•Character Shit•


Type: Group.
Description: Beings who are well-versed in magic.
Size: An average pony comes up to their chest.
Diet: Vegetarians.
Sub-species: Pony.
Range: Beyond lands.
Surroundings: Mountains, dusty terrain, Portmanteau.
Lifespan: Anywhere from a hundred years to five hundred. Some have even reached a thousand.


Type: Group.
Alignment: Neutral / Lawful Good.
Description: Quiet shamans who dabble in alchemy and potions.
Size: Average pony size (Males are slightly larger).‎
Diet: Vegetarians.
Sub-species: Pony/horse.
Range: Beyond lands.
Surroundings: Sparse forest, grassland.
Lifespan: Fifty to a hundred years.

Type: Group.
Alignment: Neutral Good / Chaotic Neutral
Description: Quite nimble creatures. The females are timid and live in large groups under one or two males, who like to fight each other with their large horns.
Size: Smaller than a pony (Males are about the same size as an average pony)
Diet: Vegetarians. They like grass the most, but they also eat moss and small plants.
Sub-species: Goat‎
Range: Beyond lands.
Surroundings: Rocky terrain.
Lifespan: Ten-fifteen years.

Type: Group.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 
Description: Mysterious half-breeds, they are usually silent around strangers, but squawk and horse play when at ease. They are also easily offended, and skillful fighters as well as fliers.
Size: Slightly taller than a pony on its hind legs
Diet: Omnivores.
Sub-species: Pony, eagle
Range: Beyond lands.
Surroundings: Mountain terrain, tall trees,
Lifespan: Twenty-five to fifty years. 

Type: Group, technically, but they're not as friendly as horses, for example.
Alignment: Neutral Evil.
Description: Mischievous flatland dwellers, they like to have fun irritating and annoying others, and playing tricks.  
Size: About as tall as Princess Luna from horn to hoof.‎
Diet: Carnivores.
Sub-species: Wolf, lion.
Range: Beyond lands.
Surroundings: They travel the scrubby terrain between the Zebra, Capra and Alicorn territories.
Lifespan: Ten to sixteen years.

Type: Individual.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil.
Description: An extremely old (and large) desert centipede. He frequently attacks the Beyond territories for food, and every couple of years or so attempts to break into Portmanteau.
Size: About twenty-five feet.
Diet: Carnivore. Has a taste for Alicorns, and regularly tries to break through the wall (every couple of years). Satisfied with smaller beasts, like the Hellions and Zebras.
Sub-species: None.
Range: Beyond lands.
Surroundings: He lives in a large cave some distance away from the territories.
Lifespan: He is currently about as old as Portmanteau. Several thousand years old.

Type: Group.
Alignment: Neutral Evil / Chaotic Evil.
Description: Temperamental fire-breathers. Every once in a while they try to infiltrate Portmanteau to get the gems there.
Size: Two-three times as tall as an Alicorn. 
Diet: Gem-eaters. They also eat wood, to burn for smoke.
Sub-species: Dragon.
Range: Beyond lands.
Surroundings: Square-ish mountains, deep caves,
LifespanTheir lifespans can exceed thousands of years, though usually no more than two.

Type: Individuals. 
Alignment: Can be any alignment, depending on what they were created for, but is usually in the range of Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral. 
Description: Golems are crafted, usually by magic users, with stones and / or clay and sculpted in the shape of a creature, usually a pony.
Size: Usually about fifteen to twenty feet.
Diet: They feed on magic, which is part of why they died out. Raw magic is best for them.
Sub-species: Creature (Usually pony), rocks.
Range: Equestria, edges of Equestria.
Surroundings: N/A
Lifespan: They can live forever if taken care of properly. Good care includes proper amounts of magic consumption, with no bad / dark magic. They use this to make repairs on themselves.

~The NightmarForces~
Type: Individual / Entity.‎
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Description: A mass of raw magic that feeds on the magic of other creatures.
Size: Depends on how much magic it has consumed -- if it has eaten enough, it could cover the entire world Equestria is in. It could grow bigger than that, even. It can also be extremely small.
Diet: Raw magic, source magic (straight from the source), even whole creatures.
Sub-species: N/A
Range: Portmanteau, Equestria.
Surroundings: N/A
Lifespan: It could live forever, if left to itself. Or it could possibly consume itself. ‎Who knows?

~(Somniabunt/Somnyabúnt, Mediis Tenebris/Medistene)~
"In umbra sequuntur somnia"
Information on this species currently being gathered. 
Type: Dark demon, shadow monster‎
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Description: Beings that look very slightly like ponies, but have thin, skeletal features, as well as thick bonelike crests on their head and bodies. Commanded by Shadow Spark. ‎
Size: Varies. Can be average pony size, or as large as a Drider.
Diet: Life-essence, basically.
Sub-species: Pony,
Range: Inferius
Lifespan: Unknown

Mythical Beast Ideas
Banshee (Screams as an omen of death)
Bray Road Beast (Neigh Road Beast)
Elf/Alicornai (Hmmm...tall, thin, exotic-looking ponies with oddly-shaped eyes.)
Golem (Essentially a crude being; very strong, feeds on/controlled with magic)
Nymph (Nymphai)
Zombie (Remember that Pinkie Pie mentioned zombies at one point.)
Harpy (Part horse, falcon, and/or maybe griffon) (Miohippus)
Vodnik (Amphibious ¿pony? spirit, bizarre clothing, stores souls in porcelain cups)
Silurian (A giant centipede)
Dire Wolf (Gigantic wolf)
Kelpie (Kelpies are water spirits that look like merponies/hippogryphs, but can take the form of a pony)
Capra (See: Alpine ibex. Goat/Pony creatures with impressive horns.)
Hellions (Nasty wolf /lion /large cat creatures)
Wyverns (Dragons with only two legs, but vicious tempers and extremely hot fire tinged with soot)
Gashadokuro (Japanese. Giant skeleton amassed from the bones of people who died of starvation. Pony bones, or something else? Maybe the sisters encounter it.)
Lou Carcolh (Serpentine mollusk that lives in underground caverns.)
Nalusa Falaya (Long, black beings that slither and melt into shadows.)

