• Brainstorming •
The Crystal Chronicles is a story about family. That's what it's always been about, family. I'm honestly surprised it took me two whole fucking years to realize this, lol.
Nebula wasn't actually a part of the Crystal family, but they treated her like she was. She WAS their family. And despite what Coal did, Nebula would forgive him. 
Stardust is about making peace, doing what you can, before it's too late. Perhaps Time Whispers can expand upon this a bit; you have less time than you think you do. What will you do with it?
Oh man, I saw it, just for a second -- I understood how to apply moral lessons. It's right there, I can see it. 
It's what the characters have to realize. They learn the lessons, they learn how to apply them.

Time to start solidifying.
Clean the files.
So many. Fucking. DETAILS!!!

Mystic (magic, sorcery, bravery, kindness) (Flurry Heart) -(She must learn to stand up in the face of evil, and be brave enough to make sacrifices)
Integrity (strength, honesty, generosity, healing), (Tempest) -(Must be honest with herself)
Faith (laughter, loyalty, hope, beauty) (Dahliah) -(Needs to be less selfish)
Magic / Sandbar
Loyalty / Gallus
Laughter / Silverstream 
Honesty / Yona
Generosity / Smolder
Kindness / Ocellus
All of the Elements: Magic, Sorcery, Laughter, Hope, Kindness, Healing, Honesty, Strength, Loyalty, Bravery, Generosity, Beauty.
Magic/Sorcery -- Wrath = Ira
Laughter/Hope -- Sloth = Acedia
‎Kindness/Healing -- Envy = Invidia
Honesty/Strength -- Lust = Luxuria
Bravery/Loyalty -- Pride = Superbia
Generosity/Beauty -- Greed = Averitia
"He [Dante] believed that all other sins derive from pride. Dante described envy as wanting what others have to the point where a person wishes to deprive them of it. Anger, hatred, or wrath he believed led to the other sins, including revenge, violence and lack of forgiveness. Sloth referred to sadness and apathy, which caused a failure to love God enough and see his goodness and gifts. 
"Greed, he believed, promoted selfishness and materialism, and blinded a person to the greater rewards of heaven. Gluttony refers to over-consumption, which makes a person a slave to base desires and supersedes a person's devotion to God. Dante thought lust, like gluttony, could be obsessive and interfere with a person's religious obligations."
The last Element could be Unity. Which would totally be stealing Dr Wolf's idea. XD

I wonder what would happen if I wrote Beyond, then posted it on Wattsy-pad before actually doing anything with the Crystal Chronicles? 
Well, for one, there wouldn't be any context for who the three sisters are. And if you took them out, you'd probably want to put them back in later.
PREVIEWS? CAN I DO SOME-THING? PUH-LEEEEEEEEEEZE? Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleeeze --
ONLY IF you can find a suitable way to build hype. Such as putting character concepts on Dev, as well as mentioning it here and there. Nothing crazy or unnecessary.
Buuuut waaaaaaaaaaaht? 
You're supposed to be smart! You were strutting around all proud of yourself because you got such high scores on those 'IQ' tests. You'll think of something! I know you will! ;)
Huh, maybe I can post the stories for the Crystal Chronicles...before I turn them into audiodramas.
Now there's an idea. Maybe you could put out something like Bend first, but I think that's a pretty good idea. 
It's a wonderful idea! :D
Okey, but maybe-gravy, I post JUST TLOTCE, and then do audiodramas before I post the other stories.

Alrighty, with the arrival of s9 and everything that's happened in it, obviously a few things need to change. 
O-okay, that's enough -- yeah I know, season finale and all, been ten fucking years -- fine, keep crying for all I care XP
Facts we know:
Twilight grows into an alicorn body. Spike gets ripped. 
Twilight also has a student, named -- uhhhh...hmm. Oh yeah, Luster Dawn.
Celestia and Luna are retired somewhere by Silver Shoals or something like that.
Pinkie marries Cheese Sandwich, Big Mac marries Sugar Belle, and there is the possibility of Fluttershy marrying Discord. Maybe. Dunno.
The villains are turned to stone.
(Everyone grows old, so what about Tempest? SHE AGES SLOWLY. 
CMC teach at the School of Friendship, Starlight is Headmare, Sunburst is vice, and Trixie (of all ponies! X'D) is student counselor. 
Uh, Gallus is a Canterlot Guard? I think? XD 
Yona and Sandbar are besties. Ocellus, Smolder and Silverstream are doing their own thing. 
Grogar was a real guy. Even though Discord impersonated him. There was the bell, and Gusty the Great. Also, I'm pretty sure Gusty was the same pony species as Mistmane.

Editor Needed for Fanfiction Project

I am looking for an experienced developmental editor who can help me with my project. I've been working mostly solo on a six-part fanfiction for the past seven years, and the majority of the overarching story has been written out. Each part will be released on its own. 

As these stories will not be sold like commercial novels, I do not expect any monetary gain upon release. However, I am prepared to offer compensation for your time, depending on rates. 

If you are not an experienced editor, but are acquainted with one, I would appreciate assistance in reaching them.


Experienced developmental editor

Well-versed in the lore of the Generation 4 TV show (comic books not included)

Be prepared to commit long-term IF NEEDED (if I enjoy your help, I may ask that you continue to help me with development on the later parts)

After reviewing candidates, you may receive a message from me asking for more information. At this point I would like to do a trial edit, to see if comments and suggestions resonate before moving forward with the project.

Aaand things might need to be rearranged AGAIN

Stygian turned into the Pony of Shadows, IN THE CASTLE OF THE TWO SISTERS. 

Hm, turns out we'll probably need to put Sunburst in as a more important figure. He's the official Crystaller, and uses his magical knowhow to help Flurry as a baby with her magic. So as a teeny kid, she shouldn't have any issues with her magic. But maybe as an older kid, it's decided that she should learn to control her magic on her own.

Do you think there's a chance she could grow out of the spell that help suppress her magic? Maybe her magic gets too strong, and if they want to continue casting the spell on her, a higher-level unicorn or even another alicorn needs to cast it. 


Okay okay. I've been a little unimpressed with my own title for a while now. But I haven't been able to think of anything much better. 

How about "The Dragon Amulet"? mMmmmm lets try that out for a little while. 


Mmmmmm I think canooooonically, Star Swirl is Clover the Clever's mentooorrrr...which means he'd be a bit older than we've written him to be. Would that be a problem? He'd have to be at least kinda old in order to be a mentor, though not super old. And I guess that would mean Moon Spark is a -- "oops baby?" Moony's mother is probably not the same as Star Swirl's then. 

Currently puzzling over the intended effect of Star Swirl's unfinished spell that Twilight revised. "From one to another, another to one. A mark of one's destiny singled out alone, fulfilled." The first part switched the cutie marks of specific ponies, who weren't even in the vicinity (which is probably due to their connection through the elements.)  But what about the second part? And why wasn't Twilight's mark switched along with the others? Is it because she was the caster of the spell? Star Swirl created time spells. Did he somehow learn about Twilight and created this spell specifically to help her fulfill her destiny?? Or did he create the spell to try and switch destinies with someone like Andromeda? If Celestia saw that she's gonna die, she'd be SAD. "OH NO IM GONNA LOSE MY SISTER!" Star Swirl lost HIS sister, so maybe he'd be like "hm, if I switch cutie marks with Andromeda, I'll die instead, and Celestia and Luna won't lose their sister!" Does that make any sense? 

Hm. Maybe the original intended purpose for Star Swirl's spell was a sharing of strength and magic, instead of cutie mark swapping. Canonically way back in the day, he was the one raising the sun and moon, along with five other wizards. But they didn't have as much power as he did, and one day their magic failed. Maybe he was trying to prevent that from happening. 

"A mark of one's destiny, singled out alone, fufilled." He didn't need any more magic, because that's basically his special talent. Performing the spell would be the fulfillment of his destiny.

Why did Star Swirl create time spells? And it IS plural, according to Future Twilight. Was it because he lost his family? Because of Celestia and Lilliane's minor talents in seeing the future? That's probably it. Would be kinda cool if Celestia held the seed for the Tree of Harmony after Lilliane. They both see visions of the future, and the seed kinda picks up on them. That's why the Tree is emblazoned with the marks of Celestia, Luna, and Twilight. Maybe Luna should touch it too lol.

If Celestia has prophetic visions, does that explain certain actions on her part. like placing total confidence in Twilight's ability to help save the Crystal Empire? Or her decision to turn Twilight into a princess?

Hm. So I've been rewatching MLP for the first time in ages. And the little tidbits of information I've forgotten since last time might change large parts of the story. For example, as it now stands Nebula was the one who found out how to use the Crystal Heart to spread light and love across Equestria. But apparently that was accomplished by the Empire's "first queen," and obviously that is not Nebula. So what is it that she does to gain her wings? I think the Faire was established pretty early on as well. 

Guess we need to go back to the drawing board with Nebula and her sisters.

Crystals enhance the powers of the Lost Sisters.

Nebula: Light, Life

Dahliah: Flowers, Time

Tempest: Storms, Death

grrrr, I've been really stuck on this. I think we've established at this point that seeing the past is Flurry's ability, instead of Dahliah's...like it had been for a long time lol. Which puts me back at square one, with no idea what the Lost Sisters' abilities are. So gotta think. 

