• Facts •
Still have to get her name but this is where I'll put an official art collaborator  

ok as a placeholder but this might be her actual name: Jenna Hillard

Ok she said to credit her as enjoyable dog, that's her insta name

Lillith's name is now Lorelei. Change all the things that say otherwise!


Lauren's name is now Liliane.


Portmanteau has been changed to Alidia.

The Legend of the Crystal Empire is now The Dragon Amulet.

I'd say, if you want to get any script writing whatsoever done, then write like you're writing a story, but be blunt. Just get the words out.
Transferring files and important information to Notebook.ai, and Google Docs. Reduce the amount of unimportant information/information in general on this device.
Also, as you're finishing this stuff -- I made documents in the DocsToGo thing. When you're done with a story it can go in its respective doc. I want to have as many copies of the stories as possible.

The Crystal Chronicles have become so...so much more than I ever could have imagined they'd be.
If I can kinda clear things out a bit, and get rid of the stuff I don't need, I'll really be able to look at the whole thing from a different point of view.
By having fun, you can make others laugh!
One solid fact:
Don't let fame go to your head.
But, I don't know how that works. D:
Go into quotes! I have some stuff there. ;)


Alicorn Amulet: The last piece of Sombra's crystal heart, still with some evil magic left, that was used to create an amulet.

Alidia: City of alicorns that once existed beyond Equestria; now in ruins.

Ala dust: Dust-like particles left behind by raw magic. It is a good magic conductor; however, direct contact with it can cause horn rot. 

Artificial Alicorn: A unicorn or pegasus not of pure alicorn descent, who is ascended to alicorn status with the aid of another alicorn.

Broken Pass: In present-day Equestria, this is the path through which train tracks were laid to provide transport between Equestria and the Crystal Empire. Was created by Moon Spark after she experienced magic overload.

Chaos magic: Unpredictable and dangerous.

Cloud walking: Sleeper magic that allows one to walk on clouds.

Crystal heart: Dragons have crystal hearts that fuel their fire. 

Crystal seeds: Gems that grow on crystal trees. They have magical properties which include strength and magic boosting.

Crystal trees: Trees made entirely of crystal that grow underground. The gems that grow on them have strong magical properties.

Dragon Amulet: A piece of Dragon King Sombra's crystal heart that was saturated in evil magic, trapping his soul within it. It can boost magical stores. If somepony with strong magical aptitude comes into contact with it, they can converse with him. With more exposure, Sombra can take over the pony's body and mind. 

Elysia: Where creatures and ponies go when they die, guided by Andromeda, Princess of the Stars.

Growth: Sleeper magic that accelerates the growth of flora.

Hellfire Phoenix: A type of phoenix associated with Inferius and raising the dead. Similar appearance to that of Proginoskes (from A Wind in the Door, Madeleine L'Engle), various shades of blue.

Horn rot: A disease that affects the horn of an Alicorn, Unicorn, or magic-conducting implement of similar creatures (deer antlers, ). When they come into contact with raw magic, or more specifically, ala dust, their horn rots from the inside out. 

Inferius: A shadow realm, where evil ones are destined to go.

Limbo: A space that exists in-between, where time does not flow.

Magic overload: When a creature or pony has too much magic within them for their magic stores to handle. This usually leads to incineration if the magic is not properly released.

Magic stores: The level of magic a creature or pony can store within them. Alicorns are known to have immense magic stores, and Twilight Sparkle's were larger than average even before she became one herself.

Mind-control helm: A piece of technology forged by King Sombra. Crystals fixed on the inside of the helmet allow Sombra to control whomever wears it.

Pureblooded Alicorn: Alicorns from the city of Alidia. They can become alicorns as a unicorn or a pegasus without the aid of another. 

Raw magic: Magic that is not contained by a creature or inanimate object, such as a book or jar. Over time this sinks into the earth and becomes a part of the local ecosystem. For stronger magic this process takes longer. 

Shadow magic: Darkness/shadow related magic.  

Sleeper magic: A type of magic that is not teachable or forcibly attainable. It is simply present when the conditions are correct, and is usually subtle.

Tartarus: Once the lair of Grogar, after his defeat it was converted into a prison for some of his most evil creations, and later villains were sent there as punishment for their crimes.

Release Order:

Del Darken Marung

The Dragon Amulet


Moon Spark

Time Whispers 


Plan on releasing any in-between stories during this order?
Depends on whether or not I decide to write all of these first and have them on FIMfiction before turning them into audiodramas.
I think we should release the first three stories on FIMfiction, then start putting out the mini stories.

