falling asleep."

"Hmm..." Sombra rumbled. He studied the air above them, then curved his neck and brought his head down to get a better look at Coal. "Why would you return to this place?"

"From what I've gathered, King Sombra, you seem to be predisposed towards ponies."

"That is putting it mildly."

"Did somepony do you a great disservice?"

"Ponies have been a constant ache in my scales for a long time. My last encounter with them is what led me to be trapped in here. When I first saw you I was inclined to swallow you whole." Coal stifled a shudder. "However, the mystery of your appearance here, as well as your respect towards me, has prevented that thus far.

Coal cleared his throat. "Ahem--very good. Well, you are a creature which demands respect, even without saying so. Your power is quite tangible." As soon as he said this he felt a tickle in the back of his mind, like a thought not fully formed. He grasped for it mentally, but nothing connected, so he let it dissolve, and continued. "I wish to show you that I mean no ill will, and would be honored if you could humor my visitations."

Sombra gazed silently at him for a while. Coal returned it steadily. When the pony showed no signs of fear, Sombra exhaled. "I've met very few ponies with spines. Once again, I am surprised."

Coal also exhaled. 

"Very well. I have nothing but time on my claws."

"Might I ask you a question?"

Sombra nodded slowly.

"Where do you hail from?"

"My subjects and I once lived beyond a range of mountains, feasting upon a vein of gems that ran belowground. We were driven out of that place and flew south, over the mountains to a stretch of countryside. We settled in a tall peak at the center."

"Did ponies drive you out of your first home?" Coal asked.

"Yes," Sombra growled. 

"I recall you mentioning your 'brethren' before, that they had been driven across the eastern sea," he said carefully. "Tell me, was that ponies too?"

"They played a part."

Coal thought to himself for a spell. Then he raised his head and looked the dragon in the eye. "Sombra, I promise you my subjects and I will not treat you the same way. We are a peaceful nation and would not harm others for the sake of it."

Sombra tilted his head skeptically at Coal. "Do you intend to bring your whole empire in here?"

"If I can enter and leave this place, surely there's a way for you as well. I would intend to find it, if you so desire it."

Sombra stared silently at Coal.

"Do not make promises you cannot keep, pony. I've been trapped here for countless years."

"You said yourself, you've also never had a visitor. Perhaps that is enough to change things."

Once again there was silence. Coal waited.

"You may try, little pony. But I do not think you will find the way."

"I will do the best that I can either way," Coal told him.

"Hmm." The dragon stared down at him, his bright yellow eyes unblinking. 


Once my life was plain and clear

I recall, once my ignorance was bliss

Nightfall came, like a serpent's kiss

To my troubled mind

Why, oh why my God

Have you abandoned me

In my sobriety

Behind the old façade

I'm your unburdened child

So take me cross the river wide

Binding promises were made on my soul

Grand illusions led astray

Ice cold winds swept my heart away

Bring me back to you

- Abandoned, from Kamelot's The Black Halo.