Tempest. Something to do with that strange crystal shell she can put ponies in? It's a stasis. Also, what exactly happens when she meets that Ursa Minor? Does she die (which is incredibly likely)? How does she come back if she actually dies? Or is she incapable of dying? Does DAHLIAH have the ability to revive ponies? Mmmmmm maybe none of them should have that ability. It removes a large consequence. But if Tempest can't revive herself, how does she survive the Ursa Minor attack? She can't make herself intangible, because that would contradict the loss of her horn. Maybe she can't use her real special talent because of her broken horn. If that sort of thing happened to ponies like Twilight or Rainbow Dash, they wouldn't be able to perform their special talents. Derpy could still deliver the mail without her wings, but Rainbow would no longer have the gift of speeding through the skies. Without her horn, Twilight would lose her purpose in life. DOES SHE HAVE A CUTIE MARK??? Does Tempest wear armor and capes to cover her flank because SHE'S A BLANK FLANK????

Possible?? She lost her horn at a point in time when she would've been close to gaining a Cutie Mark. But just because she lost her horn, that doesn't mean her ability to discover her special talent was taken as well. 

Dahliah. I think the predictive ability should continue down the line. Lilliane had it, Celestia has it -- Dahliah should too. But is it her special talent? I think it would have to be a little stronger to be considered an actual special talent, especially when compared to what came before it. Perhaps she is constantly plagued with visions, similarly to Flurry.

Nebula. Maybe she doesn't invent the process for charging the Crystal Heart -- but she could've taken it up a notch. Previously the Crystal Ponies fed their magic into the Heart simply out of a sense of duty. But Nebula helps them realize the good that comes of sharing the light and love within them with everypony. 

Hmmm...if Nebula's talent doesn't really have anything to do with what her Cutie Mark looks like, then maybe it should be the same for her sisters. Dahliah and Tempest should both have crystal marks of some kind. 

Can Sombra see the light that I keep writing about, in his void?? Is this light representative of Coal's hope, and when Sombra takes over and smothers the light, that's his hope disappearing???

I mean sure, it could probably work that way. 

As Sombra reveals some of the cruelty of the world to Coal, who's life inside the Empire had not been tainted by outside threats, Coal decides to fortify defenses to prevent being taken by surprise, in the event of an attack. He was also wary of Sombra, and decided that if Sombra attacked the crystal ponies once he was free, Coal would prepare them. But he never anticipated where the attack would eventually come from -- himself. 

Also, we're writing this as Dahliah would relate it to Flurry. But would Dahliah know about things like the conversations that took place between Coal and Sombra in the amulet? She can see through time, not minds. But, if the amulet is on a different layer of time (which is something I theorized before coming to write this), THEN could she see it? 

I don't think so. The area where they converse exists inside a crystal, which Dahliah does not have the power to infiltrate. 

Hmm. When I was brainstorming what Flurry Heart's talent should be, one of my first ideas was that she could see other creature's memories. But that's something EG Sunset can do, when she touches others.

Then again, there's several ponies in the show who have very similar talents and/or Cutie Marks. For example: Mr and Mrs Cake, and Sugar Belle; Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich; Lotus and Aloe; and the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

So we could write Flurry as having that sort of talent. However, it needs to be different from Sunset's, and preferably not invasive. Sunset has to touch others to access their memories. In addition, Flurry can't access the memories of other ponies THROUGH OTHER PONIES. Example, accessing a memory of Pinkie Pie in Dahliah, then accessing Pinkies memories inside that memory.

Perhaps memories are tangible to her. The earth itself holds memories, and Flurry can see them. But if Flurry can see the memories for herself, does she need Dahliah to tell her what's going on?

If this is to be Flurry's talent, not necessarily -- however, she'll need Dahliah's help. Because she too can see the memories, just in a different way. Together they add different pieces to the whole puzzle. 

Been kinda on the fence about what Time Whispers would entail. But maybe its obvious. Figured I could have a separate story for Tempest showing off the ruins beyond, but perhaps that could happen in Time Whispers. 


So like, we've decided that Starlight Glimmer is reborn as Lorelei after Twilight gives her wings, right? But perhaps we need a little bit more. As in, she also needs to come in contact with some of her old magic. And that could happen through Stygian. If his shadow powers came from Lorelei, then when Starlight Glimmer tries to help Twilight convince Stygian to back down, she was basically INSIDE her own magic. That's step one done. And maybe that boosts her sleeper magic, making it far more likely for Twilight to decide to give her wings. Need to drop lil hints here and there. When Starlight hears about Flurry and Co travelling to the Beyond, the remnants of Lorelei's magic inside her draw her towards that area.

If Tempest takes certain ponies on a mission to the Beyond, who and why? 

If she takes Dahliah and Flurry, she'd have to know that the three of them are related. And they'd have to have a pretty good reason for going there. Investigating the origin of Lorelei's magic? I think Flurry would have questions after witnessing Moon Spark's history. So perhaps the three of them scheme. But Flurry can't run off to the middle of nowhere without her parents knowing (unless she's autonomous)*. Maybe that's why Twilight offers to go. (but that's only part of her excuse lol. having the chance to explore forgotten history is another.) I think Twilight would want to leave Starlight Glimmer in charge...so how would Starlight get herself into the group, and who would oversee Equestria while both of them are gone? Celestia and Luna cooouuuuld but they're retired and Twilight probably wouldn't want to ask them unless there's no other options. Mane Six, maaaybe, but they have their own lives and it would be difficult to manage an entire country on top of that. Cadence and Shining Armor have the Crystal Empire to take care of. If they did agree to oversee Equestria, they would probably want Flurry to watch the Empire. Spike? He's served by Twilight's side for long enough, maybe he can do it. And if he needs help, he can easily send a scroll to Twilight. 

How bout it? Spike is in charge, supplemented by others like the Mane Six. Celestia and Luna are on speed dial lol.

"Starlight, I'd like to leave you in charge while I'm away-"

"Actually Twilight, I was hoping I could tag along. Exploring a lost civilization sounds like fun! Besides, Spike knows more about how you run Equestria than I do. I think he'd make a great substitute."

"Really? Okay, we'll bring Starlight as well."

When they get there, Flurry gets broken flashes of the past, and Starlight Glimmer is negatively affected just by being there, especially since the destitute plains remind her of the last timeline she found when time jumping. As Flurry is unravelling the events that led to the destruction of this area, Twilight begins to question whether Equestria is safe enough with the alicorns it currently has, and wonders if they'll be enough to stop anything like this happening to them. Tempest and Dahliah are confused by her reasoning. Eventually, Twilight comes to the conclusion that she must make Starlight into an alicorn. The ritual allows Starlight to transform into Lorelei. 

Lorelei has all of Starlight's memories, but does not care about the ponies around her. She hides this so she can steer the group in a direction she wants. Flurry has yet to find out that Lorelei was the one who caused the destruction of this place. Since Starlight didn't know about Flurry's ability, Lorelei doesn't either.

"I am Lorelei. I thank you for bringing me back."
"What? Where did you come from? Where's Starlight?!"

"I am she."
"What are you talking about?"

"I have slept inside Starlight for a long time. Before that, I was a resident of this place you are in, Alidia."

"But, what happened to Starlight??"

"We were always one and the same. Because you gave her wings, I was reborn. I possess all of her memories."

"So...you used to live here? Do you know what happened to this place?"

"I do not. I died before Alidia fell."

"I've read about ponies being reincarnated, but those were all fiction! This is REAL!"

* Autonomous?? Maaaybe? Maybe Cadence and Shining Armor have Flurry stay in Canterlot, at least for a little while? That would make it easier for her to receive special schooling from the Mane Six. Then she wouldn't need permission from her parents to trek off to the middle of nowhere. 

Fizzlepop Berrytwist was the name given to Tempest by her adoptive parents. When she meets the Storm King, she gives him as "alias," which just so happens to be her real name lol but she doesn't quite remember that. Storm King attaches the Shadow bit "Because it makes ya sound cooler!" But also because she's the Storm King's shadow. Tempest = Storm.

ACK, gotta change something. Just watched a clip with the Pillars in the new world, after being brought back from Limbo. First thing Rockhoof says is "Even Canterlot is different!"

So Canterlot existed before they went to Limbo, which kinda...hmm. I dunno. When the heck is Canterlot actually made?? After the Castle of the Two Sisters, right??? Something about the timing doesn't make sense to me, even if we take CC out of the picture. Cuz as far as we know, Celestia moved to Canterlot after banishing Luna. I wrote that she helped build it, and that Stygian was taken to Limbo before Nightmare Moon appeared. But I might have to double check and see if the canon timeline is different. 

K, so according to the timeline I found, Canterlot was being built even before the Pillars were formed. BUT, it also lists that Stygian did turn into the PoS before Luna became Nightmare Moon. Might have to do a biiiit of rearranging with the construction of Canterlot though...

Perhaps, after the dragons left, some enterprising ponies moved into the mountains to start mining the gems there. They built a town on top of it, and the Pillars visited both areas at some point. Although, if Celestia were to hear that ponies were building a town in the mountains, why wouldn't she want to move up with them? Maybe she didn't hear from those ponies until rebuilding efforts were already underway in Brywood. Mmm I dunno...Ok, so I think Canterlot was built FIRST, for sure. Before the Castle of the Two Sisters. So how do we fit all this together now...