Why can't Sombra complete his transformation after Nebula destroys the dragon amulet? Luna, Stygian and Moon Spark all transformed without catalysts. 

Because he lost the last part of his dragon form. The ponies were merely transforming into corrupted versions of themselves. Sombra had to use the amulet to transform a pony body into a dragon one.

Lol I was trying to justify it before with answers about Lorelei's magic but really the answer is super obvious.

"Once a villain, always a villain."

Why does Star Swirl say this? Because his dad was a DICK.

The dragons grew bold. Since the ponies of Brywood had not so much as glanced their way in some time, they began prowling again, and even attacking the village. The sisters had not been trained in combat magic (AND THAT'S WHY THEY'RE USELESS) but they did their best to help the guards.

"Oh, forgive me, for getting so excited. It's just...when I was a filly, my friends often put on plays. Sigh...it was so wonderful. Everypony coming together to create a magical experience to share with others. I've always believed theater brings out the best in us, and forges a special bond of friendship." -- Celestia.

(Discussion on Princess Luna)

Let us handle Nightmare Moon and Tantibus as forms of Luna’s emotional state, then analyze her deterioration that led to her banishment, Nightmare, and her current negative personality traits.

We start our story with a young alicorn named Luna who was entrusted with an honorable task of moving the Moon across the sky. Then, after a while, something stirred in this young princess: she became resentful. The pony subjects favored daylight and she took that as a personal insult. We are not aware of any emotional outbursts she had during this period, but we can assume that she did suffer persistent anger caused by minor slight(s) she herself imagined as such.

Then comes the Nightmare Moon: a violent, impulsive, self-damaging act born out of immense emotional distress. She does the same thing once more with Tantibus, and, once again, she demonstrates impulsivity and lack of planning since her activities always result in collateral damage and guilt that pushes her into even greater emotional distress. For each such action, she wishes to punish herself, which is also her way of coping with negative emotions. It is a circle that she cannot break on her own.

And last but not least, her quirks: Current Luna has a very poor image of herself. It is plagued with self-criticism and emotional liability. She can go from “having fun” to “I’m angry and depressed” due to environmental causes in an instant. She also lacks the insight into the feelings of others (while those are not visualized in the dream), easily misunderstands them, and is thus easily provoked into aggressive behavior. We can also suspect that her view of others is leaning on the negative side more often than not. She also has family issues and was until recently unable to form stable relationships with other ponies, which hints on pathological mistrust of others.

So we have impairments of self and interpersonal functioning, negative affectivity in forms of emotional liability, depressive behavior, anxiety over past actions along with feelings of shame, disinhibition in the form of impulsivity (perhaps even risk taking), and antagonism with persistent anger and irritability provoked by minor insults.

Whelp, my monthly quack diagnosis quota is fulfilled. Lay it on me!

Y'know what

I'm gonna make two separate timelines, one for past events in Equestria, and one for current events. XP

Ponies back in the day could just eat grass and such, and didn't necessarily need crops so long as there was grass. Of course it was later found that carrots, apples, and the like were good for your diet but one could survive without.   

Liliane teaches Star Swirl all she knows about magic. That's why he grows up to be one of the best Equestrian wizards. 

The Crystal Keepers of Alidia are the ones who control the sun and moon before Celestia and Luna. Everyone else in Equestria assumed it happened naturally, until the Fall, and the two sisters earn their cutie marks for controlling the celestial bodies.

UuuuuuAAAAAAGH, this is driving me crazy X'D 
Lorelei, having lost her magic and being forced to leave Alidia, leaves a single feather behind upon her exit. 
Feathers symbolize flight and freedom, and blue feathers often represent a message to be calm, relax. It can also mean care, love and protection, and is thought to be left behind by angels as a sign that you are being protected, and you're not alone. 
Just a little bit of irony here...

Zebras rhyme because they feel it stimulates the mind, making you search for just the right words. You must choose your words carefully, think about what you say.

If you scare a child, it releases a lot of adrenaline and a chemical or something you can't recreate in a lab.

