Del Darken Marung

woah actually i think this one is pretty close to being done. 

obviously its not there yet. but i can see the finish line.

+ translations and shit lol. I hope I'm doing this right hahahahaha.

Premise: Archeological excavations were recently made in Rambling Rockridge, and traces of an ancient village were found. Among the findings was an old stone tablet, which was taken to the Canterlot Library to be translated from Old Ponish.

Sort of a test for FimFiction before the real stuff is posted. 

first chapter note:

This is set in an alternate universe, one which does not take the comic books into account. Any relations to characters or events within the comics is purely coincidental.

later chapter note:

(I'm not considering the comics to be canon because I've only read two, maybe three of them, years ago  'X)

Hello reader. Thank you so much for taking the time to give this a try. If I may, I'd like to hold your attention for a moment longer.

Del Darken Marung is the first installment in a series I've been working on for the past six years, and the very first of my works to achieve publication. It is something of a prologue, and is much smaller than the next five stories. 

This story has been published without being seen by an editor. Much as I would love to hire one, I could not afford to pay them. I would greatly appreciate any thoughts or advice you might have. And if you catch a typo please let me know and I will fix it as soon as possible.

An explanation for the title; it's literally Old Ponish. I'm hoping its written correctly, it should translate to "The Dark Morning." I had to write my own word for "dark," but the rest is in this amazing blog + the google doc linked within it.

Author's note: Back in the day, the word "awesome" was used more in the context of being "in awe," perhaps when someone was fearful of what was being witnessed. Today it is used primarily by pegasi who think something is "just-a-bit-cooler-than-pretty-cool."

Beta reader: Wise the Robin




Warm sunlight poured in through an open window, and a cooling breeze gently stirred pure white curtains on either side. Crystal walls caught the light and reflected soft rainbows across a large bedroom.

One of these rainbows shone gently on the bed, trailing across a pink feathered wing that shifted slightly and rolled out of sight as the owner rolled onto her back. Her forelegs flopped outwards and she stared at the ceiling, puffing out her cheeks impatiently. She let out a poof of air that caught a lock of curled purple mane and pushed it away from her face.

"Flurry! Are you ready?"


Flurry Heart sat up in surprise at the distant voice, yellow sparks snapping at her horn. She glanced up and clamped both hooves onto her horn, squeezing her eyes shut in concentration. The sparking stopped, and she opened her blue eyes with a sigh of relief. 

"Flurry it's time to go!"

"I'm coming!" she called back, scrambling off her bed. Finally! She'd been waiting for her mother to come up here for ages. She galloped to the door and opened it with her hooves, stumbling into the hallway and straight into her mother. 

"Oh, watch out!" Princess Cadence instinctively caught her and pushed her upright. "I see you're ready to go."

"Mm hm, I'm more than ready!" Flurry bounced on her hooves and started trotting down the hall. Her mother followed sedately behind.

"You seem awfully excited -- are you planning something?"

Flurry Heart stopped and gazed back at her mother, chest puffed out slightly. "I'm going to ask Twilight if I can go inside the library."

Cadence faltered slightly, her face darkening. "Flurry, I'm not sure she'll let you--"

Flurry's stomach dropped and she watched her mother walk past, her mouth agape. "But it's been so long since my last accident!"

"It was last month," Cadence reminded her, as Flurry scrambled to catch up. 

"This is the longest I've gone without one, and besides, it wasn't that bad!" Her hooves dragged slightly. She'd been looking forward to this.

They reached a spiral staircase that would take them to the main floor. She followed her mother down and tried to be chipper again. "I've been practicing really hard, and I promise I won't blow anything up."

Cadence sighed. "Flurry, I've seen your horn sparking."

Flurry's cheeks flushed and she studied the walls.

"Your magic is still...unpredictable. It really shouldn't be at your age."

Flurry's head sagged. Her mother was right. She should've outgrown these magical surges by now. 

"Maybe we should stick to reading outside for just a little longer," her mother suggested. 

Flurry sighed, and turned to face her mother with a tight smile. "Okay."

Cadence smiled back as the two of them reached the main floor. Before them lay the throne room, where her father, Shining Armor, was giving orders to a group of guards. They saluted and trotted away. Shining looked up and saw his wife and daughter approaching. 

"Hey there, heading out?"

"Yes dear, we'll see you later." Cadence pecked his cheek. Shining Armor turned to Flurry, noticing her downcast expression. 

"Why the long face?"

"She's going to have to wait a little longer before she can go in the library," Cadence answered for her daughter.

Flurry straightened up and met her father's eye. "I'm going to keep concentrating on controlling my magic."

"You know your aunt used to have trouble with her magic too?"

Flurry nodded. Yes, she remembered. Though she didn't have it as bad as Flurry, or as long.

"She grew out of it eventually. You will too. Just keep up the good work and you'll get there in no time." He tussled his daughter's hair affectionately. 

She grinned in embarrassment and smoothed it back into place. "Thanks dad."

"We'll be back tonight dear," Cadence said to her husband, beckoning to Flurry and heading towards one of the ground-level staircases.

"See ya! Have fun you two," Shining called after them.