Ok I think I got something. That maybe makes sense lol. (cries in endless revisions)

FIRST PLACE:  *Brywood.* Celestia, Andromeda, and Luna's first home. The Pillars of Equestria (before they were actually the Pillars) came to visit the growing town and met Star Swirl and Stygian. IMPORTANT: Flash Magnus lived near a nest of dragons and brought some of his buddies with him. These buddies saw dragons living in Equestria's central mountain and were like "Oh dey wouldn't be up there unless there were GEMS heeheehee." When the dragons came out and destroyed Brywood, those buddies decided to sneak up there and explore the mountain and OH LOOK, SO MANY GEM CAVES WHOOPIE! *Canterlot.* When the remains of Brywood were obliterated by Moon Spark, Celestia and Luna built *The Castle of the Two Sisters.* Rockhoof knows about Canterlot because Flash knew his buddies would have gone after the gems, and the Pillars went there together.

Hmmmm...should we change up a bit of the future timeline? Currently the start of it is set as, Flurry gets library access in DDM --> Surge gets her banned --> Meets Dahliah and they set reading times --> Starts schooling with M6 --> TLotCE, little time passes, jousting tournament --> Flurry's talent activates and she surges again --> Part of the Crystal Castle is damaged. 

I feel like having two surges in a row like that, right at the beginning of these stories, is a little redundant. I want to keep the one in TLotCE, so that would probably mean scrapping the DDM one. Soooo...how does that go, then...

At some point, Flurry needs to meet Dahliah. Her interest in reading might get her near the library but not in it. If she wanted books checked out, somepony else could do it for her, eliminating the need for a middle man like the assistant librarian. If Dahliah insisted on delivering and/or reading books to Flurry herself, she'd have to have a pretty damn good reason, or there's few other options. She could do it if she's already friends with Flurry, but then we're kinda back to square one -- how does Flurry meet her?

If Dahliah has a similar ability to Flurry's, she would know she is related to Flurry, and would probably want to be close to her. Would she try to orchestrate a meeting? Does she have ulterior motives? Hhhhhmmmmm...I just had a thought. Should we change Dahliah's talent? Instead of seeing the past, like she has for a while...should she see the future? So far its been minor talents of Liliane and Celestia. What if we made it Dahliah's talent? I think Flurry should have the past-viewing talent, but I'm trying to eliminate some of the redundancies. Hmmm...I dunno. Perhaps as a minor talent...? Unless we can't come up with a major talent. CAN SHE HAVE BOTH?? mmm maybe that would be too much lol...have to think about this.

Something to do with flowers? Tempest is storm/fireworks. Nebula is crystals/Empire nebula thing lol. Dahliah iiiissss future sense/flower thing. What's the flower thing. Making them bloom is way too generic. Using some sort of flower-themed fighting power seems out of place. Hmm, some sort of revival ability? She can breathe life back into dying flowers/plant life? Does that seem too narrow...? Heeeaaaaling? Mmm probably not, if we're looking for medicinal properties stemming from the dahlia flower.

If Cadence relents and allows Flurry Heart to visit Canterlot, specifically to read books with Dahliah--

Hold up. Maybe in that first meeting, Cadence is visiting Twilight to talk about potential schooling for Flurry -- and maybe the rest of the Mane Six is there too, and they all agree to meet with Flurry at some point every week or something, to TEACH HER THINGS YEAA. 

Cuz at this point Flurry has been mostly shut up, to prevent her from doing a lot of outstanding damage. Her parents feel kinda bad about that, so they ask Twilight and her friends to give Flurry some schooling and a taste of life. 

But after Flurry blows up the floor of the library, there's no way they'd send Flurry to Canterlot alone every month. She'd have to take a guard or something. Or two. Or three. Just as a contingency plan lol.

Hmmmmm...do we want to try adding a bit of something to Moon Spark's story? Hear me out. We wrote that Stygian, and eventually Luna, succumbed to the shadow magic they had been exposed to after interacting with Moon Spark. Why shouldn't the villagers as well?

Since Celestia is usually somewhere else, always helping the others, she doesn't get nearly as much exposure as Luna. Even if she did, it wouldn't affect her as much because of her power. That's why it takes so long for Luna to turn. But the villagers are much weaker than both of them. One by one, they start to drop. But how does it affect them? And why would Stygian be different?

Hmm, circumstances? Stygian was exposed when Moony's magic reawakened and she destroyed what was left of Brywood. Perhaps, in her more dormant state, it simply leaked out of her, like a deadly gas. And maybe that wouldn't even affect Luna. She was exposed the same way as Stygian, it just took longer for her to become Nightmare Moon.

Alright, so how do the ponies react to Moony "leaking" lol. 

OKAY, another rewrite. You wrote the start of DDM with Flurry getting what she wants, the library, pretty much right away. Go back to when she first met Dahliah. They can still go to canterlot and see the crates and all that. But instead of Flurry going to the library, Dahliah goes to the castle.

Celestia absolutely has visions. I was kinda wondering for a while but she definitely does. She dreams about Tirek returning.

Anyway what if she has a vision of Andromeda dying and gets really upset about it but refuses to tell her, because she's had visions before and knows, whether they happen or don't, there's nothing she can do. Andromeda dies not only so she can guide the spirits of ponies to a safe place, but also to help with certain events, like Luna's release from the moon. 

After Andromeda dies, Celestia confides in Luna about the vision -- but Luna has never fully believed in the visions, and becomes incredibly angry. If Celestia knew, why didn't she say anything? Because nothing would change. But that doesn't matter, yada yada. At some point Lorelei's magic is also at work, making Luna more angry than she would be otherwise, and leading her to eventually rationalize that if her own sister would do something like that, then perhaps Luna should be the only princess. 

Would this be the reason Andromeda's name is nowhere to be found, then? 

Perhaps. I've been mulling over that for some time. The sisters obviously loved each other very much, but...why is there very little trace of Andromeda? Perhaps Celestia thought she would be misunderstood again, if anyone found out that she knew her own sister would die and did nothing. Too much hurt. There is evidence of her to be found. The statue in Canterlot, for example. 


All silhouettes.

DDM: Dahliah's eye color. Young Flurry, looking unsure. 

TLotCE: Depressing blue. Nebula and Coal/Sombra. Dragon Amulet in background. 

Stardust: Red/orange. Andromeda. Staaaauuurs??

Moon Spark: Black/yellow. Moon Spark. Lightning. 

Time Whispers: Purple. Starlight? Lorelei? 

Incarnate: Red. Dahliah, Tempest, and Flurry. 

K so when Nebula takes over she's one of three alicorns in the Empire, correct? Her, Alstonite and Tanzanite? 

The reason there's only three of them, is because some of the Crystal Keepers who battled Sombra and his dragons actually died. So the survivors took in random pony stragglers and thAt'S hOw tHe EmPiRe wAs mAdE.

Moon Spark was pretty young when the Nightmare Forces chose her. She grew physically, but because she went into a deep sleep she became stuck mentally. What if she hallucinates? What if she doesn't just have repressed memories -- the trauma she experienced and the mental block is too intense for her brain to cope with, so she lives in a strange fantasy world?

But part of the reason she seems normal and can kinda cope is because of Lorelei's memories, which came with the Nightmare Forces. Sombra was able to access some of her knowledge, but since he already had his own memories, Lorelei's just kinda lurked in the background. Since Moon Spark lost most of hers, Lorelei's memories basically became her own. However, due to her mental state and general lack of understanding, these memories were warped into something she could understand. Because, scientifically, we compare new and/or familiar things to what already exists in our minds. 

So then, what are Lorelei's memories?

Since Lorelei was a Crystal Keeper, that means she was born an alicorn, and was immediately taken underground once she was weaned. 

How exactly do ponies become alicorns?

I wrote in the glossary that pureblooded alicorns don't need help to gain their horn or wings, and wrote that Nebula just ended up getting hers. But maybe, there does need to be some help. 

Twilight ended up becoming an alicorn after re-writing one of Star Swirl's spells, and activating the Elements of Harmony (though the latter was unintentional). Nebula becomes an alicorn after showing the Crystal Empire how to share light and love with each other and the Crystal Heart. Cozy Glow got a horn after absorbing magic from Grogar's Bewitching Bell, which was probably some pretty powerful stuff. 

The specific circumstances surrounding Twilight's ascension, at least in my opinion, most likely come down to the connection she shared with her friends through the Elements. "...With the marks of our destinies made one, there's magic without end." Celestia might've even had a part in it, before Twilight met her in glitter limbo. 

In order for a pony to become an alicorn, there needs to be a vast amount of magic to help create the implement they lack. So for Nebula, the magic from the Crystal Ponies, combined with the Crystal Heart, is most likely how she ended up getting her wings.

The same is true for Celestia and her sisters too. When they grew old enough, exposure to Star Swirl's gem tree seed would help them become alicorns.

When Lorelei appears again, she wants to reunite with the broken pieces of her magic. 

What memories would she have? Would she have all of Starlight's memories? Who exactly is Starlight in relation to Lorelei? Are they completely separate ponies, and therefore wouldn't be able to share memories? 

When Luna transforms into Nightmare Moon, she is pretty much wholly Nightmare Moon. When Stygian becomes the Pony of Shadows, and Starlight enters his heart, he's able to recall who he was, but allows the darkness to keep its grip on him. 

But, these are not reincarnations. Also real quick, since Starlight went INSIDE a piece of Lorelei's magic, would that have some kind of effect??

Anyway, Lorelei has to locate the first Pony of Shadows, if she's still around. Probably haunting the castle. Which means Lorelei needs to know that her magic is there. Next she needs to find Sombra. So where did he end up? Did he go to Inferious? If so Lorelei would have little trouble bringing him back. That's part of her talent after all. 