Jim Jones Tactics 
• Sleep Deprivation 
Depriving someone of their sleep is a quick and brutal way to destroy their will. "Let's keep them poor and tired, 'cause if they're poor they can't escape, and if they're tired they can't make plans." Make them feel guilty if they sleep more than a few hours a night. 
• Starvation 
A weakened group is easier to control. Jonestown residents weren't fed enough to keep their energy up. "There was rice for breakfast, rice water soup for lunch, and rice and beans for dinner. On Sunday we each received an egg and a cookie. Two or three times a week we had vegetables. Some very weak and elderly members received one egg per day."
• Paranoia 
Jones convinced his followers he had psychic abilities, and could read their thoughts.  
• Make Them Feel Special 
One of the simplest ways to control someone is to make them feel like they're your best friend. "Jones could make everyone feel as if he or she was the guest of the day; he made each one feel special in some way. He gave you your five minutes, and in return, you gave him your life."

So. *Tsk* Y'know how Sombra has armor that covers his chest?
Heeheehee -- he gets the armor after the Amulet explodes there.
The cape comes from the king.

The funny thing about goats is that each of their sub-species can be traced back to capra. At least, I'm pretty sure they can. X)

Windigos...are ponies who died of starvation.

In war the two chief virtues are Force and Fraud. 
Even if only a few people are not willing to respect other people's rights, everything might devolve.

To quote Celestia herself:
"Your magic must be harnessed through focused study and practice."
Fact: Earth Ponies have a passive kind of magic that allows them to interact with the environment. Like how Pegasi can easily walk on clouds.

paradox is a statement that, despite apparently sound reasoning from true premises, leads to an apparently self-contradictory or logically unacceptable conclusion. ‎A paradox involves contradictory yet interrelated elements that exist simultaneously and persist over time.
In common usage, the word "paradox" often refers to statements that may be both true and false i.e. ironic or unexpected, such as "the paradox that standing is more tiring than walking".

The sisters have to have flashes of their kids. I mean -- like -- they have to kind of act like their kids. 
You -- you take after mom, with your love of reading and stuff. You also have dad's smarts. Mom's looks, dad's lack of fashion sense. Mom's smooth nose, dad's attached ears. Frustration, calm demeanor. And so on and so forth...

Two armies. Teeheehee
Once Sombra gets rid of Ember, he'll have control over the dragons. Quite a formidable army, heehee.
And while he's getting that done, Moon Spark will kill the princesses.
Sombra will take care of the Mane Six, because they're the ones who got rid of him the second time around, plus the princesses because they got rid of him the first time!
Moon Spark will take care of the Pillars, because...y'know, history 'n stuff. Stuff 'n things. And she'll take Celestia and Luna's magic, but she won't kill them, Sombra will. 
Shadow Spark will drain the magic from the two sisters, storing it somewhere inside herself or something, so she can give some of it to Sombra. Then she will kill the sisters.
Actually, since Sombra was banished by them, he might want to kill them himself. ‎And they might try to escape, and/or help the others.

If Andromeda has kids with a stallion instead of Pyro (old dragon character), and this stallion has siblings, then one of those siblings could be the ancestor of Prince Blue Blood. *triumphant yell*

The Mantle; a group of six high Alicorns.

Alberich is Adam. 
Lorelei is Lillith. 
Liliane is Eve. 
Celestia, Andromeda and Luna could each represent Cain and Abel, as Celestia and Andromeda start with A and C, but Celestia and Luna are the ones who fight.

Ooh! Moony's eyes fade from green, to yellow, to pure white. 
What about Sombra's? 
Hmm, since he's already two personalities in one body, it might be different...

With a race as powerful as the Alicorns, whatever would take them out would need to be an EXTREMELY powerful force. 
Therefore, they are not infiltrated by the Changelings, or taken down by the Umbrum...
No...they wipe themselves out.
And Lorelei plants the poisonous seeds that grow to entangle the Alicorns in thorns of mistrust and doubt. Which eventually grow into a crazed hungry magic cloud.

Gem Trees in Alidia are sacred, and must be well taken care of. They're basically like coral. 
When Liliane's seed is planted by the Pillars, they instill it with some of their power, so it will grow to protect Equestria.

Mental battle time. FORK, it keeps auto-correcting 'battle' to 'BATHROOM' X'D
Lorelei can only be defeated by her own magic, the Nightmare Forces. See Random Stuff for a list of how regular magic works on her, as well as one for Sombra and Shadow Spark.