The pair descended down the next staircase and came out beneath the Crystal Castle. They wove their way through the city, passing crowds of Crystal Ponies who bowed respectfully. The sweet smell of (food) filled the air as they passed a food wagon, where ponies lined up eagerly to be served. 

"Hey there princesses!" They turned to see the owner of the wagon waving enthusiastically. He held out two (food!). "Take these, on the house!"

"Oh please, let me pay for them!" her mother responded, searching under her wing for the bag of bits she always carried. 

"No need, no need! We're happy to serve our beloved princesses!" He extended his hoofs, and Cadence smiled gratefully. She took the snacks in her magic, offering one to her daughter. Flurry chomped down on the (FOOD, DESCRIBE DELIIIICIOUS FOOD im fuckin lazy lol.) The warm flavors enveloped her tongue and she let out a sound of contentment through her nose. 

"Fhank yoo!" she said through her mouthful of food.

"Flurry, swallow before you speak!" Cadence scolded as they walked to the train station. Flurry gulped and ran her tongue over her teeth. Her mother shuddered. 

As good as the snack was, Flurry always felt awkward about taking things from other ponies like that. Much as she, her father, or her mother tried to insist, nine times out of ten the ponies would refuse to take the offered bits. How could they stay in business if they never took any money? It just seemed silly.

They stepped up onto the platform and into the waiting train. Cadence choose seats towards the back and let her daughter slide in next to the window. Flurry pressed her face against the glass as the train gave (TOOT) and slowly chugged away from the station.

It sped through light snow outside the Crystal Empire and toward the Crystal Mountains, tall and imposing in the distance. Flurry watched as they grew taller still and the Broken Pass came into sight.  

As they entered the Pass, sheer walls of stone rose impossibly high above them. She smushed her face against the window and forced her eyes to look higher and higher up.

"Flurry, come off the glass," her mother said behind her. "You don't want it to break."

Immediately Flurry pulled away, looking at the smudge her cheek had made. It wouldn't, would it? Better safe than sorry. Slowly she brought her face closer until her fuzzy cheek was mere centimeters away from the glass, but not touching it, and tried to look up again.

She jumped as her mother said warningly "Flurry..." and felt her horn buzz slightly. She whirled around and grinned widely, hoping her mother hadn't seen any sparks. Cadence just shook her head.

The train chugged loudly through the mountains and into central Equestria, where rolling fields stretched out in every direction. They passed Galloping Gorge and the Unicorn Range, and the tall Canterlot peak loomed in the distance.

Flurry leaned close to the window again as Ponyville came into sight. Twilight's old castle stood off to the side. Briefly she wondered if it was still be used.


"Yes, Flurry?" Cadence lifted her head as her daughter turned around.

"Is Twilight still using her old castle?"

"Technically yes, but I think Starlight Glimmer took charge of it. They hold the Friendship Council there on occasion."


The train snaked through the mountain caves and came out before the spired city of Canterlot. Even though she'd been on trips here multiple times, the sight never got old. (DESCRIBE CANTERLOT BUIIIITCH)

The train rolled up to the Canterlot train station, letting out a long whistle, then a short one as it slowed. When it came to a stop, it let out a final long whistle and the doors swooshed open. 

"Let's go Flurry," Cadence said, getting up and heading for the door. Flurry scooched across the bench and flopped onto the floor, running after her mother. 

She bumped into her on the station platform. Making a face, Flurry peered around her, but there was nothing in her mother's way. Why did she stop?

"Do you see Twilight anywhere?" Cadence asked, glancing around and then at Flurry, who also scanned the station. Nope, no tall purple alicorn in sight. Just some crates, ponies who looked like they could be construction workers, and -- dirt. There were little piles of dirt everywhere on the platform, and some streaks where something might have been dragged.

She pricked her ears at the sounds of rapid hoofsteps against the wooden platform.

"AUGH, what a mess! Why did they bring ALL of it up here? Couldn't they have waited?!" A baggage pony darted about in anguish, magicking a broom and dustpan after him and sweeping furiously at the piles of dirt. Clouds of dust billowed around him and he paused, nose in the air and eyes squinting, before letting out a loud sneeze. "Uuugh..."

"Excuse me!" her mother called, trotting anxiously towards the baggage pony. "Please, is Princess Twilight here? She was supposed to meet us."

"Oh, good to see you Princess Cadence." The baggage pony sniffed loudly. "She's probably still at the castle, dealing with the rest of this mess."

"The rest of it?" Cadence echoed, raising a hoof.

"That's right. Petunia Paleo is back from Rambling Rockridge."

Cadence's eyes widened. "Really? Did they find anything?"

"Oh yes, it's all in lots of crates, crates that dragged in DIRT!" the unicorn burst out. "Oh sorry, hehe, it's just -- my boss will be on my case if I don't get this cleaned up lickity-split, I had to leave most of it and help them bring the crates to the castle--"

"Please, allow me," Cadence said, igniting her horn. A thin blue sheen covered the entire platform and the piles of dirt floated upwards, converging into a larger pile. "Where would you like this?"

The baggage pony's eyes nearly popped out of his head. "Oh goodness, there was no need! I-I, well, thank you!" He bowed multiple times and led Cadence around the side of the station, the huge lump of dirt following. 

Flurry made a face. She wished she could do that. She hurried after them.