Next she has to learn from the mistakes she made in Alidia. Mistake 1: Overestimating her magic stores, and allowing herself to enter magic overload. Solutions: A way to share magic? And/or boost magic stores?

Tirek is able to continually absorb magic, and grows larger each time he gains more. Maybe his body is directly tied to his own magic stores. 

Flurry Heart wants to be trusted. For most of her life ponies have done things for her because of her royal status.  But due to her magic surges, even simpler tasks were taken over by other ponies. She's tired of this, and tired of ponies not trusting her because of her surges. 

She chooses to trust other ponies and give them the benefit of the doubt, simply because she wants the same. This can come of as naivety and poor judgement.  

She's a bit of a brat. Though they love her, her parents are royalty and have very important jobs within the Empire, so they hold themselves to high standards and Flurry to the same. Ironically enough, she loves messing with them. 


Fallen Tree (who's name has been a placeholder this whole time, no, I did not get attached to it) is now known as Blackthorn. The blackthorn tree is associated with bad luck and witchcraft, but also protection against evil and overcoming obstacles for a better future/protection and hope in the midst of devastation. Anything that refers to him as Fallen Tree must now be changed!

So I kinda had the idea that Tempest should represent death or something, since Dahliah is time and Nebula is life. And I came up with the hellfire phoenix, but I think this whole concept would work better for Lorelei. Considering we established in Beyond that she can reanimate the dead, and the design of Starlight's Cutie Mark could easily be warped into a phoenix. 

But then we're pretty much back to square one with Tempest. What does she represent, what is her talent, what is her Cutie Mark?

Leadership? Hmmm...should we go for something that's closer to her name? Maybe her name was originally shorter, just Tempest. So then the theme would be storm. Well that would fit with her character, but...what is it exactly...


I think we could go with Leadership. She leads with the drive and ferocity of a storm, which quietly brews as she formulates plans. 


Maybe comparing what she's seen to what is written? She probably heard some "universal history" in passing and was super confused, because she knew what the truth was. But since some Equestrian history is universally accepted it would be difficult to explain that it's false. So she visited the library to make comparisons and eventually got herself hired as a librarian by demonstrating her knowledge of Old Ponish -- oh wait wait wait, she went to the library to STUDY Old Ponish so she could understand what the ponies in her visions were saying! She found some books on the language outside Canterlot but eventually made her way to the library because their selection is more extensive. 

REAL QUICK! Twilight herself states she is an expert in Old Ponish. So she'd love to translate the tablet herself, but has to focus on the rest of the findings from Rambling Rockridge, so she delegates the task to Dahliah.

Once she translated the tablet, do you think she'd want to hide it?

Why? If the truth she sees in her visions is different from what the rest of Equestria knows, wouldn't she want to reveal that truth? It would definitely be easier to explain the translation than her own visions.  

Aight next question...



Did they diiiieeee...? Maybe there was a community or something living near the mountains that took them in...? Yaks? Maybe they found some yaks. Then Fallen Tree died of his injuries and the yak took the girls to be raised elsewhere. Sometimes when kids lose their parents they get separated during adoption. So its entirely possible at this point that Tempest and Dahliah grew up away from each other. 

From there, Tempest was adopted by a family who let her run wild and fend for herself. When she broke her horn and ran away, they did not pursue her. She grew up living on her own and traveling about the world. At some point she encountered the Storm King, who promised to fix her broken horn. She figured, he could be lying. If he was, she would use his resources to find a cure on her own. Eventually she became the general of his army, promising him power in return for her restored horn.

Dahliah was taken to another community and adopted. She grew up working hard but was misunderstood due to the nature of her visions. Since she was descent from alicorns, she had a longer lifespan than the normal ponies around her and was deeply hurt by the coming and going of friends. Eventually, as the youngsters grew up and left to pursue their own lives and the community dwindled, Dahliah left as well, encountering still more visions. She was able to trace her own life back to the separation from her father near the Crystal Empire, and witnessed echoes of King Sombra's rise and defeat in the empty Frozen North. She made her way to central Equestria and saw the life of her grandmother played out amidst the crags and cracks at Rambling Rockridge. However, as the ponies of that particular point in time spoke the dead language of Old Ponish, she could not understand parts of what they were saying. So she found books on Old Ponish, and eventually made her way to Canterlot and the extensive library they had. 


After Andromeda dies, Luna starts having nightmares. That's why she "wants to make all ponies' dreams beautiful!!!" BECAUSE HERS WERE KINDA SHITTY

Celestia sees a star shoot across the sky, and tells Luna its a gift sent by their sister. She was watching over them, and seeing a lucky star meant everything would be ok. 

But what about the rest of her character? Celestia was kinda easy, but Luna's proving to be difficult. It's hard to determine how one was as a kid, and how it leads to their adult life, with very little to work with. 

Almost got it figured out I think

Moon Spark technically died in the Crystal Mountains, after blowing half of it up. However, let me go through the properties of Lorelei's magic.

  1. One of Lorelei's skill was reanimation. After killing some of the other Crystal Keepers, she used their bodies to protect her while she gained power
  2. Shadow Magic. 

When King Sombra fell in the Broken Pass, excess magic was absorbed from the earth into his dying body. Later the crystal ponies discovered him and took a chunk out of his heart, a gift meant for the king and queen. CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANGE

Moon Spark had a hoof in the creation of the dragon/alicorn amulet, HOWEVER. She did not INTENTIONALLY INVENT IT. 


Moon Spark sees Sombra's body in the Crystal Mountains, HOWEVER. She does not take a piece of his heart. Some of Coal's subjects do.

Portmanteau means suitcase in French or something. I don't want the name of my city to be SUITCASE

so we gotta come up with something else.

How bout Alicitia? Derived from Alicorn, and amicitia, which is Latin for friendship.

Actually, I think Alidia rolls better off the tongue. Its meaning is "small winged one," which isn't as cool but it kinda works anyway.

Well, better than Portmanteau lol.


Alright, since this is brainstorming and no idea is a bad idea, just gonna throw this out there.

I don't think I want Chrysalis to be a sympathetic villain. I don't think anyone else wants her to be either. She's cool the way she is, all crazy and stuff.

But...if we decide that Nebula is, in fact, not Chrysalis (or at least that no one finds it out)...that throws out most of the plot for Revival.

That might not be a bad thing. We haven't been able to come up with much anyway.

If that's the case, time for another huge revision. Which leaves us with two problems:

1) What happens to Nebula after the events of TLOTCE?

2) What is the new plot of book 4?

Might have answers. Del Darken Marung, though it is a prequel story, can technically be the first book. If we remove Revival entirely and just go right to Time Whispers, with DDM we still have six books.



Aw shit I forgot, ehh just a sec

Oh oh ok. So the spell or curse or what-fuckin-ever that Sombra uses on the Empire that causes it to disappear for a thousand years right? Maybe he would've been killed or permanently banished if not for that spell, and that's why he cast it. He cast it on himself, and he took the Empire with him. OOOOOR MAYBE IT WAS COAL'S DOING??? His last act before Sombra was like "no more mr pony king SMUSH" haha lol

Rename Lauren to Liliane cuz stuff?

I mean, we probably could. I don't see why we can't use Lauren, it's a free country. 

Well if the ponies start swearing by Lauren's name or something, I dunno... 

Sure, yeah, why not. You get to go back and fix it all tho. 


oy, here we go again, just like with Lorelei...


So the context for Historical Document Vol. 1 is that "archeological excavations were made in Rambling Rockridge, and traces of an ancient village were found."

Why don't Celestia and Luna comment on this?

Perhaps they are unaware that the excavations were made. I mean, if no one alive today knew that was their old home, would they go find them in Silver Shoals and be like "Hurr dee durr, you should check out the stuff we're doing over here, it's important!" Naw man.

So what about once it's complete? 

If word reaches them, then yes, they'll probably say something. But what. 

I've been trying to brainstorm how the hell Nebula gets to the Empire, since things changed again. Idea maybe?

Kinda like something out of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime. They're slowly building a home for themselves, and in the midst of all this ponies from other towns come to visit. That's how the other five Pillars ended up in Bywood, and Stygian too. Perhaps even visitors from the Crystal Empire itself came. So when the Dragon War begins, the citizens of the Empire flee back to their home, taking Fallen Tree and his daughters with. 

But then Fallen Tree, Tempest and Dahliah would be in the Empire with Nebula. Unless they were separated along the way.

Its a start. Definitely something to work with.

"We never met the Pillars. And we were too young to understand the danger they faced." -- Luna

Star Swirl disappeared while the three sisters were very young. His disappearance was due to facing Stygian, the Pony of Shadows at the time. Which means that all the things that happened with Moon Spark, happened sooner than I thought. Because she infected Stygian.

So Liliane comes to Equestria, meets Star Swirl, then leaves. Since she left around the Red Eye, maybe that's when the Pillars were founded -- which means all those other cultures existed around that time too. The Egyptians, Mistmane's kind, all of them. There was migration as well, which should explain Meadowbrook and Flash's homes. 

What about Luna then? Was Moon Spark already a shadow pony when she found him and Luna? Is that how they became infected? 

Lorelei is the complete package. She's beautiful, lustrous, seductive -- and highly intelligent. She is not driven by her sensuality, however she is completely aware of its affect and uses it to her full advantage when necessary. 