"Poor shadows of Elysium, hence, and rest." --Shakespeare, Cymbeline
~• Elysia (Aka, pony-heaven)
The air all around is white, and seems almost to be a living thing. It feels like the softest of feathers, and smells fresh and -- air-y. XD
'Wishes of well-being' are tiny sparkling things, like specks of dust, floating from the well-wisher to the recipient. Gazing upon the speck allows one to see the well-wisher, and hear their words.
~• Limbo (An in-between place)
This is basically a veil. This is where the Pillars took Stygian, and it's where Sombra was banished to after being defeated by the Mane Six. If a villain is sent here, they are not truly destroyed, as its caught between time. 
~• Inferius (Aka, pony-hell)
Everything is shadows. You'll probably never meet another being living down here. Lorelei was able to find Sombra and Shadow Spark because they were turned evil by her own magic.

Celestia figures out that Andromeda is destined to die, and is forbidden to tell anyone else. 
Even Luna. 
"How could she go on, pretending like nothing happened? It was sickening..."

Sombra's door not only leads him to the Crystal Heart, it's also the gateway to Nebula's prison.

Rules for the characters
Dahliah ALWAYS walks at the back of the group. And if she has to walk in front of ponies, she's nervous.
She also walks very quietly. Most scenes won't even have hoof noises with her.

How could Andromeda 'set things right'? 
Once again...three things. Ugh. XP
Firstly, she will bring Luna out of the moon.
Secondly, she will help with Twilight's wings. 
Third, she'll restore Nebula.
1: Bring Luna out of the moon
2: Give Twilight wings

Clover, the Clever. Mirage, the Changeling. Aurora, the Hippogryph. Yiksler, the Yak.
Nuckerbauker, the Dragon.‎ And Grover, the Griffin.
Ancient Artifacts 
Clover the Clever's cloak -- Ponies
Amulet of Aurora -- Hippogryphs
The Talisman of Mirage -- Changelings
The Helm of Yiksler -- Yaks
Nuckerbauker's Shell -- Dragons
The Crown of Grover -- Griffins

I am not taking the comic books into consideration. As far as I'm concerned, they don't exist in MLP canon, which means I don't have to worry about sticking to what's canon with them. Though I am trying to stick as close as possible to the canon of the show.

Star Swirl, along with five other great sorcerers, were the ones who raised the sun before Celestia. Their magic wasn't strong enough, however, and one day it seemed they would lose their magical abilities forever, and the sun would never rise again. But then Celestia discovered she had the power to raise it, without losing strength.

Throughout the story, perhaps the Elements will start to lose their power. Combining them with the Elements of the Pillars will restore their powers, and maybe even double it.

Celestia, Andromeda and Luna's old home:
Instead of having stuff with Alidia in Stardust, you should have that as a separate story.
Got it: Beyond

History repeats itself, like, a looot...in this story...
And so does the number THREE!!! And SIX!!! AND EIGHT!!!!!

Mi Amore Cadenza is Italian for 'I love Cadence'

The mother. I don't know what she'll look like, but I do know that her eyes will be blue. Star Swirl's are blue. 
Coal does not want to kill anyone. Sombra does. But in the first stages of the possession, Coal has more control. He has enough willpower to not allow Sombra to kill anyone -- like his parents, and Carnelian.
Coal might be attracted to Carnelian. She'll be moody for a while, since he killed her brother, but then she'll become rebellious.

Celestia and Luna supposedly have immense power (don't know if this information is trustworthy or not, though). But they are constantly kicked out of the light when villains show up. Either they don't have the power they seem to have, or they don't want to stir up old memories. 
Celestia disappeared when Nightmare Moon returned because the possibility of seeing her sister again was overwhelming. 
She sent Twilight and her friends after Discord because she knew her student was smart, and not only that, the group were the bearers of the elements. 
She sent them out again, this time to the Empire, because the memories could be too much. 
Luna made the Tantebus to punish herself for the things she did as Nightmare Moon -- but also for allowing her sister to die.

As she was never taught anything about magic, young Moon Spark does not have the ability to perform regular magic. At all. When she goes crazy in the village, the Nightmare Forces are doing the magic, though they are also channeling what little magic Moon Spark has.

Dahliah can see through time with her eyes.
She can't control it, though. She'll just get random flashes, like, she'll suddenly see a ghostly pony couple walking down the street, or an explosion right in front of her face. 
That's part of why she doesn't seem to be...all there sometimes. It's because she's trying to separate the past from reality.
Dahliah cannot see into the future. The farthest she can go is the present, so she always knows when the present is.
This topic needs debate, though...
What time would the present be? Would it be within your time?
Yeah, I think so. (Still needs discussion, you can't be uncertain about this)

The aura of a Unicorn's magic is usually the color of their...Cutie Mark. Not eyes. You could probably make some exceptions, but -- seems like that's how it works.