Once Cadence had dealt with the dirt, the two of them hailed a cab. The driver bowed as they approached and opened the cab door. Flurry Heart jumped in and plopped down on her rump, bouncing slightly on the seat. She heard her mother thank the driver and enter more gracefully, settling down next to Flurry as the cab pulled away and headed for the castle.

"So who's Petunia Paleo?" Flurry asked, looking curiously at her mother.

"She's an archeologist. Twilight told me she was doing minor excavations in Rambling Rockridge a month or two ago, and found evidence of ponies living there at some point in time. She sent a request to Twilight asking for help, and got a bunch of ponies to help her excavate the site."

"Rambling Rockridge? Where's that?"

Cadence looked up. "East of Ponyville, I believe."

"So all those crates the baggage pony was talking about have stuff from Rambling Rockridge?"

"I assume so. Oh, here's the castle."

The cab drew to a stop outside Canterlot Castle, and the two princesses hopped out. They trotted eagerly through the castle to the throne room, and Flurry noticed little streaks of dirt here and there being banished by servants with cleaning supplies. 

She wondered what Petunia could have found. What exactly did "ponies lived there at some point in time" entail? A bunch of pots, maybe? An abandoned house?

They came to the large double doors that led to the throne room, which were flanked by two royal guards. The guards bowed and simultaneously ignited their horns, opening the doors for the princesses. Flurry tried not to make a face as she passed. She wished she could do this stuff for herself. 

The throne room was bustling. Flurry and Cadence looked around in surprise. She'd never seen this many ponies in here at once. Some wore hard hats and leaned casually against crates that littered the throne room. Others were dressed in a similar fashion to Daring Do with polos and hats, and carried notebooks with the pages spilling out. A few darted about the room as if their tails were on fire, screaming incoherently. Flurry raised her eyebrows. Even she didn't act like a banshee when she was excited about something. 

One of the guards had followed them in, and now called out in a strong voice, "Announcing her highness, Princess Cadence, and her daughter, Princess Flurry Heart."

The noise stopped instantly, as ponies turned to bow at the princesses. 

"Cadence!" a voice called. From the crowd of ponies stepped a tall lavender alicorn, her long orchid locks rippling gently through the air. She smiled, though she seemed flustered. "I'm so sorry I couldn't meet you at the station, the excavators showed up and I've been trying to get all of this sorted out. I really need to put protocols in place for future excavations."

"It's okay Twilight, I can see you've had your hooves full." Cadence said. "Have you gotten to sort though any of it yet?"

"They arrived not long before you did, so most of the crates haven't been opened yet. But from what Petunia told me, there's some interesting pieces. And she personally gave me this." Twilight turned her head and her horn lit up. From somewhere behind her an object floated up and stopped before Cadence and Flurry.

Flurry tilted her head in curiosity as she looked at it. It was a large, rectangular piece of flattened stone, with a peculiar brown tinge. The edges were chipped and uneven, and tiny marks covered the front from top to bottom. They looked like they had been carved into the stone.

"What is this?" Flurry asked, looking up at her aunt.

"A clay tablet. Before we had the luxury of paper and quills for writing with, some ponies used large chunks of wet clay to write on. Then they would use heat to harden the clay and preserve the writing."

"Wooaah," Flurry breathed, looking at the stone again. "So is this a different language?"

"This is Old Ponish. I would really, really love to translate it myself--" Twilight gazed longingly at the tablet and sighed. "But there's so much to do, I don't know when I'll be able to get around to it. So I'm giving it to the library for translating."

(STORY CHANGE. instead of flurry going to the library, dahliah comes to the castle.)

"Your highness, the assistant librarian is here!" one of the guards called. 

They turned to look at the throne room entrance. Next to the guard that spoke was a purple earth pony mare. A pair of saddlebags sat on her back. Her long, golden mane hung about her eyes, partially obscuring them. 

"Thank you, come on in!" Twilight beckoned to the mare.

She walked towards the group, the sound of her hoofsteps barely noticeable on the crystal floor. When she reached the group, she bowed to Twilight. Flurry noticed a quick glance in her direction. She automatically raised a hoof to wave, but could not catch the mare's attention before she looked away.

"Your highness, I'm here for the tablet."

The mare's voice was soft, but carried well.

"Thank you, Dahliah," Twilight responded. "Cadence, Flurry Heart, this is the assistant librarian at the Canterlot Library, Dahliah. She knows Old Ponish almost as well as Starlight and I, and is extremely reliable."

Dahliah ducked her head, clearly bashful. "I'll do my best, princess." The tablet floated towards her and she lifted her head, stretching out a hoof to take it. Her hair fell away from her face, revealing a pair of eyes that shimmered with a color somewhere between blue and green. They sloped gently downward at the edges, framed by long, dark lashes. 


Flurry felt a twang in her chest and glanced out the window. If Dahliah was going to be busy with the tablet, then she probably wouldn't have time to read to Flurry.

"Speaking of the library--" Flurry's ears pricked and she looked back at Twilight. "I know you've been really wanting to visit."

"Well, I did just have an accident last month, so...maybe I should wait a little longer..." Flurry mumbled.