What if the Nightmare Forces hold some of Lorelei's memories? That's how ponies like Luna and Moon Spark are able to perform spells they would otherwise not have been able to, spells they didn't even know. That's how Moon Spark knows Sombra's heart would be useful as a conduit, because of the studies conducted on crystals by the Keepers. It's also where Sombra gets his shadow magic, cus he's exposed to both Moon Spark and Lorelei's memories and knowledge. And Luna gets exposed to it too, while Moony's being a creepy creep. After Moony becomes the POS, the amulet migrates back to the empire. But hooooowwwww.........

I mean, that's quite a ways for it to go. Maybe while they're...building...the train tracks? Maybeeeeee? Or like, after? Once the Empire and central Equestria start forming relations. That might make more sense. 

So once the tracks are built, Equestria gets to know the Crystal Empire. They start trading. The Amulet makes its way to the Empire, and that's how Coal finds it. Yee.

Need to remember that Princess Platinum, Commander Hurricane, and Chancellor Puddinghead were there too. Very high chance that Hurricane gave his life defending against the dragons. Princess Platinum would probably be one of the first casualties. Or she supervises the six wizards or something. But Puddinghead...hmm.

Actually, they're the ones who attempt to negotiate with the dragons. But Sombra kills them and starts the Dragon War.

K, timelines. When Moon Spark makes the Broken Pass, does she just hang around?? Why would she? She would have to make it later if she doesn't. But then there's no Pass for Andromeda, or Liliane for that matter, to travel through. It will make for an interesting story bit later, when rumors of the mountain blowing up start circulating, and Fallen Tree finds these rumors to be true. But how does Liliane get through the mountains with her kids? 

How does the alicorn amulet make its way into the empire? And/or, how does Coal find it?

Yeah so after Moon Spark found Sombra what did she do...I don't think she would've made the Amulet right smack dab in the middle of the Frozen North. So maybe she takes a chunk of his heart, and then -- wait that would suggest that the Crystal Heart could still hold the soul of the deceased dragon, oooh that's kinda creepy. Anyway, she takes a chunk. And the closest area would be the Crystal Empire. But then who's to say she wouldn't just try and take over the empire herself? Why just drop an amulet off, and refuse to elaborate lol. She just blew up a whole mountain.

Speaking of, maybe that's where Sombra falls, actually. He gets crushed by an avalanche. So then where's his boooooones? 

I do think that would make more sense than being in the North tho. The question is, where does the amulet go? MAP TIME

K there's really not much in that area...maybe she just kinda leaves him behind then. I mean, would she really care? No. Not even enough to make the amulet in the first place. Huh. What if the Alicorn amulet and Dragon amulet were the same thing? Could this be viable?? TESTS

What Moon Spark does, is she creates AN amulet. It enhances the magic of the user, but Sombra, who's still alive within it, corrupts the user. What if she didn't know he was alive? She's just like "HEY, LET'S MAKE SOME SHIT", e voila, amulet. Maybe the purpose of the amulet is to focus and enhance her power. Except that focus doesn't quite make sense for a chaotic being, so probably not that.  

She finds him dying in the Broken Pass, injured as such so that his heart is partially exposed. She takes things apart...and puts them back together. She takes his heart, and makes a device. But how does it get into the empire in the first place? Perhaps she tries to use it herself, to enhance her own powers. Does Sombra appear then, try to corrupt her? Is he getting accustomed to this unnatural plane of existence? Do the Nightmare Forces block him out? 

She goes to central Equestria, seeking other sources of power to enhance her own. At this point the sisters are establishing themselves as monarchs, and rebuilding a home for the Equestrians. She finds Star Swirl, her brother. But do they know they are related? She probably knows. Her parents might've mentioned his name at least once. But he doesn't know, cuz she was born in the mountains after he had moved on to Equestria. Wanting to keep the Equestrians safe and happy, Star Swirl doesn't tell them about Moon Spark, who is prowling around their new home, waiting for an opportunity to strike. 

After Sombra battles Nebula, it severely damages the amulet. At this point, however, Sombra doesn't need it because his soul has entered Coal's body. So he discards it. 

"Why on earth was Nebula made queen after earning her wings??" Because the Crystal Keepers who formed the empire believed that alicorns were superior, even after integrating Equestrians into their community. The Equestrians were incapable of earning wings on their own, and the royal family was made up of alicorns. When Nebula gained wings, they're like "OHHHH she must be descent from alicorns!!" So naturally they start training her for leadership. Well they did kinda train her as she was growing up, just in case.

K naturally Nebula's gonna associate love with warmth. Cuz she was cold. and then. The peeps made her warm. ffffffffffff


So like, Celestia and Luna find themselves in a white void. They be in HAYVEEEEN

Andromeda saved them and gives them new life. yaaaaay

Orrrrrr what if Nebula did lol, like that's her special talent, and she earns her cutie mark as a baby lmao.

Does Andromeda really need to go on an adventure to search for her mother? Could she just stay at home? But then what would really happen...

If they all go on an adventure togerther, how exactly does Luna go lol. You've established that the wizards can't control the sun and moon for very long, so Celestia and Luna need to take over. If they leave before taking over, are they shirking their responsibilities? Do they really need to be taught how to do it, or does it just come naturally to them, like anyone who earns their cutie mark?

Ok, so lets say they leave before they're really taught how to control the sun and moon. The wizards are doing ok for now. But they have to turn back at some point and help fight the dragons. 

Unless Andromeda tries going off by herself. Her sisters are learning how to control the sun and moon, but what can she do? She really wants to see her mother again. Fallen Tree follows her and when he finally catches up, he convinces her to go back. If her mother was still alive, she probably would have come back by now. Or the wizards wouldn't have to do their job. Coming back is somewhat perilous, and it strengthens their friendship. Then the Dragon War starts, and Fallen Tree must help fight them. 

See, I don't know how I feel about this now tho. As we have it written currently, Fallen Tree stops Andromeda from going through the mountains to find her mother. Later, after the Broken Pass has been formed, Fallen Tree attempts to make the same journey Andromeda failed at -- because he told her to go back. So you'll have to find another way for Nebula to get to the Empire.

Teleportation? That's an awfully long way to teleport. I think at this point the Pass would be opened. So perhaps there's already a trade route going with the Empire. Maybe some of the ponies migrated in that direction. But, again, that's an awfully long way to go. Not to mention it's where they came from originally. So not migration e

What if the Alidians were the ones who controlled the sun? Then when the Fall happened, that's why Lauren went back, cuz she figured something happened to them. Will have to get back to this.

Ok ok so timeline:

The Crystal Keepers are the ones who control the sun and moon. That's why they're spe-shul. 

Lorelei's betrayal, banishment, and her raw magic is slowly brewing in the basement. 

Somewhere around this time is when Liliane leaves, either before or after.

While she's in Equestria, she teaches Star Swirl magic. Later he develops a lot of those spells for future ponies. 

The Fall begins. Liliane knows something must be wrong in Alidia, so she goes back, maybe telling Star Swirl "U gotta teach my babies how to control the sun and moon lol."

So they learn how, and that's how they become da princesses of Equestria. 

Why exactly...do Star Swirl and the other wizards need to raise and lower the sun?

Did something happen to it? hmmmmmmmmmmm

And how does the raising and lowering of the sun affect other reigons, like Alidia?

Maybe there was some cataclysmic event that the whole world bore witness to. Or even more than one. Let's try this:

This part does not necessarily need explanation. Something already controlled the sun. Something HAPPENED to that something, leaving every corner of the world plunged in darkness. The Windigoes rose amongst the chaos, leaving the original home of the tribes a desolate winter wasteland. Desperate for warmth and food, the tribes set out in search of a new home. 

The Tale of Hearths Warming Eve is loosely based on the events that occurred thereafter. The Unicorn tribe was never actually in charge of raising and lower the sun. But perhaps they were stewards to the entity that was. Which is why, later, six unicorns took charge. 

Hmmmm again.

In search of a new home, might they have traveled through the frozen north of today? In fact, perhaps the frozen north is what they once called home. And that's how Moon Spark's village ended up in the mountains. They were separated from the other tribes. Presumed dead, they were left behind. But they managed to survive on the harsh mountain. 

Some old brainstorming:

Hmm, thought just now:
I'm pretty sure that, when characters are talking about Star Swirl and the wizards who used to raise the sun, they never say anything about the moon.
Do they raise the moon at all? Does the moon rise on its own? If so, could the sun? If it could, why are Star Swirl and the wizards raising it in the first place? 
Maybe the wizards are trying to make names for themselves by doing something no one else can do; or would do, if it doesn't need to happen. 
Problem with this: The sun was probably rising before, so what would be the point in them raising the sun, and Celestia eventually doing the same? 
Answer for this: maybe the sun wasn't rising before. 
Actually, in that play during Hearth's Warming, they showed the land of Equestria under sun. 
First off, we don't know if all the facts from that play were correct. They might have even left stuff out, like ponies dying due to lack of food, and from freezing to death (hence, Windegoes)
Secondly, it could be perpetual day in Equestria. Maybe they lowered the sun first, so they could have night to rest in. And so that their crops could rest, too, and not always be in sunlight.
So Equestria is in perpetual day. One that's pretty nice. The wizards raise and lower the sun to establish a certain -- pattern? control? But doing this is much harder than they first thought. This is where Lauren decides to come in.

I'd like to expand upon that by brainstorming again: Could the land have been in perpetual day instead? The entity that controlled the sun died, or was killed, leading to the event of Hearths Warming. 