(Maybe) Official Creatures 
Male, gargantuan centipede. Has the appearance of a Desert Centipede. 
This ugly creature is ancient, and often hungry. He lives near Portmanteau, and frequently attacks.
Does not speak, carnivorous, 
Mix of three-toed pony, hawk. Stands on hind legs, which have strange claws on the ends. Feathers on the head, some on body. Front legs are hooved, medium sized wings.
Speaks, omnivorous,
Tall, moving hills of stone made by ancient magic.
Does not speak, feeds on magic. 
The Nightmare Forces 
An evil as old as time itself. Not much is known about these mysterious 'forces', but they continue to corrupt ponies and other creatures to this day.
Recent information: The Nightmare Forces are actually the remnants of Lorelei the Alicorn's magic, combined with a decay spell. It consumes almost anything it touches, and is drawn to large amounts of power.
Does not speak, unless it has possessed someone. Eats pretty much anything.
The combination ‎of features from various cats/animals. Body is similar to that of a wolf, and the face is oddly pointed. Mane and tail are thick. Wings. Varying grey tones -- youngsters are born with very light coats which gradually darken as they age, though some adults have maintained lighter fur.
‎Young Hellions [Kits] are rather pleasant to gaze upon, and they are mischievous and like to cause trouble.
Hellions have an average lifespan of sixteen years. Height average: 6-7 feet, with the males averaging 7-10. 
Night vision, marathoners, 
Territorial, lives in large groups, 
Rough speech, omnivorous
Tall, with broad wings, and horns. Very strong magical abilities and narrow, pointed eyes.
Some features can vary between sex and individuals. For instance, all male Alicorns ‎have curved horns, though the amount of curve varies. 
Most Alicorns are born as Unicorns or Pegasi. Never Earth ponies, and rarely is one born already an Alicorn. Each type (excluding those born as Alicorns) are trained to hone the abilities that come with their horn/wings, and to earn what they lack. Those born as Unicorns have more enhanced magical skills, as well as knowing a wider range of spellwork. Those born as Pegasi have impressive muscles and are strong fliers, and can maneuver in ways most born without cannot.
Eloquent speech, vegetarian
A species of goat, they live in rough mountain ranges and mine the precious metals stored there, sometimes taking these metals and wrapping them around their horns and hooves. They can use small amounts of magic with their horns. Males have muscular bodies and thick, curved horns almost as long as their body. Females are more delicate, and have much smaller horns; almost stubs. 
Rough speech, vegetarians.
A species of dragon with only two legs. Vicious, temperamental. Breathes extremely hot white fire. Soot usually comes with it; something is burned within them, and comes out with the fire (Maybe they eat specific things that will be stored in their belly, and burn later?). Strong wings, terrible claws, teeth that can easily rip and tear.
Rough speech, carnivorous.
(Shadow Spark's Army)
So far, two different species in her army have been identified. The first is like the skeleton of a pony, with thick, bonelike crests on their head and bodies, and sharp features. These can vary in size, from average pony size to the height of a Drider. They make hollow, clacking sounds, and do not eat, though they are prone to ripping their enemies to shreds. 
The second is a thick shadow, able to change size and shape at will, and echoes the calls of the deceased. Consumes living flesh, technically speaks.

How the Nightmare Forces affect creatures
The Nightmare Forces were mostly destroyed in Portmanteau, but not completely, as a small amount of it was able to escape. And there's basically radiation left over. If a pony stays in Portmanteau long enough, they will begin to express violent behavior, or malicious intent. Their eyes will turn completely black, except for silver membrane stretched across the collorette.
Ala from any other raw magic source gives life. Ala from the Nightmare Forces rots, causing spots like blackheads. Typically found around the forehead, hooves, cheeks and chest.  
The horn of a unicorn, or the magical extension of any other creature (i.e a deer or Changeling's horn(s),

(Maybe you could set some of these up for adoption.)

Solidago (Bright yellow mane, green eyes, see Goldenrod)
Velvet Moss
Sugar Rush (Short, frizzy hair -- cotton candy blue --)‎
Dreamy Days
Briar Patch ()
Cranberry Spritz (Deep red body, foamy red hair, orange eyes)
Misty Leaves
General Iron Wing (Gusty Wings)
Peppermint (twisted red and white hair)‎
Onciros (means dream in Greek)
Sicilian Sunset (Creamy yellow, like pudding, fading into strawberry red)
Pineapple, fruity. Tropical, smooth, sweet,
Carnelian (A kind of rock: basically means courage. 'I am courageous and confident') Could be friends with Nebula. To teach Nebula courage.‎

Dull red, aqua blue, grey and white. (Maybe a grey and white body, red hair, blue eyes)
Tan, pink, auburn,
Dull navy, shiny blue
Pale ombre colors: orange, pinkish, white and grey.
Blueish-grey body, buttery yellow mane, pea green eyes.
Dandelion yellow, root beer brown, bright, vibrant blue.