Twilight laughed. "Shining Armor told me all about it. Turning a chair into a bowl of pudding isn't the worst thing in the world." Twilight looked at Cadence. "Dahliah told me in all the times she's read to Flurry, she only saw her horn spark twice. Both times something had surprised or scared her."

Something lifted in Flurry.

"We both think it could be beneficial for Flurry to be able to read in a quiet environment, and that it will help her learn how to control her surges."

Flurry felt like her whole body was buzzing, and not from her magic. "Do you mean...?"

"With your mother's permission, of course," Twilight said, glancing at Flurry.

Cadence looked thoughtful. "Well, its your library, so if you trust her in there, then I won't say no."

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh--" The young filly bounced up and down, her hooves like little springs that propelled her through the throne room as her elation made her weightless. 

Twilight laughed at her enthusiasm. "Calm down Flurry, so I can give you instructions."

Flurry stopped bouncing and looked at Twilight, her eyes wide and shining. 

"I'm going to have (pony name) take the tablet to the library. You can accompany him and meet with Dahliah."

Flurry nodded. "Okay. I promise I'll behave!"

Cadence chuckled. "I'm sure you will honey."

(pony naaame) stepped forward and took the tablet from Princess Twilight, wrapping it in cloth and placing it gently into the saddlebag on his back. "Ready to go, princess?" he asked.

"Yup!" Flurry Heart trotted over and the colt led the way out of Canterlot Castle.

The pair exited the castle and took a carriage to the royal library. Inside the carriage, the unicorn escort kept glancing to his left, where Flurry Heart sat with a wild grin on her face. Every so often tiny golden sparks would fly off her horn, and she would shake her head and frown dramatically, head lowered like a donkey's. But the smile would slowly creep back and take over her face, until she looked like Pinkie Pie on a sugar rush. (PONY NAME) leaned away slightly and prayed silently to Celestia. 

The carriage stopped and the driver came about, stretching a hoof out to open the carriage door. Before he could touch it, it burst open as a pink blur shot out, spinning him in place and leaving him swaying from dizziness. 

Flurry Heart stopped at the foot of the stairs that led to the library, gazing up in awe at the two unicorn statues on either side. Their horns were lowered and their stones manes carved in a rippling pattern. 

"Princess, wait!" Her escort trotted up from behind and stopped beside her. 

"Oh, sorry!" Flurry cringed and grinned sheepishly at him. He frowned and continued up the steps. 

Flurry stopped on the large staircase and gazed up at the library. It was made of pale pinkish-grey stone, with lots of peaked windows. Beautiful golden doors were set between four blue marble pillars that supported part of the second level. Brightly colored flags waved from each corner of the building and part of the domed roof. She was flanked by two large unicorn statues, their horns lowered and manes carved as if waving in the wind. 

"Princess! Are you coming?" her escort called from the top of the steps. She galloped up the steps to catch up, and he pushed open the doors.

There were books everywhere. Wherever she looked, there were shelves heavily laden with tomes of various colors. Before her, tables were spread out and ponies read underneath gentle lamplight. A few pegasi flapped quietly through the center area and upwards, drawing her eyes to the second floor, and still more books. Flurry's eyes could not open wide enough. She wondered if the inside of the Empire's library looked like this. She'd read most of the books that came from there. Her mother or father brought them for her to read outside the library, where less damage could be done if she had a magical surge. As such, she'd never been quite as interested in the library at her doorstep, than the one she could only reach by traveling. 

Noticing the unicorn trotting away, she hastened to follow him. He approached the front desk, where an older dusty blue mare worked. She raised a hoof to push a pair of pink glasses up her nose. Her frizzy white mane was tied in a bun.

(rose vale is a chipper unicorn working at the canterlot library. naturally loud voice)

"Hey Rose Vale, got something for your assistant," escort said, stopping in front of the desk.

The mare looked up. "Good morning escort, how's your day been?" Then she squinted through her glasses at Flurry. "Sweet Celestia, is that Princess Flurry Heart?!" she exclaimed, surprise lighting up her face.

Flurry blushed and gave a crooked smile. "Yup, that's me," she answered.

"Well, it's a pleasure to finally see you inside of the library my dear! I hope you enjoy exploring." She turned to Flurry's escort. "Now, what was that you said before?"

He lifted the clay tablet in his magic for Rose Vale to see. "This is for your assistant, straight from Princess Twilight. She wants it translated."

Rose Vale gaped openly at the tablet. "Is this from the excavations in Rambling Rockridge?" She ignited her horn and the escort's (color magic stuffff) changed to a beautiful cyan. It floated closer to the librarian's face and she adjusted her glasses. "Wow, it's in great condition! This is an incredible find." She looked at Flurry. "Did you want to explore the library for a bit?"

(note: shy due to nervousness about how others might perceive her. its like how you used to rub your nose or cover your mouth to hide your teeth.)

Flurry shuffled her hooves. "Is it alright if I visit Dahliah?"

Rose Vale glanced to her left, then grinned and nodded. "I don't see why not!"

"Really?" A surge of enthusiasm caused Flurry to straighten up.

Her escort made a face. "Hey, are you sure she-"

Rose Vale cut him off with a friendly wave to Flurry. "Follow me princess, she's in the back room. Wait till she sees who's here to visit!" She exited the front desk and trotted out, the tablet trailing along in her magical aura. As Flurry moved to follow her, the escort reached out a hoof and opened his mouth, about to protest. But he stopped, shook his head, and left the library.