Fallen Tree takes his children and tries to find Andromeda's mother. In pursuit is Sombra, who's trying to exact vengeance on the relatives of the one who destroyed his reign. Both are injured, and Sombra falls in the frozen north, to be met by Moon Spark.

As Fallen Tree journeys onward, he loses Nebula, who is found by guardians of the Crystal Empire. 

When he finally makes it through the frozen lands, he reaches the small village of Tempest's childhood, where he dies of his wounds. 

If Sombra finds out about Nebula's ability when it comes to gems, maybe he'll try to make her revive his wife with the Crystal heart. 

Aw jeez, maybe she technically does...and that's what turns it into modern-day Heart. That's kinda dark ngl.


The six members of the Mantle. The six wizards who helped Star Swirl raise and lower the sun. The Pillars of Equestria, and finally, the Mane Six. 

It's not really the lightning bolt itself that tears the mountain to pieces. More of the immense power that emanates from Moon Spark. 

Aight, imma throw myself under this here bus. 
Yeah yeah I know, yet another thing that has to change. Stuff like this is for the better, people wouldn't have wanted Chrysalis reformed anyway. She's a bona-fide badass; maybe not epically, but still a decent villain.
So Flurry Heart has to replace the lost sister. Wait -- Andromeda, replaced by Twilight, that's one; Nebula, replaced by Flurry, that's two; ALRIGHT, WHERE'S THE THIRD?!! HISTORY HAS TAUGHT ME THERE IS A THIRD! and then A FOOOUUURTH

Lorelei controls her dark shadow. Once she's merged with the three other alicorns, she sets them up as a defense between her and potential assailants. You have to strip them away before you can really do damage to her. 
First is Sombra. He can move through the shadows and wields black crystal shadows. 
Next is Shadow Spark. Besides also being a shadow walker, she wields black whips and lightning.
Flurry is the last defense. She is trapped in the shadows while her power is leeched. 
Lorelei has the combined abilities of Sombra and Shadow Spark. She wields black crystal lances and whips, can move through the shadows, and commands a storm of lightning.

So not only is Lorelei like the fabled Lillith -- she's also very similar to the Whore of Babylon. Right down to the unfaithfulness, and even being garbed in purple, scarlet and gold.
This is kinda freaking me out. X'D
GODDAMMIT *throws tablet
Lillith. From Diablo 4. 

  The sun was black in the day.
  The moon had shone like blood.
  The stars were faint.
  Soon will come a day when sun and moon fall from the sky, and the stars are swallowed up by the dark.
 When her sister, Andromeda, had died, Celestia was heartbroken. But she didn't want Luna to see it. And there were things to take care of. So she banished the dragons from the mountain where Canterlot would be, telling them that they must live elsewhere. At the same time, she banished her feelings of guilt and despair to the most secluded corners of her mind. The result was that she became more aloof, less involved with her sister's daily life. 
 Andromeda had always been the closest to Luna. When she died, Luna wanted to do things with Celestia, for once. But, as time passed, and the sisters gained acknowledgment and devotion from the ponies of Equestria, Celestia buried herself in the duties that came her way. She found excuses to stay away from Luna, so that she wouldn't have to remember how they had killed their own sister. Not only that, she tried to keep Luna under control -- deep down, she wanted to protect her, and keeping her in line seemed like the only option.
  By now, the sisters are living in The Castle of the Two Sisters. And though Celestia is trying to keep Luna under her watchful eye, she decided that maybe, she and her sister could have fun together. So the sisters started carving out secret passages and hiding places in the castle. But Luna was starting to feel restless. ‎Finally, Luna couldn't take it anymore.   
  The Nightmare Forces had found her, and were feeding on her loneliness and frustration. And the time had come...Luna would refuse to lower the moon. And so, Celestia banished her sister to the moon. For her own good, and for the good of Equestria -- or so she believed. 
 But now she had lost both of her sisters. The guilt, desperation, depression, everything -- was starting to weigh on her shoulders like the sun itself. Now that she was the sole ruler of Equestria, there was no way she could crack now. 
 Except, she kinda did.
 The sun turned dark in the middle of the day, and when the moon came out, it was red as blood.
 The way she saw it, she had no other choice. So she invented a spell, one that took her strongest, most unpleasant feelings and crushed them down. The death of Andromeda became a distant, bittersweet memory. The banishing of her sister was something she had to have done, or the night would have never ended. These became masked by a warm, but commanding disposition. 
 There was one side effect. 
 When Luna came back, it affected the spell, though very slightly. Celestia got a bit of her old fire back.
 But when ()...something inside Celestia snapped.

Probably the whole Empire would know about the dragons, and how they used to live near the Empire. ‎Seeing as they only helped to drive the dragons away, they probably wouldn't have history books on the subject. But they would have a few detailing dragons.

Celestia was always the more playful one. Energetic and wild, she was usually the first one up in the morning (of course) as a foal. 
Andromeda was in-between. She loved to play, but also cherished having time to herself. She wanted to please both of her sisters, whatever they might want. 
Luna preferred to be left to her own devices. Her sisters didn't seem to like the games she wanted to play very much, so rather than keep trying, she kept quiet.

Y'know...a regular person -- especially one as lively as young Tia -- upon losing two of their closest family members, would've completely cracked. So, I think this should happen. 
After banishing Luna, Celestia starts to fall, fast. To stay sane, she invents her own spell. One that allows her to face the disappearing of her sisters as if they were very insignificant things. 
 "I have always wondered, how did my sister not fall after Andromeda died, and then she had to banish me? But recently, I started to suspect something -- I think Celestia has resorted to the aid of a spell."
You'll be writing this story as Celestia, to Twilight.

Hey, I think I have the basic...moral...for TLOTCE. Moral, metaphor, whatever.
A lot of stuff happened in the past; Andromeda meeting with a dragon and having a baby, then getting killed; Sombra getting defeated; Moon Spark turning to shadow; Nebula finding a way to protect the Empire with the Heart; Coal finding the Amulet and going evil; the sisters having to battle their lost kin;‎ it all connects to Equestria, the Mane (or not mane) Six, and you. Probably, the concept will be that, no matter what state the past was in, we'll make up for it. And that, no matter what happens, we'll always come through.

Moon Spark is almost like the Joker. Abusive parents, they end up dying, she starts killing ponies. She's very mentally affected. Gotta figure out how abuse, power and killing ponies brings her to the point of being sarcastic, short-tempered, almost gleeful when confronting those she plans to hurt (maybe mentally she feels like she's getting back at her parents.)
Moony has post-traumatic stress disorder. 
This causes a short temper, distrust of others, ‎hypervigilance,
Another detail I'd like to add with Moony is that she acts more like other animals as opposed to a horse or a pony. Her behavior isn't right. Also, Sombra needs to act like a dragon. 

Dahliah encompasses all the Elements, and tries to uphold the lessons taught by the Mane Six. ‎However, she eventually loses sight of her original goals.

SHIT I JUST THOUGHT OF SOMETHING -- If Chrysalis finds the last Element then the Elements of Harmony can be restored.
But how does she escape? Does the statue magically end up next to the last Element and THAT'S how she breaks free? Where would the statue be? (Where was Discord's? CANTERLOT STATUE GARDEN, VERY FAMOUS)

After Sombra had been overthrown, Moon Spark found him and placed the remains of his heart in the Dragon Amulet. She then infiltrated the Crystal Empire and placed the Amulet in a secret cave. Y'know how Twilight finds the secret passage in the throne room? Yeah, that's where he is. (How does the gate fucking open then? Figure it out, bitch!) 
Later, two royal Unicorn siblings, Coal and Nebula, are growing up in the Crystal Empire. Their parents, Queen Alstonite and King Tanzanite, ‎were preparing Coal to become the next king, as he was the eldest. But during Coal's orientation, Nebula -- blah-blah-blah, bonds with the Heart, I haven't figured out a different way to say that yet -- and becomes an Alicorn. ‎So thereFORE, she is destined to become the new ruler. ‎Cause stuff'n things, yeah.
After Nebula Does-the-Fucking-Cliche-Thing, (ehhh, haven't quite figured out how this happens...) Coal finds the place with the Dragon Amulet. It pulls at him somehow, he can't resist touching it. Yes touchy. As soon as he touches it, he finds himself in a deep, smokey red void. An odd, ashy smell stings his nostrils, and his family burn as well. Fuck, why did it autocorrect to FAMILY? His EYES! HIS FUCKING EYES BURN! 
Here he finds an enormous blood-red dragon, with dark red spikes and blazing sunburst eyes. His name is Sombra, ‎and he wants out. He convinces Coal to let him -- 'hang out' in the stallion's mind for a little while. So Coal exits the void, and finds that his parents want to talk with him. So he goes, they chat, they're like, "Dude, we're sorry, but you know -- we were founded by Alicorns and now that she's an Alicorn OBVIOUSLY she's destined to become the ruler and WHAT the FUCK is around your neck?!?"


‎Nebula can't accept that she spontaneously becomes the Queen after earning her wings. It was supposed to be her brother, she can't accept that just because Alicorns are special in the Empire, it makes her special. Coal kinda agrees with her, but when he finds the Amulet, Sombra manipulates him into manipulating her; if she can accept her new role as queen, Coal can hide behind her while Sombra gains power.

Would it be more interesting if Lorelei didn't realize that she was reincarnated until the end of Time Whispers, or just at a later point?
Well, if -- as Starlight Glimmer -- she didn't realize she was reincarnated, maybe that would make sense. Someone has to trigger something, explain who she used to be, before she really knows. Then once she finds out, she really has to make that decision of -- whether or not she wants to change back. Go back on her own plans, return to her former life of good. 