Celestia holds the Grand Galloping Gala in honor of her departed sisters. (Heehee -- there's even a yellow Alicorn statue in the grand hall!!!)

Ariel, I SWEAR, you are choosing these names like you know what they mean BEFORE YOU LOOK THEM UP...
Tiger's eye 'helps with physic abilities'
The dahlia flower is basically everything my character is, and not only that, this flower is part of a family called Asteraceae, which means STAR.
Oh, and potatoes are a part of the nightshade family. 

It takes time for the shadows to destroy the light. And the light can only send the shadows away, for a time.
It took time for the spirits of Coal and Moony to finally dissolve. The same with Flurry. She'll be intact when her friends find her.  

Tempest Shadow left Equestria to...spread the word about friendship? 
So, she's not there -- so, someone will have to get her. 
Ororor, her Cutie Mark summons her back. :^
Or she just decides to come back. X)

The Alicorns of Portmanteau killed Sombra's wife, and stole her Crystal Heart.
 "What is your grudge against the Empire?"
 "Haha...that's a good question. Let's start with this: they killed my wife and took her heart, to use in their 'Empire', my kind was banished from our home, I was killed, put inside of an Amulet, killed a good two or three more times -- need I go on?"
Sombra lost his wife to cruel and greedy ponies. They stole her Crystal Heart, causing Sombra to be constantly angry, and to have hatred towards ponykind.
When Sombra possesses Coal's body, he fully intends to become a dragon again, and be able to return to his kind. But when Nebula destroys the Amulet before the transformation is complete, he can't go back to his kind as a pony. These ponies...they killed his wife, they drove him from his kingdom, and now this. Ponies...they are scum to him. So he will take his anger and bitterness out on them.

When you're a bad guy, something has gone wrong in your life. You only see the bad, and eventually refuse to see the good.
Either that, or you don't see eye to eye with what others define as good.

Coal was drawn to the Amulet because A) It was made by a Unicorn; B) It has immense power.

This flower means:
Wild Dahlias originated primarily in mountain valleys, where they were protected from harsh conditions in spring and summer.
Shit, and Asteraceae means 'star'. The dahlia...is in the Asteraceae family, omg...
I can't figure out what the yellow dahlia means. So for now, it will stand for...mystery. X)

Lots of stories in the works...
Hehehe...exactly how many are in the Crystal Chronicles? 
Let's see...There's the other individual stories, like Stardust, The Story of Moon Spark, Revival, Time Whispers, Incarnate. Five. Then there's The Legend of The Crystal Empire. Which is quite a few stories in of itself. Four individual parts, each with three inner parts, plus one for the last one. 17! Okay, let's take out the inner parts...
So four plus five, that makes nine stories. Technically. Kinda. Take out the individual parts, and that makes six.
SHUT UP!!! NOOOO!!!!! 
I think you need to do something with these recurring numbers.

The group:
Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, Star Swirl, Somnambula, Rock Hoof, Flash Magnus, Mistmane, Meadowbrook, Cadence, Flurry Heart, Nebula, Tempest, Me,
Almost twenty ponies. 
Yeah, some of 'em have to die.
Alright, let's kill THAT ONE *BAM*, and THAT ONE *PEW*, AND EVERYONE ELSE *BOOM*

How many Alicorns are there?
Celestia, (not living buuut Andromeda), Luna, Twilight, Cadence, Flurry, Nebula, Lorelei/Starlight Glimmer, (Moony)

The chances of a twin birth with horses (in general) are generally high. The chances of the mare and/or the foals surviving the birth are very low. At best, the mare will get sick. At worst, all three will die.
Since Nebula survived her birth, it makes her stronger. So her children, that she has, are stronger as well. They're a little bit stunted, though -- but it's no biggie, seeing as they would have been unnaturally tall in the first place. (No kidding! X)