Flurry trailed after the librarian, her eyes snagging on the titles of passing books. The air had a peculiar smell. Though everything looked spotless, the books smelled like invisible dust clung to them. 

The filly blinked when she realized her nose was pressed against the spine of one such book, and quickly darted away, glancing towards Rose Vale. The older mare was still walking and hadn't noticed Flurry sniffing books. She breathed a sigh of relief and hurried to catch up. 

Rose Vale approached a door at the back of the library. "We just came from the reference desk, princess," she explained. "I keep a catalogue of all the books taken out of the library and the ponies that borrowed them. This here is the staff room." She pushed the door open. 

The first thing that caught Flurry's eye was the opposite wall, which was occupied by a sort of doorless closet. The back was a bookshelf, and in front of this sat a sturdy desk. Various papers and books lay scattered across it, and only the pony sitting at the desk knew how they were organized. It was an earth pony mare, her coat a pale purple shade. Her head was bent over a book she was studying closely, strands of her long golden mane brushing the pages. She reached up to brush them away as the pair approached.

"Dahliah, look who's come to visit us!" Rose Vale called enthusiastically, putting a hoof around Flurry's shoulders and pushing her forward. The purple mare looked up, her eyes locking on Flurry. The young princess always found herself trying to get a better look at Dahliah's eyes, which were a strange color somewhere between blue and green. They sloped gently downward at the edges, framed by long, dark lashes, giving her an ever-present expression of subtle melancholy.

Now they crinkled as the mare smiled warmly. "Flurry! What are you doing in here?"

Flurry grinned back. "I have permission to visit the library now."

"Oh, that's wonderful!" Dahliah clapped her hooves together and beamed happily. 

"And we've brought you something important," Rose Vale interjected, producing the tablet and note from Princess Twilight. They floated through the air and stopped in front of Dahliah.

She took the note and quickly scanned it, then looked up at Rose Vale in surprise. "Princess Twilight wants me to translate the tablet?" 

"Seems like it," Rose Vale said with an easy shrug. "You know Old Ponish better than I."

Dahliah's eyebrows went up as she studied the tablet. "It's in pretty good shape. Well then, I'll do my best." Dahliah reached out a hoof and took the tablet. The cyan glow around it disappeared as Dahliah set it gently down with a barely audible thump. "Thank you for bringing these to me, Rose."

"I'll leave you to it. Flurry, since Dahliah's going to be busy, why don't we go back to the reference desk so I can get you a library card?"

"Okay!" Flurry grinned and nodded. 

(potential question: why do they let flurry run around unsupervised? well, the CMC got to do the same thing when they were kids. also, maybe cadence/twilight sent a tail to keep an eye on her.)

"You and I can take the tablet back to Princess Twilight once I'm done with the translation," Dahliah said, clearing a space on her desk and pulling a stack of papers out of a desk drawer. "Just let Rose Vale know where you're going and I'll come find you."

"I think I'll go out to the reading garden," Flurry said, heading with Rose Vale to the door.

"Sounds good. See you later!" Dahliah called after.

Closing the staff room door behind them, Rose Vale took a deep breath and said, "Well princess, pick out any book you like and bring it to the service desk. I'll get you set up with a library card and then you can go read to your heart's content!" She waved and trotted away. 

Flurry considered the rows and rows of books before her. There were so many to choose from -- where could she start? Glancing up, she noticed signs attached to the sides of a few bookcases. Fiction, History, Non-Fiction, Science, Art, Geography. What genres had Dahliah read to her in the past? Mostly foal tales and some history. She felt like reading something lighthearted and happy, and cautiously wandered over to the shelves labeled Fiction, trying to be as quiet as possible. She wandered between two long shelves and contemplated the titles.

(andrew peterson, l.m. montgomery, judy blume, beverly cleary)

As she turned the book over again, a bright pink cover captured her gaze. She tilted her head to read the title.

"Lilly, Don't Linger," she read aloud, then straightened up and carefully used a hoof to draw the thin book out. The pony had a picture of a filly with bright red hair walking happily down a road, surrounded by flowers, butterflies, and bees. The edges of the cover were worn and peeling slightly away from the yellowed pages, some of which had kinks in them, as if a careless pony had let them be folded over.


Flurry took the book to the reference desk, where a few ponies were already there with their own books. She waited until Rose Vale had finished with them, then trotted up and placed the book on the desk. "Can I take this one to the reading garden?"

"Ahh, looks like you found a good one! Sure thing princess. We will have to get you set up with your own card though." Rose Vale ducked beneath the desk and came up with a blank card and a set of documents. "You'll have to write your name and a few other things on this paper, and then sign your name on the card." She used her horn to levitate a pen towards Flurry, who reached out and took it in her teeth.

Rose Vale made a surprised face as Flurry scribbled on the form. "Still having those magical surges?"

Flurry cringed and finished her writing, setting the pen down and grinning sheepishly at the librarian, not answering. Rose Vale smiled in sympathy and took the document, sliding the library card towards the young mare, who picked it up excitedly. Her very first library card!