So, are Coal and Nebula protagonists? Or could either of them be seen as a deuteragonist?

Okay SO (here we go again, lol) y'all know the Shadows from Babylon 5? I've been bouncing this idea around in my head, that Shadow Spark should have some evil minions/an evil army. Then I saw the Shadows -- omg, should totally design some suuuuuuuper creepy monsters from the depths of (*cough...hell) Inferius based off of them. 
Also they kinda look like Driders.

Maybe, in order for Dahliah's involvement in the story to make sense, I should make her a mini-villian or something. She gets a job in Canterlot, maybe under Celestia or Luna (or just somewhere in the castle, and then she uses her ninja skillz to infiltrate, mwuahahahaha). Her ultimate goal is to find Tempest and reform Chrysalis, and she'll do what she must to accomplish this.

To explain Sombra's reappearance and -- honestly, god-awful voice -- maybe he's not actually Sombra. An apparition, then? Has Discord done stuff like that in the past? 


Y'know what could be a GREAT idea???
So, those songs you've chosen as the trailers for the six separate parts of the C¤C -- you upload the trailers as animatics for the release of the stories on FimFiction, thereby gaining enough time in the future to turn those into fully animated trailers for the release of the stories as audiodramas.

I feel like, as a younger mare -- or maybe in general -- Luna is like me, in that I don't want to make the same mistakes Ben does. Luna doesn't want to repeat her sister's mistakes.

What does Dahliah know?
She saw bits and pieces of Andromeda's journey with her sisters -- perhaps Celestia and Luna help fill in some of the blanks.
"We've been -- discussing things with your new friend," Celestia told her.
"She knows things only my sister and I should," Luna said, a dark undertone in her voice. 
"And -- we've decided to share this information with you, Twilight."
She followed Moon Spark as she went on her journey. At which point she went to the Empire, and watched her sister's story play out. She has no idea what Tempest looked like as a filly, only witnessing Nebula being given to the Crystal Empire. And she has no idea what happened to her after she destroyed the Amulet.

What if Fluttershy's ancestors are the ones who created Discord? 
Better yet, what if each of the Mane Six are the descendants of a Pillar AND, the ancestors of each of them did something like Fluttershy's did?

Moon Spark was the first Pony of Shadows. Then probably Stygian, then Sombra, and finally Lorelei.
So who's really the true Pony of Shadows?
I'd say Lorelei is. In the end, it's all her magic. 
Okay so instead of advertising Moony as the TRUE Pony of Shadows, she should be called the FIRST Pony of Shadows.

So Coal finds the Amulet, and right after that his parents disappear / die / whatever the fuck happens. You might be wondering -- if he has a strange Amulet that nopony has ever seen before, and his parents have just disappeared, wouldn't SOMEONE be suspicious? Weeell, not if he has something to hide it. And what would hide the strange Amulet? 

okay SO! I broke my promise to myself NOT to look at the spoilur-shtuff for MLP season nine. BUT I DID, and Discord was standing against Sombra. (Also, totally off-beat here, but I hate his canon voice. I FUCKIN HATE IT!!!)
The only thing Discord did against Sombra's attacks was to turn his oncoming laser beams into stuff like butterflies, balloons, sparkles, blah-blah-blah. And when Sombra targeted Fluttershy, Discord decided to leap in front of the oncoming laser. What does that say about him?
Maybe he's powerful -- but not in ‎the way people think he is. He is very skilled in his type of magic. So the question is, what exactly is his magic? 
‎‎It would be like Q's power (Note to self -- look it up), but also like the power of the Reality Stone. He can manipulate reality in a comedic way.

More stuff with six...
There's the old Elements, then the new elements. Six Alicorn princesses, six magical artifacts. Six tribes. They can all fight.

Since this is the CRYSTAL CHRONICLES...should we have more detailed mentions of stuff like the Crystal Keepers?

Could Cadence have different colors?
Like, she was born purple or something? 
But someone, like her guardians, disguised her so Sombra wouldn't recognize her? 
Hmm...very interesting idea...‎maybe her true colors are something closer to her Crystal form.

Maybe pureblooded Alicorns earn their wings just like their Cutie Marks. Nebula inherits this, would the Crystal ponies be shocked or just surprised? 
Well, if they're all directly descent from the Crystal Keepers, then maybe they'd just be surprised. And happy.

Engineered agitation.
Also, goals of the Illuminati 
1: Abolition of government. 
2: Abolition of patriotism. 
3: Abolition of private property rights. 
4: Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
5: Abolition of religion. 
And 6: Abolition of the family and family relations.

Members of the Mantle 
 Alberich. Supreme. White body, hair that fades from dark blue to bold, pale dandelion eyes. 
 David? Italus? Architecture. Slate-grey body with dark red patches, dark red hair with grey-blue tips, and pale greenish-blue eyes. 
 Demeter? Tierra? Agriculture. Bright pastel green body, hair striped with pure purple, dark green, mint green and very pale blue-green, and minty-blue eyes. 
There's also the fact that the Young Six seem to represent the Elements of Harmony...which will be interesting...
I could say it was a temporary thing, maybe! 
Oh no...unless the Mane Six retire, like Celestia and Luna. Now that Twilight is the new ruler. So the Young Six would get the Elements. 
Celestia and Luna's retirement can explain absence. 
But what about Sombra coming back? Also, he seems to want Flurry Heart -- but what for? 
Maybe he couldn't find Moony at first, so he figured he could take Flurry Heart and either use her magic somehow, or have her as bait so he can get the princesses' magic.

Description-thingys, I can't remember what they're called, fuck me...
Synopsis, I think.

Flurry Heart wants to know the true history of the Crystal Empire, but even now, none of the Crystal Ponies will relive those memories. So she gets the answers from an unlikely source.

As Flurry Heart is learning of the true history of the Crystal Empire, time unfolds in the past, and a young mare draws closer to her destiny. 
Moon Spark

Time Whispers 

Every living Alicorn has been summoned to the castle of friendship by their Cutie Marks.

I was sitting on the couch, just kinda thinking. I looked at Zach, and wondered how he'd turn out as an older person. If he couldn't survive, would it be better if he didn't exist? Then that thought went to include everyone -- what if no one existed? 
Lorelei would think like that. She'd manipulate and break, and at the same time wonder whether anypony should exist.

Certain kinds of transmutation happen in stages. In Sombra's case, in the first stage; his limbs grew longer, teeth and horn sharper, and the ghost of wings appeared on his back. If he had been given the chance to advance, stage two might have been like this: The wings would have solidified, limbs becoming much longer and Sombra as a whole becoming larger. The red from his horn would have spread from his horn to the rest of his face, and spines would began to appear on his back. Plus a tail would probably begin to grow, and claws would shape at his hooves.

‎To keep Twilight in character while Dahliah is trying to give out how to tell her she can see through time, perhaps Twilight needs to go back to Ponyville before Dahliah tells her about the Crystal Empire's history. Ooh, it could be a lil prologue before the whole thing starts, separate from the physical TLOTCE. ‎That might also help with advertising.
Nah, Imma keep it all together.

It seems like the conditions under which the gateway to Sombra's lair would open have to be pretty specific. 
What if Moon Spark was just messing with him?! All that planning she did with him when she made the Amulet, all to just trap him underground in a place where he might never be found. Power could not grow from the inside out, so that would guarantee he doesn't break out on his own. The Amulet can only gain power from an outside force and store it.
Ooh, he'd be pretty mad if he found out the truth...and what about Moony? When they meet up again, and she realizes who he is...
Ooh, ooh, maybe Lorelei is the one who brings them together. When they meet again they're spitting venom at each other, and she's the one who manipulates them into working together. (It helps that they both have traces of her magic, though Moony probably has more than Sombra...)

Okay, PLAN:
In order to give the story of TLOTCE the respect it deserves, you should spread it like this: Sombra takes over in the middle of the second part.
Are you sure? I mean, I've had it planned out this whole time as being a three-parter, with Sombra taking over at the end of the first part. It would make a nice cliffhanger.
‎Okay, uh...

Sombra is recovering from the aftermath of his takeover, and finds that he now needs gems to survive. AND I'M WRITING THIS DOWN NOW -- THIS TOTALLY MAKES SENSE, RIGHT? I MEAN, PREVIOUSLY, HE WAS PRETTY MUCH LIVING INSIDE A GEM. BUT NOW IT'S GONE. THAT THING WAS WHAT KEPT HIM ALIVE. alsoooo cuz he's a dragon, stupid. 

Maybe, instead of Alstonite and Tanzanite just deciding hey, Nebula gets to be an Alicorn -- maybe some other ponies see what happens with her and the Heart, and they're like, she's special! She is destined to rule us! So the king and queen go along with it. Nebula had done something that had never been seen before, something magical. Therefore, she must be destined to become an Alicorn. And since everyone knows that Alicorns are special, the highest royalty, then she would become queen.

What would be interesting is if the Unicorns and Pegasi Sombra trapped were alive when the Empire came back, or they died right before it disappeared -- and Dahliah is watching Sombra in the past as he takes them into the...for want of a better term, 'trap place' -- but since she can't travel through time, she can't get into that place because it's blocked off. So we don't know what happens to them in TLOTCE, unless Dahliah is trying to find a way in and attracts Twilight's attention. Then Dahliah has to reveal that she can see through time.
AAAND -- So Sombra doesn't have enough power to kill ponies right after Nebula destroys the Amulet. And she wouldn't have had enough power to destroy it if not for her lil magical talent! Anyway, so he can't kill the Crystal ponies yet, either, so he just traps the Unicorns and Pegasi and makes them do different work. Or he traps and starves them to death. 

