Stardust (Scratchpad)


There was a brilliant flash of light, then silence. 

Snow swirled through the cold air, drifting down to land on a patch of bare earth. The stillness was broken by the sound of breath being quickly sucked through chattering teeth, as a pale white hoof stepped into thick drifts of snow. 

Freezing winds carried the snow away in thin streams, rustling, browning, smelling of sun-baked grass.

The screaming wind died in the rustling grass, and the sharp blades stopped and stood tall, almost obscuring a tall white mare, her face lifted towards a dark sky.  

She looked back, briefly, then turned and began to walk, towards a horizon broken by distant mountains. Beyond those mountains, in the bruised sky, the moon grew dark as the sun rose beneath it. It slid behind the black sphere. Everything was tinged red. 

The black moon, with a ring of blood red around it, stared down from the heavens like the eye of a giant beast.


(he kinda testy cuz he was studying lol. but also now he's kinda responsible for these lil freaks and ye.)

Wooden floorboards creaked under the hooves of a grey stallion, a sputtering candle held in an aura of blue magic. He reached a rough door and pushed it open, spilling warm light into a tiny bedroom. 

Squinting, he raised the candle higher, and the light fell upon a cot on the floor, where a blanket-wrapped mound sat facing away from him. The blanket shifted, and a small, pale yellow face turned to look at him through a hood made by the blanket. A pair of green eyes stared at him, wide and brimming with tears.

He softly sighed through his nose. "What's going on? I heard a noise."

The little filly sniffled quietly, then spoke in a trembling voice. "I-I had a bad dream." A fat tear slid down her rounded cheek and plopped off the edge of her chin.

"Come now, go back to sleep. You'll be fine."

From behind the filly there came a rustling, and an older filly, her coat a soft pink, scrambled out of her own cot. "Star Swirl? What's going on?"

"She said she had a bad dream," the stallion answered gruffly. "Go on, get back into bed."

The pink filly ignored him, crawling into her sister's bed and wrapping the yellow filly into a tight hug. She started whispering soothingly to the little filly.

More rustling, and a faint grumble came from further down. In a third cot a tiny dark blue filly sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Celestia, go back to bed," Star Swirl commanded tiredly. "I need to finish my studies."

"I will." Celestia brushed damp curls of dandelion mane away from the yellow filly's tear-streaked cheeks, and asked, "Do you want me to sleep here?"

The yellow filly hiccupped. "No."

"Okay." Celestia gave her one last squeeze, then tucked her back into bed. As she returned to her own, the blue filly flopped back down, sucking on a tiny hoof.

Star Swirl sighed again, backing out of the doorway and closing the door.

The little yellow filly curled up inside the blankets, turning her eyes to the ceiling and tracing the lines in the wood. She did not close her eyes until they were so heavy, they closed on their own and she drifted off to sleep.


Beams of morning sunlight filtered through a window, and little specks of dust floated through them, drifting past long locks of lemon colored mane. A wooden comb, held by sparkling green magic, carved a path through the locks, filtering out knots and snarls. The comb floated down onto the bed, and a pale cream hoof brushed the hair away from the face of a young mare. 

Thoughts flitted through her mind like tiny birds, quick and fleeting, as she dropped down off the edge of the bed. 

When she opened the door to her room, she heard her sister calling. "Andromeda! Breakfast is ready!"

"I said go tell her!" a stern voice reprimanded. 

Andromeda emerged in the main room, as a male unicorn tried to pass her but accidently bumped into her. 

"Whoops! Sorry about that!" he said, grinning apologetically as she rubbed her head. 

"It's ok Sunny Daze!" 

She continued towards the table at the far end of the room, hearing a thump, a small crash, and muttered curses behind her.

She sat down next to her sisters. Celestia pushed Andromeda's plate closer to her sister and shoved a spoonful of dried hay into her own mouth.

"Celestia, manners," came the voice that chided her earlier. A pale grey female unicorn set down a bowl of sliced apples in the middle of the table. 

Celestia gasped and reached for the bowl, crying "Apples! Thank you, Misty!" Her hoof was promptly smacked by the mare's. 

"Hold on!" Misty Leaves wagged her hoof at Celestia, who frowned and stuck her lips out.

From Andromeda's left came a twinkling sound, and she watched as a piece of apple was enveloped by a sparkling blue cloud. It lifted out of the bowl and drifted quietly into the waiting hooves of Luna. Preoccupied as she was, Misty didn't notice, and the piece of fruit disappeared into Luna's mouth. 

Andromeda giggled, and so did a light pink mare sitting across from them, who had seen the whole thing. 

Misty stopped berating Celestia and looked between the two of them suspiciously. "Alright, what's so funny? Lavender?"

"Nothing in particular," answered Lavender Bloom, winking at Andromeda and Luna. 