A ways behind the Canterlot library was a small round space surrounded by rounded hedges intertwined with tiny flowers. Holes leading north, south, east and west had been cut into the hedge so ponies could come and go freely from all directions. Grey paths cut into the warm yellow stone led to the fountain in the center, where water trickled gently and created a relaxing atmosphere. Against the hedges sat cozy benches with overhangs to protect from the sun and weather. Princess Twilight had this place built several years ago for ponies who wanted to read and study outside. Over time it had become a popular reading place. Dahliah read books to Flurry here almost every time she visited Canterlot, ever since Flurry first met her. Now here she was, with a book she had checked out all by herself. 

(more questions and exploring?)

"This is a big step Flurry," Dahliah said to the young mare. "Have your surges gotten better?"

"I think so. I've been trying really hard to keep them under control. My last accident was a month ago." Flurry dragged a chair over and flopped down next to Dahliah. "I sneezed and turned a chair into a bowl of pudding."

Dahliah laughed. "That's not so bad! You're definitely improving."

"Dad thought it was funny." Flurry grinned at her friend. "So, what's up with the tablet-thingy?"

Dahliah was pulling papers and an inkwell towards her. "Did you hear about the excavations being made in Rambling Rockridge?"
"Not till today, every time somepony talks about this thing." She gestured to the tablet.

"Petunia Paleo, an amateur archeologist, led an expedition into that area. They've been carefully combing it over for the past few months. From what the note says, they just came back today and brought all their findings into the castle." 

"There was dirt everywhere at the station!" Flurry giggled. "Twilight was supposed to meet us there but they kept her busy at the castle."

Dahliah shook her head in amusement. "This tablet was found almost perfectly preserved, which is a fantastic find."
"Is it stone?"

"Not quite -- its clay."


Dahliah nodded. "The pony who wrote on it used wet clay, and most likely a primitive stylus for writing. Once they were done with it they would have used fire or some kind of heat spell to make the clay hard and preserve the writing."

"That's super cool!"

"That's how it was done back then. Now we have access to paper whenever we want it." 



Flurry found herself absorbed in the story until Dahliah arrived, her hoofsteps barely noticeable on the stone. "Hi Flurry, I just finished the translations."

Flurry looked up from her book. "Oh boy!"

Dahliah craned her neck to look at the book, her saddlebags shifting on her back. "You chose that one? Interesting."

"It's a nice story," Flurry said as she finished the last few sentences of the book, then closed it and set it down on the bench beside her. 

"How do you feel about finally being able to go inside the library?" Dahliah asked, removing her saddlebags with a huff and sitting down next to her. 

Flurry shuffled slightly. "Well, I'm happy, but also nervous. It's so cool that I can go in there and read any book I want! But, there's just so many books...if I can't keep my surges under control..."

Dahliah placed a sympathetic hoof on the filly's shoulder. "If you focus too much on the negative, it will start to feel bigger and bigger. You said yourself it's been awhile since your last accident. That means you're improving. You're getting closer to growing out of this. So long as you keep concentrating, you'll be fine."

Flurry glanced at her saddlebags, which she had placed next to the bench. "What did the tablet say?"

Dahliah also stole a glance. "Well, it's a brief and sparsely detailed account of events that happened roughly two thousand years ago. 

Flurry's eyebrows shot upwards. "You mean that thing is two THOUSAND years old?!"

Dahliah chuckled at her. "Yes. It dates back to the time of the Migration, when settlers came and established Equestria. In fact, it seems this was a personal account of those events, kept by a unicorn." 

"Can you read it to me?"

Dahliah pursed her lips. "I do have to bring the translation back to Princess Twilight..." She looked up at the sun, which had only just begun to slide towards the top of the west hedge. 

"Are they really important?"

"Hmm...we should have a good amount of time before I have to meet her." Dahliah inhaled and smiled down at Flurry. "I don't see why not. Let me get the translation out." She reached down and opened her saddlebags, carefully pulling a small stack of papers out. She set it between her hooves and smoothed it out. "Keep in mind, this isn't stuff I've read to you in the past."


Dahliah lifted the papers with a hoof and began reading in a soft, clear voice.


The days grow unnaturally cold. Now is the time when the fields should be baked in sunlight, yet the sun is hiding behind grey clouds. The ground is frozen and the earth ponies have little to show for their hard work.

Some ponies have voiced complaints, blaming the pegasi for this strange weather. The pegasi swear this is not their doing. Several have reported seeing strange white shapes lurking among the clouds. Whispers of "winter spirits" dominate our conversations.

The three tribal leaders agreed to meet and discuss a solution to our plight. They have decided we must abandon this place to the winter spirits, and set out in search of new land. What little stores we have should be enough to sustain us to unfrozen ground. 


We have been travelling for (x days, weeks). We managed to find patches of green grass, and it has sustained us. 

Ahead lies a long stretch of land that would be suitable for settling, if not for the great winged creatures that already inhabit it. Some are more than one-hundred times our size. When they open their mouths, flames roll out and sear the air. Their very presence is disturbing. We must make a wide berth around them, and hope they do not see us. 

In the distance, the land is broken through by a wall of large, snow-capped mountains. The leaders are conversing amongst themselves. From what I can hear, it seems they are considering scaling the mountains.

We will know for sure soon enough.


