Moon Spark (Scratchpad)
(Moon Spark)
 Memories are like the shards of a broken mirror...cast upon the floor in a shower of deadly snow, glittering coldly. If I touch them, my hooves shall be sliced open, the frost sending shivers down my spine and permeating every pore and vein.
 They come to me in the coldest of nights, on the clouds of breath that billow from my blackened mouth. In the rain that pounds heavy upon the open fields, as lightning crackles through the air. On the wind as it howls through the grey sky, sending the rushes fluttering. 


A unicorn mare awakens in the Crystal Mountains, standing in a crater between peaks. She does not remember who she is, or how she came to be there. Nothing is familiar.

But she feels a tugging, something urging her to leave this place, and travel to the center of this land. So she follows this instinct, as storm clouds gather and trail along the sky in her wake.

After travelling for some time, she reaches her destination; a broken down village, in the midst of being rebuilt. A ragged collection of earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi is helped by a pair of alicorns, Celestia and Luna. They do not recognize the mare, but they welcome her into the village. She is able to introduce herself, as Moon Spark.

Celestia buries herself in helping her ponies rebuild their village, and Luna lets Moon Spark shadow her, using what little free time she has to try and help the unicorn remember something beyond her name. The villagers try to convince Celestia that they should contact Star Swirl, who was travelling with the rest of the Pillars of Equestria. He could help with the rebuilding efforts, and maybe even help Moon Spark. But Celestia says it would be difficult to contact him without knowing his location, and she is too busy to try. 


The cold stare of vacant eyes

Windows into an abandoned mind

I've been waiting for a light to turn on

For your heart to find its way home

You were the anchor

For my drifting thoughts

This was not the end I sought

Apathy is not the answer

You surrendered 

- Pale Season, from TheNightTimeProject's album of the same name.