From the hall where Andromeda had come, she heard somepony stumble and yell out. "Aaaack! Who left this in the middle of the--" 

While everypony else's attention turned towards the ruckus, Andromeda took the opportunity to grab a piece of apple from the bowl. She poked Celestia with her hoof under the table. "Pssst."

Celestia glanced at her in confusion, then looked down and saw the fruit in Andromeda's hoof. She grinned and grabbed it, shoving it into her mouth before Misty Leaves could see. 

A dark brown stallion shuffled into view, grunting and grumbling under his breath. He approached the table and stared the occupants down. "Who left a scroll in the hall? Darn near broke a leg trippin' over it."

"Bitter Britches, that was me!" came a voice from behind him. The colt who had bumped into Andromeda now stumbled into view, straightening up before Bitter and squinting sheepishly. The old stallion glared at him and shoved the scroll into his hooves, then slumped heavily into an empty chair next to Lavender Bloom. 

"Scrolls don't belong on the floor. Keep yer things up where ponies can't trip over them, Sunny." He grabbed a handful of apple slices and started chomping loudly on them. Lavender leaned slightly away from him, making a face. Sunny Daze dashed off to put the scroll away. 

"Is (tired) out yet?" Misty asked.

"I didn't see him," Andromeda answered.

"(TIRED!)" Celestia called.

Misty glared at her.

"I'm up..." came a dreary voice from the hall. A dull blue colt walked slowly into the main room, his head lowered and his hooves dragging. 

"Are you sure?" Misty asked, raising an eyebrow as (tired) heaved himself into a chair next to Bitter Britches. 

"Actually..." (tired) broke off and yawned hugely, teeth gleaming. His head came back down, blinking his hooded eyes slowly. ""

"Napping doesn't help, then?" Lavender inquired, eyeing him with concern.

"...not really. No."

"I'm working on it, (tired)," Sunny Daze called, coming back into the main room and plopping down next to Lavender. "But I may not be able to find a solution for your fatigue."

(tired) yawned again. "It's okay."

"Quit with the yawnin'," Bitter snapped. 

"Oh hush you," Misty shot back, dropping more dried hay onto the table. 

Andromeda raised her head when she heard a heavy sigh from the hall. A light grey unicorn colt plodded into view, examining the rambunctious main room with distaste, before resigning himself to join the table. 

"Star Swirl, what are the fillies lessons for today?" Misty asked him.

He sat at the head of the table and started munching on a mouthful of hay. "More levitation. Bitter, they could use pointers in architecture." 

"I've got work to do," Bitter replied gruffly through a hunk of apple. 

"We need to expand the house," Star Swirl said. "I mentioned this to you a few days ago."

Bitter huffed. "That's nice. Get one of the villagers to help ye."

"Bitter, you know architecture better than anypony else here," Lavender cut in. "If you teach them, they can help. You won't have to do too much."

"Please?" Andromeda piped up. "We'll help expand the house!"

"T'aint as easy as that," Bitter huffed.

"Oh come now," Misty interjected. "Get off your lazy rump for once."

Bitter glared at her and shoveled hay into his mouth. He chomped for a bit, swallowed, and grumbled "I'm going to (do mah werk) first."

"Then we'll practice levitation until you're done," Star Swirl declared. He sighed and relaxed into his chair. 

"Finish up, girls," Misty commanded, taking the now empty apple bowl off the table. Andromeda pouted slightly when she realized she hadn't gotten any. Oh well. She knew where the stash was. (hahaaaaaaaaa she's a lil thief lmao)

"Luna?" Misty stopped and glanced around. "Luna, where'd you go?"

Andromeda looked to her left and realized her sister had disappeared. She slid out of her seat. "I'll go find her."

Misty shook her head, exasperated. "She needs to stop running off like that..."

Andromeda trotted off through the hall, towards the bedroom she shared with her sisters. The door was cracked slightly, and she pushed her way through.

Luna was sitting on her cot, curled up slightly. Two wooden balls, wrapped in blue magic, rotated around each other in the air before her. 

"Luna? Come on, it's time for practice."

"I am practicing," Luna answered.

Andromeda smiled weakly. "With Star Swirl. Come on, let's go."

Luna made a face, but set the balls down and trudged after her sister. 

Andromeda opened the front door, squinting as the morning sun flashed into view. Warmth tingled across her face, and was immediately cooled by a strong breeze whistling through her ears. Her mane whipped wildly about her, and she reached a hoof up to brush it out of her eyes.  

"Andromeda! Luna!" Celestia called from their right. She stood in a large patch of scrubby grass a stone's throw from the house, waving a hoof at them. Behind her towered a stack of hay bales.


The wizards gathered together outside, arranged in a circle, their heads lifted towards the darkening sky. They all glanced briefly at Star Swirl, who nodded his head. Every horn ignited, flickering with different colored magic. The sun drifted slowly towards the horizon, slipping behind the distant hills. 