We have reached the opposite side of the mountains. The leaders decided there was no where else to go, and we should scale them and see if better land lies on the other side. So here we are...but this feat has not come without a cost.

A fierce storm sprung up near the summit of the mountains, driving stinging ice into our eyes and making the going treacherous. I was near the back of our group and heard distant shouts from behind. When I turned, the group of ponies bringing up the rear was sliding through the snow, scrambling to keep from falling. I tried to save some of them, but it happened so quickly, and my magic is barely strong enough to keep this tablet afloat. They fell down, between large slices of stone.

We've lingered here for two days. The grass is quite green and plentiful, so our hunger has been sated. But everypony feels the loss of those who fell. We cannot wait any longer. They will not come out. 


How long has it been since we've felt warm spring winds? It rushes through the long grass with a pleasant hush, bringing the sweet scent of clover to our noses. The young ones are laughing, tumbling through the fields and playing games with each other. Even I am laughing. It feels wonderful.

There are so many wonders to see. Not far from us is a group of unmoving clouds dripping with rainbows, and in the distance is a single tall peak, standing proudly at the center of this land. A wide river snakes towards that peak, so we will follow it and see what else lies at the center. 


All of us hope we have reached the end of our travels. The peak stands some distance away, and here is long, rolling fields that practically ooze fertility. Even I, a unicorn, can tell just how valuable the land will be. 

The earth ponies are examining the soil, while the leaders explore with their assistants. The leaders seemed...testy, before they left. I hope they get along. 