Heh...it all started in Kansas. With the Dragon Amulet. 
Okay, so I think that there is some official background behind King Sombra -- so you'll just have to be like 
"I started coming up with this story during the summer of 2017. I was in Kansas at the time, visiting some relatives. I had recently listened ‎to the YouTube readings of Cupcakes and Rainbow Factory, and wanted to make my own stories. At the time, I didn't really know anything about the old MLP shows, the comic books, or even most of the fandom! I just started writing stuff down on the fly. Things changed a lot (mostly because I lost all of my notes twice) but one thing I didn't want to change was the basic arc for Sombra. Even when I found out that, yes, there was canon information on Sombra, I still stuck with my story. And yes, I know that Nebula looks an awful lot like Radiant Hope. *sigh*. When trying to come up with the parents, I wanted colors similar to Coal's. Tanzanite turned out dark. Alstonite became a lighter color. (Side note: after deciding on Nebula's origins, I wondered briefly if I could make Coal an orphan, too.) Originally, I wanted to be Nebula. So I made her purple (for obvious reasons ;). I gave her a light blue mane and green eyes because I liked that scheme. Then I came up with me. X)"

The 'Nightmare Forces' are something talked about occasionally among the creatures of MLP -- but they're pretty mysterious. The only facts about this are tidbits of information. Like how the Forces were around centuries before the Alicorn sisters. Ancient Egypt and things like that. And they only ever possess one creature at a time.
Well, maybe I can say that it became legend. Ponies thought the Nightmare Forces were around before the Alicorns, but since it's Lorelei's magic, it wasn't around centuries before the Alicorns.
Let's see...this next part is just an idea, but what if:
Moon Spark
King Sombra
Queen Crysalis maaaaaybe...?
All of these guys were corrupted by the Nightmare Forces.
Someone also pointed out that a lot of the MLP antagonists just happen to have horns. Can you think of any time a Pegasus, or an Earth Pony, suddenly turned evil?

The thing about babies in MLP...is that if the parents are Earth ponies, the kids will be Earth ponies. Same for the other types. 

When it comes to Cutie Marks, the mark represents a job and/or a skill. Mostly skill.

'On the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will help in her escape.'

No doubt Carnelian will be pining after Jacinth.
When he dies, she'll be in denial. (Also be in denial when it comes to Coal)
She will be angry when Sombra enslaves the ponies. 
She and Sombra will be bargaining with each other. 
After realizing that maybe, she can make things better for her people, she'll be depressed.
Then she will accept that Coal has changed, and accept his offer of living with him.

I think you should model the Amulet like a Dragon's Breath Mexican fire opal.
Good idea -- the design on the real Amulet is from Final Fantasy, so I won't be able to use that.

(T'was a good idea. Oh actually, I wonder -- maybe it did look more like Dragon's Breath. But after so many years it lost it's luster. I dunno.)

When taking over the Empire, Sombra will make a barrier of fire to keep ponies in the Empire.

If it's true that using magic draws upon the strength of a Unicorn (and I don't know if it's actually true), then when Coal fuses with Sombra, he is able to perform extremely tiring spells, because Sombra has an enormous amount of strength (being an enormous dragon.)
 "Now that we are one, you draw upon my strength."
Not only that, but the emotions of the Unicorn also come into play.

A myriapod
Myriapods have a single pair of antennae and, in most cases, simple eyes. Exceptions include the large and well-developed compound eyes of Scutigera. The mouthparts lie on the underside of the head, with an "epistome" and labrum forming the upper lip, and a pair of maxillae forming the lower lip. A pair of mandibles lie inside the mouth. Myriapods breathe through spiracles that connect to a tracheal system similar to that of insects. There is a long tubular heart that extends through much of the body, but usually few, if any, blood vessels. Strictly nocturnal, rock-hard armor. It'll probably be more like a Giant Desert Centipede.

Official: Celestia is princess of the Sun; Luna of the Moon; Cadence of Family; and Twilight of Friendship. Unofficial: Andromeda is princess of the Stars, Nebula of Life, Flurry of Love.

Dahliah represents Time, and Tempest Death.

"The birth of an Alicorn is something Equestria has never seen!" -- Celestia. 
That means, ladies and gentlemen, that Celestia and Luna were, in fact, not born as Alicorns. They had to earn their wings, like Twilight.
OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY, BUT -- there are the Crystal Keepers. Eeeheeheeheehee...

All of the ponies decent from Andromeda have a high tolerance for pain.
The sisters are somewhat easily angered, but can be calm as water if need be. Tempest, Nebula and Dahliah all have celestial blood in them. Therefore, their lifespans would probably be quite long.
They adapt quickly.
Most of them were alone for a good time.

Boulder is "Magnesium-rich basalt." And over two thousand years old. >:)

The howling of the Timberwolves is the first sign of the yearly Zap Apple harvest.
The Pillars of Equestria are the ones who planted the Tree. (Granted, they didn't know what the tree would grow into, but I guess it makes sense. :)