From the opposite direction, in the cobalt skies, there came a silver glow. The moon rose above the hills.

Each of the five wizards seemed to struggle, as if they felt the whole of the weight from each sphere individually. (tired) and Sunny Daze grunted and strained. Lavender Bloom trembled, her eyes squeezed shut. Bitter Britches and Misty Leaves breathed heavily, beads of sweat dripping off their chins. 

Star Swirl, by comparison, was definitely strained, but did not seem to be struggling. His posture was upright and firm, his gaze clear and fixed on the heavens.

Andromeda's attention was snagged by a faint glow coming from underneath his cape.

The moon was now completely visible, and the magical glows from the wizards horns sputtered out. Misty Leaves and Bitter Britches shuddered and grumbled. Sunny Daze almost lost his balance, while Lavender Bloom and (tired) collapsed immediately. (tired) moaned slightly. Lavender didn't move.

When Andromeda looked at Star Swirl again, the mysterious glow had faded away.

"This is becoming a bit much," Misty said, her voice tight. She flinched and held a hoof to her chest.

"They need to take over," Bitter wheezed. 

"They will, soon--" Star Swirl started, and was cut off by Bitter coughing violently. 

Andromeda and Celestia crouched down by Lavender and (tired.)

"Lavender, are you okay?" Andromeda shook her shoulders gently.

The mare's eyes screwed up and she started to rise, but flailed and slumped back down again. Her eyes opened, and Andromeda saw them rolling around. "...dizzy..." Lavender mumbled. She closed her eyes again.

"Do you need help standing up?"

Lavender nodded slowly. 


"What's that?" Andromeda asked, sidling up behind him and peering over his shoulder at the scroll.

"My solution for the wizards' failing strength. If I can boost their power with my own, they can continue helping me with the sun and moon until you and your sisters are ready."

Andromeda began to read aloud. "From one to another, another to--"

"Don't speak it!" Star Swirl cut her off sharply, slamming a hoof over the scroll. "It's not finished. I don't need you casting the spell unwittingly."


Once again a circle was formed, this time with Celestia supporting Lavender Bloom. The mare could barely stand, her head hanging slightly. 

"Are you sure you can do this, Lavender?" Andromeda asked, searching for her eyes in the darkness. 

"Please, don't push yourself..." Luna added.

"It's fine," Lavender replied breathlessly. "Star Swirl said this will be the last one...then you girls can take over. Make...make sure you watch closely."


Sparks poured out from their horns. 

Andromeda jumped when she heard a loud popping come from the direction of Lavender. Her gaze snapped onto the unicorn, right as she collapsed heavily to the ground. Her horn was smoking heavily.

In quick succession came shouts and more popping, and the other wizards dropped as well. Only Star Swirl did not collapse, though he did stagger and his magic fizzled out immediately. 

"What's happening?!" Andromeda shrieked, her head whipping about wildly.

"Lavender?! Misty?" Celestia cried, crouching down and shaking their shoulders.

"Girls! GIRLS!" Star Swirl rasped. Andromeda looked up, seeing his knees shake. "You need to do it!"

"Do what?" Andromeda's head reeled. 

"The sun, sisters," Luna said, trotting up next to the last standing wizard.

"We need light, if we're going to help them. Up!" Star Swirl commanded.

Andromeda hesitated, but when Celestia stood up and ran to Luna, she followed without thought. 

"Remember the spell," Star Swirl coached. "Focus your magic, and find the sun."

Three horns ignited. Andromeda lifted her eyes to the distant stars, casting her mind out on a trail of invisible magic. Like the wave from a drop of water in a still pond, she searched the sky for the presence of the sun. She felt something a distant ripple.

Something caught her attention from below, and she glanced down at the earth. The wizards lay awkwardly before her, their forms indistinguishable in the faint light at the edge of the magic's glow. A tiny ripple-

"Andromeda, focus!" Star Swirl snapped.

Her attention shot back upwards. 


"Lavender? Are you ok? Star Swirl, she's not moving!" Celestia wailed.

"The others are unconscious too!" Luna shook Misty Leaves. 

Andromeda watched the old mare's head rock loosely back and forth in the dirt. She looked dull and dark. So did the others. She blinked rapidly as her eyes and nose stung, and her throat tightened. 

Star Swirl crouched beside Sunny Daze, whose hoof was outstretched towards Lavender Bloom. Star Swirl pressed his own hoof to the side of Sunny's face, shifting it along his jaw. Andromeda saw his expression move from denial. He rose and hurried amongst the other wizards, pressing his hoof into the same place along their jaws. 

"Are they ok, Star Swirl?" Celestia asked. 

"Move!" he snapped, shoving her away from Lavender. Celestia fell backwards with a hurt cry.

"Star Swirl!" Luna cried. "What's going on?"