The air is suddenly colder. Unnaturally cold. Have the winter spirits followed us?

````~ ``

We experienced a sudden sharp freeze that left as quickly as it came. The leaders have returned, and seem to be in better spirits than when they left. Everypony was crowding around them, asking if the winter spirits had returned. The answer was yes, but thanks to the leader's assistants, they are now gone and will not be bothering us in this new land -- so long as we all come together. 

The leaders announced that as of today, they will be abolishing the segregations between our tribes and creating a new community where we can all live together in harmony. It will be difficult. Not everypony will accept it as easily as they. However, if Princess Platinum desires it, then we unicorns will obey her wishes. 

They also said they had decided on a name for this land -- "Equestria."


It has been four days since building began. The earth ponies are tending the land for crop growing, while the pegasi manipulate the weather to make conditions as suitable as possible. Thus we unicorns are left with most of the building work. Some of the others are discontent, and grumble about seeking adequate pay for their services. In the end, having a home to shelter in and good food will be good enough for me. 

Somepony spotted a dark mass, like a huge flock of birds, heading our way from the northern horizon. That's where we came from. It couldn't be the ponies from the what is it?

It's heading towards the central peak. A few pegasi flew off to investigate.

Its those large winged creatures from beyond the northern mountains. The pegasi said they seemed rowdy, stomping about and blowing large columns of fire from their mouths in anger. Have they followed us here? We will have to be wary. Perhaps they will do nothing to us, so long as we keep to ourselves.


Strange things are happening. A mare has come from nowhere, and now resides with us. She is a curious freak of nature, standing roughly fifteen hooves tall. She is neither unicorn, nor pegasus, but somehow a combination of both. Nopony has ever seen anything like her. 

She brought three foals with her. Unlike their mother, they are simply unicorns. Still, they may yet reveal something about themselves.

One of our own young unicorns, Star Swirl, is fascinated by what the strange mare knows. He hounds her hoofsteps asking her about everything under the sun. His family was among those lost in the mountains. I've tried to keep him from being underhoof, but the mare humors him. Some of our local mares have taken a liking to her foals, and have offered to help her raise them. Perhaps she will teach Star Swirl what she knows. 


Day (). Several strong houses have been erected, and the winter spirits have not returned. The strange mare, whose name is Liliane, told us that the winged creatures living in the center peak are called "dragons," and are very similar to creatures that can be found in her homeland, which she refers to as "wyverns."

Several of these dragons have been spotted lurking not far from the village, as if investigating. As soon as a pony grows close, they hiss and run away. Are they afraid of us? Most of them stand much taller than we do. They could crush us like bugs. 

As some of the local mares help Liliane with her foals, Star Swirl has grown close to her. The two can be seen practicing magic when Star Swirl is not needed elsewhere. He's come far, and might even surpass Clover.

But I've heard whispers among the other ponies. Some call her a warlock, and are wary about letting her be around Star Swirl so much. Despite their misgivings, nopony has offered to take him in either. 


Liliane is...gone. Nopony could find her yesterday morning or since. Nopony noticed at first, but when she hadn't come to visit her foals, the mares started to worry. They asked Star Swirl if he knew where she was, but...he said she needed to go. She said it was necessary, and that she would not return. And thank you, for taking care of her foals.

Naturally, most of the villagers responded with outrage. Why would she just abandon her foals? It was extremely irresponsible and rude. Whatever her task was, how could it mean more to her than her own children? They've noticed her absence, poor things, and now wail for her. The mares are trying to comfort them. Star Swirl said that he would help care for them. But he's practically still a foal himself, and knows next to nothing about caring for such young fillies. Yet he insists, stating that he promised their mother he would.

It seems the suspicions I heard from my fellow villagers were not unfounded. It is a shame, for she seemed not to have a bad bone in her body. Perhaps I should rethink how I view other ponies.


Today is the end. All the birds are silent and the wind does not blow. The world is awash in blood that streams down from the eye of some great sky-beast. It glares at us from the sun's place in the sky, and I fear the beast may have swallowed it whole. It must be angry. Some of the villagers shout that this is Liliane's doing, that she brought this upon us. Perhaps that is why she left so suddenly. 

We traveled for so long to find a place where we could live in peace, and now all we have is in jeopardy

Somepony suggested we sacrifice Liliane's foals to the beast, that it might be appeased. But Star Swirl, and the mares who are taking care of the foals, all protested this and said they must not be harmed. Star Swirl is defending Liliane, saying this is indeed why she left -- but she is not the cause. She is the one who will stop it. 


Yesterday, the beast left quite suddenly, and released the sun. Perhaps what Star Swirl said is true?

He says there was, in fact, no sky-beast, and what we saw in the sky was the sun itself being shadowed by the moon. Some are skeptical of his claims and ask if he can prove them. He shrugged and said he does not yet have the means to.

He also says that soon there will be another celestial event, where the sun and moon will not be present in the sky. Practically nopony believed him. But he still calls for the help of other wizards, saying that they will need to use their magic to -- move the sun and moon? Nopony moves them, they move of their own accord, and always have. How could we possibly do what he asks?


By the princess, everything is dark, just as Star Swirl claimed. Is he prophetic? Or...was Liliane?

I hear hoofsteps, and fearful wailing in the distance. Are we being attacked?!

There is light outside...the sun, it returns! 

It seems there are some who decided to help Star Swirl after all; five unicorns who all look exhausted. Surely this is a sign that they should not be doing this. Even if there is no sky-beast, this seems quite dangerous. 

Star Swirl has announced that they were successful in raising the sun. However, they would need to raise it every morning, and lower it every night, along with the moon, from this point onward -- until Liliane's foals are taught how to do it themselves. He says they have stronger magic and will be able to perform the task with ease once they've grown. 


(MANIPULAAAAATIOOOON get Flurry curious about history and throw in a tidbit to get her questioning her OWN history, which will give Dahliah an opportunity to reveal it to her. maybe Dahliah will visit the Empire haaaaaaaahahahahahaha)

Dahliah set the papers down and looked at Flurry, who was deep in thought.

"Any questions?" Dahliah asked gently/

"That last it talking about Celestia and Luna? But wait..." Dahliah tilted her head slightly and waited as Flurry recalled a previous part of the story. "The unicorn said that Liliane had three foals. Were there ponies in charge of the sun and moon before Celestia and Luna?"

"Technically, yes. Star Swirl and the five wizards performed that task for a while before the sisters did."


"Why is this different from what they teach in school?"

"Have you played the pass-along game?"

"I don't think so."

"This game is best played with a relatively large group. Everypony must sit in a circle and choose a pony to start the game. That pony whispers a random phrase to the pony next to them. For example, I just ate a dozen cupcakes." Flurry giggled as Dahliah leaned over and whispered the phrase loudly in her ear. "You take that phrase and change it a little bit before whispering it to the next pony in line."

"Uhhh...I just ate fifty cupcakes," Flurry whispered back with a grin.

"The phrase changes little by little as it makes it's way around the circle, and by the time it reaches the very first pony, it's completely different."

"That sounds like fun!"
"It is. But it's also a game that reflects real life. When we tell stories to each other, we may change or embellish details without even thinking about it. Everypony sees the world and remembers things differently."

"Huh. Is that what happened to the Hearth's Warming play?"

"We will have to determine the authenticity of this tablet. But, if it is indeed genuine, then it's very likely."

"Dahliah, what's a warlock?"
"Warlock is an old word for one who practices dark arts. The inscriber obviously did not trust her."

"It sounds like she was an Alicorn. But the only evil one I know was Nightmare Moon."

"Anyone has the potential to be evil. And anyone can be mistaken about someone else's character."

Star Swirl thinks he knows what must be done. He is gathering unicorns to aid him. They are combining their magic...the sun, I see it once more! But how has this come about? Did Liliane teach the young lad how? If so, he dabbles in dark magic. The sun is meant to make its own way across the sky, it has done so for as long as we have existed. To meddle with what is natural, especially with his limited experience, can only bring harm upon us all.

"But the Hearth's Warming play -- I thought the unicorns were doing that already. Isn't that right?"

Dahliah gave a light shrug. "Have you ever played the pass-along game?"

"Is that what happened? To the Hearth's Warming play?"


Ighte skrippen a horan lios. 

(I write of (my) horn light)

Visdag del ende.

(Today (is) the end)

Del luna darken, unt del sollast gaen. Vine del sollast slaep?

(The moon (is) dark, and the sun (is) gone. Why (does) the sun sleep?)

Wier ankomen scurt tora.

(We arrived a short time ago.)

Ight luzen del sollast, dae raed, raed asile blott. Dae arisani grimne del luna. Alna raed. Dae eklipse. Del sollast unt luna ar bija (), dae judemen alna.

(I see the sun, it (is) red, red as blood. It rises beneath the moon. All (is) red. It (is an) eclipse. The sun and moon are like a giant eye, it judge(s) all.)