Old Ponish

My words

Darken - dark

Gaen - gone

Ankom - to arrive 

Scurt - short

Blott - blood

Grimne - below 

Eklipse - eclipse 

Bija - big, large

- eye

Judem - judge

Veh - woe

Osae - to watch, observe

Cun - can (cun+dan is cannot)

Hoshen - to wish, hope

Thae - tear

Falle - flow

Ojan - to spill

Aeth - heart (starts with the same diphthong vowel thing as harmony, which is aedesan)

Brekkan - break

Weja - to weep

Ser - them

Kert- hard (kertaft being hardship)

Lios - light 

Lunalios is moonlight. Sollastios is sunlight (omit the l in lios). Storralios is starlight. He-he-he. 


Raed - red

Aranj - orange

Gulve - yellow (premade)

Vern - green

Vus - blue

Vaela - purple

Svaert - black

Vint - white

Names in Old Ponish

Celestia would probably be Sollastia. I like the sound of Aethelios for Andromeda -- probably translates to Light Heart. Luna is literally Luna lmao. 


Veh, thol ight osae,

Ight cundan alfen

Hosheni fure aedesan stu dan

Ight naven vi dae endesi

Woe, though I observe,

I cannot help

Wishes for harmony does not

I know how it ends


Thaesi de falle

Blott de ojan

Aethi de brekkan

Unt ight firen weja fure ser

Tears will flow

Blood will spill

Hearts will break

And I would weep for them



Vut vithen setteni kertaft 

But to live requires hardship

This makes the bending tree stronger

The sick body 

But tears cannot be shed

My blood already spilled

My heart, broken and mended


How does life do this,

This endless circle of change

Are we naught but specks here,

Drifting endlessly through clouded skies?


But I see, we are more

I must tell them, but will they hear me?

And what of the blind ones?

Can their eyes be opened?

Will they open their hearts?

Time will tell


Through storms of chaos may we ride

From beneath the hills of burden

To fight the rising evil