"Go back to the house! All of you!" Star Swirl whipped around and glared at the sisters. 

Luna helped Celestia up, and noticed Andromeda quivering, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Andromeda! Are you ok?"

"All of you, go back to the house NOW!" Star Swirl bellowed, stabbing a hoof in the direction of the house.

Celestia started sobbing. She turned and ran away. Luna glanced between her and Andromeda for a moment before racing after Celestia. 

Andromeda watched through blurred vision as Star Swirl turned stiffly and walked into the circle of fallen wizards, his jaw set and every muscle tight with tension. 


(old drafts)

"We stayed in a castle or something. 

"I remember that. Everything sparkled, I wish we could've stayed there longer.

"I think that's where she went. 

On either side the mountain walls rose, higher than the eye could see. Great chunks of rock had fallen away, and were either laying about the sandy floor or had become dust themselves. 

"Star Swirl...Andromeda and I grew very close on our journey. She is a wonderful, talented mare, and as her guardian, I am asking for your permission to take her as my wife."

 Andromeda looked to her foster father, her eyes wide and pleading. 

Star Swirl caught her eye, (thinking). 

"I can see the love in your eyes, Andromeda. Far be it from me to deny you this (desire of yours)." Star Swirl looked gravely into Fallen Tree's face. "Fallen Tree, your duty is to protect the village. Now it shall be to protect her as well." He nodded once, and a tiny smile lifted the edges of his beard.

Andromeda's face broke open in a huge smile, and she threw her hooves around Fallen Tree, laughing happily. Fallen Tree kissed her cheek fiercely, then broke away

"What time do you leave?" Andromeda asked as he sat down at the table.

"Negotiations take place later today. I'll have just enough time to (something)

"I hope it goes well, for your sake as well as the village's," Andromeda said, coming up behind him. She brought her hooves up to his shoulders, rubbing them firmly. 

"Fallen Tree?" she called, puzzled by his awkward entry, until he stumbled, then collapsed. She shrieked "Fallen Tree!" and raced to his side, unaware of the glass she knocked over.

"They're dead," he croaked, panting heavily. 

"Fallen Tree, are you okay? Where are you hurt?"

"He killed...the leaders. We need to go..."

"Go where?!" Andromeda demanded, grabbing his shoulders and looking him in the eye. "What happened?"

"King Sombra. He's going to...destroy the town.

"Andromeda, the Crystal Ponies are going back to their home. They said we can take refuge with them, us and your sisters. We need to get the girls to safety. "


 "We need to evacuate the village. Get the girls, then we'll run to a safe place. 

"We will hold them off! Go!" Celestia bellowed, turning back to the hoard of dragons and firing a beam of magic at them. 

"Fallen Tree, take the girls! Run!

"Fallen Tree, can you take the girls?" She set the basket down, and nudged it gently over to him. He grabbed it protectively, 

"What're you doing?" he asked, tucking the blanket .

"Fallen Tree..." She bit her lip as her throat tightened. She took a deep breath.

Her husband stilled. His face paled. "Andromeda, stay here. 

"Please." Tears were rolling down her cheeks now. "I have to help them. They're my family too. Please."

"I can't lose you! I'm supposed to protect you."

"Protect them."

He stood still, his eye locked with hers. 

"Take them. Go find my mother. "

His head shook slowly, but his eyes betrayed his loss. 

"Follow us, ok?" His eyes were glassy. "We'll find her together."

She sniffed, and threw her hooves around him in a hug. He held her tighter than he ever had, his face buried in her shoulder. They stayed that way for a moment, then Fallen Tree pushed her away. 

Andromeda knelt down in front of the basket. She pulled the blanket away.

Nestled safely inside, her daughters squirmed as the light shone down on them. their tiny hooves flailing.

Andromeda choked out a sob, then planted a kiss on each of her daughters foreheads. Fallen Tree tucked the blanket back in place, as his wife rose to her hooves. She planted a kiss on his cheek, then unfurled her wings and took off. 

There was a brilliant flash of light, then silence. 

Snow swirled through the cold air, and the wind howled with a lonely sound. Snow crunched beneath hooves caked in ice and frost, the fur frozen in brittle spikes. 

Air wheezed harshly through the mouth of (the owner of the hooves), rattling in his chest. 


Dream by night, wish by day

Love begins this way

Lovin' starts when open hearts

touch, and stay

Sleep for now, dreamings how

lover's lives are planned

Future songs and flying dreams,

hand in hand

Love it seems made flying dreams, 

so hearts could soar

Heaven sent, these wings were meant

to prove once more

that love is the key, 

Love is the key

You and I touch the sky

the eagle and the dove

Nightingales, we keep our sails

filled with love

And love it seems made flyin' dreams

to bring you home to me

- Flying Dreams, from the Secret of N.I.M.H. OST.