I could do a sort of ongoing prologue thing, one at the beginning of each story (to be made into audiodramas). But what would the subject be?
Something about Dahliah?
Wait, how 'bout Andromeda?
Well, if it were Andromeda, what about when it gets to her story?
Let's look at some other characters, but not completely dismiss Andromeda. 
Moon Spark, probably not. Definitely not Sombra...maybe Lorelei? Hmm, dunno...one of the Lost Sisters? Ehh...Flurry? Hm. Maybe. Twilight? Doesn't quite fit. Hey, what about Lauren? Heeheehee
She might work. But what would she say? Would she comment on the events that are unfolding? Casually mention stuff like prophecies and the like? Would it be in a different language?
Also, would I be allowed to use Faust's OC for C¤C? Maybe I should ask her...

Basically the way it's been written, she doesn't really show up. Things are implied.  

Could Sombra have ordered the dragons to start invading the tribes sometime during Time Whispers?
Well, the original timing was: Lorelei finds her children, and gets a glimpse of Sombra and Moony along the way; she attacks Equestria, but fails, so she goes back to those two;

Y'know, I keep imagining Lorelei, Shadow Spark and Sombra in clouds and stuff. Like, Shadow has black clouds with some lightning, Lorelei has weird sparkly-not-sparkly red clouds, and Sombra also has clouds but I can't figure out a color. 
Wait --
Lorelei is the White Rider, therefore her clouds are white, or some form of grey. So when her clouds are red, it's the setting sun shining through them. Sombra, as the Red, has red clouds. And Moony has black.

The Lost Sisters -- HA, that's what I'm calling them now -- they're already kinda special, but what if each of the sisters had something more? Nebula gets a piece of the gem lodged in her. Dahliah can wield every element. TEMPEST FUCKIN REINCARNATED A PONY -- OOH, OOH, IDEAAAAAAAS
Shadow, shadow of death, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil...thy rod and staff comfort me...
So...what exactly is Tempest's talent? 
Something to do with death...maybe she actually dies at one point, like she dies from exhaustion and starvation. But she manages to bring herself back or something. 
So how does she reincarnate Lorelei? 
If she comes back as Starlight Glimmer, AND as a baby, then a few things need to happen. One: Her 'father' needs to find her. So Tempest can't just abandon a baby filly in a cave (she wouldn't do that anyway, but I'm just saying.) So maybe Lorelei's remains aren't actually ‎in the cave she dies in. Or maybe they are. Tempest leads Lorelei's spirit back from dah void. Maybe unintentionally, maybe kinda deliberately. Two: uhh, drawin' a blank. Her Cutie Mark? Maybe this is how she earns it. 
Okeyokey, maybe the three of them have something -- something! Thoughts! Like, Nebula is birth, Dahliah is life, and Tempest is death. ‎And y'know the whole thing with Dahliah being able t' fuckin' see through time...now I'm thinking about things from a philosophical perspective, like -- you have less time than you think to enjoy, or even Live, life. 
Maybe the sisters have these against their will. Like, Tempest was chosen for -- whatever reason, to be able to go to Inferius and be reincarnated. But she doesn't want that. And Dahliah doesn't like the idea of being able to wield every element, because she's afraid of the power and what she might do with it. Nebula never wanted to give birth to an entire new race, much less be deformed beyond recognition. And maybe -- maybe her thing has something to do with magical artifacts or objects. Or... gems. She earns her wings by interacting with the Heart, she finds an element of harmony and uses it to her own ends, and maybe she's the one who makes all the elements combine. Unintentionally, like, she's there, and all of a sudden the Elements are combining. Hmm...must look into this. 
So, mom can make batteries drain, right? So can Nebula make gems...charge? Maybe she didn't automatically get her wings after interacting with the Heart -- they were given to her because she could do something no one else could...unless, the Crystal Keepers could do that, too. Or something like it! When she finds the extra element, ‎she makes it turn back into a gem after being a lil round stone. But since she's 'evil', the charge she gives it is bad.

So, if Celestia and Luna meet Melvin the Manticore in the comics, they can't meet him in Stardust cause I'm not doing that.

So, the plant Andromeda and Co find underground. 
Fan lumen, or 'The light fan' in Latin. 
It's leaves are similar in shape to the ones on a Chinese Evergreen or dumb canes, but instead of mostly fanning out horizontally, these fan out vertically. The stem is more like a trunk, and the whole thing glows. Including the roots below it. 
Colors may vary, but most are very light yellow, with colored stripes on the trunk and edging the leaves. Smells like...nostagia...or more accurately, someone you know. I'll have to smell someone.

‎Closest region to the dragons is Griffinstone, so they'd attack there first. After conquering the Griffins, separate platoons would be sent out to the Badlands, for the Changelings, and Yakyakistan, for the Yaks. Before the attack on Griffinstone, a group would have been sent ahead to the Hippogryphs. 
OOH. Smolder. She'll do recon, and tell Sombra about the strengths and weaknesses of each tribe and their homelands. (Question: Could she play double agent? If she does she could warn the tribes ahead of time, and that would cause problems for Lorelei, Moony and Sombra. While they're trying to conquer Equestria, the dragons are being pushed back by the tribes.)
Large platoons will be needed for every tribe, though the Griffins probably won't be as big of a problem as the others. Could they recruit a different group? Are there different groups?
Perhaps there's still some Wyverns. And they could also make a Golem or two...but they wouldn't be of much use. They miiight be able to reach Griffinstone, but the Griffins only have to bump them off an edge. They wouldn't be able to get inside the Changeling Empire unless they busted their way in, which would be a problem. And wouldn't even be able to reach Hippogryphia. Yakyakistan would probably be the easiest place to reach...but then the Yaks would try to smash them.
Timberwolves, ‎slingtails, Golems.
They don't care as much for each other as any of the other tribes do. But they might attempt to flee to central Equestria, and warn the ponies while they're at it. If they could be taken by surprise, perhaps in an ambush that surrounds all of Griffinstone, it would be easier to corral them. ‎Since their home is high up, it might be tricky to keep them all in one place. So how about some sort of magic? Sombra could lend the invaders something to make capturing the Griffins easier. But once captured, what to do with them? Or should they be driven beyond the Guto Mountains? That might actually be easier. Then they don't have to be worried about.
Come at Griffinstone from the seaward direction, and drive the Griffins towards the Guto Mountains. Make sure there's no stragglers. No need to kill anyone, but if a few Griffins provide too much trouble, might as well. Try to recruit from them. (Smolder will be sent to recon Yakyakistan. She'll want to warn the Griffons, but will be pushed to do her original mission, and realize that if the dragons just mean to drive the Griffons out, then Gallus should be safe.)
Since they're more friendly with the ponies than the other tribes, it would be best to trap them inside their own home. And perhaps some sort of magic to keep them from transforming would be good. Smolder knows that the Tree of Harmony somehow kept Ocellus from transforming. Something there? 
The Changeling Empire must be surrounded and all exits blocked or guarded. Use fire to drive all Changelings into the center of their home, and use the spell to keep them from transforming along the way. Since they feed on loooove, there's no need to worry about feeding them. 
Trapping them would be tricky. Driving them apart might be easier, if they don't decide to stay and attempt to fight the dragons. Perhaps negotiation, followed by threats? 
The dragons will also have a slight disadvantage on land, as they're not really built for cold weather and the yaks are big and compact.
They have lots of ways to escape. They could fly away, or escape through the water. That needs to be kept from happening. So how to do that...
Killing? Diversions? Find a way to get all, if not most, of the Hippogryphs into the city. Set fire all around it to keep them from going into the water. Or find a way to destroy their necklaces. If that's done, they can focus on keeping them out of the skies. Being the most valiant tribe, force is granted.
Oh, and they're half pony, so yeah, they can die.
POISON the water. Then the Sea Hippogryphs have to move onto land.

Hey hey hey, since I said I'm not paying attention to the comic books, this means I get to write Tempest's history. 

So, just kinda thinkin' right now...

Tempest is hardship...Dahliah is loneliness...and Nebula is despair? Maybe something else for Nebula...

The thing that's interesting about first confrontations is that -- I feel like, in real life, there's less of "Who are you, what do you want, what is your purpose?" There's just fear of the person, fear of what they might do. And there's probably people thinking "Who the fuck are you?!" But sometimes they don't think to ask.

What are some of the deepest desires or longings of your characters? 
‎Andromeda: To help those who need it
Dahliah: To be close to others, and be heard and understood. To be a guide.
Nebula: For everyone to luuuurve
Coal: To protect his citizens
Moon Spark:
Also, who are some of your characters based on, to an extent? 
We all know who Dahliah is based on. Wink wink.
Coal is Ben. Kinda. Maybe? More from the perspective that they're both older brothers.
Maybe Nebula is a less...ahem...hyper version of Marya.

Hemp!‎ The choice plant for the beyond territories is hemp. It produces paper, fabric, is good to eat and so much more! Lol, this sounds like a commercial for hemp...XD

Hey, y'know what might be interesting? 
Maybe typical Alicorns don't live as long as Celestia and Luna have. 
So what might have granted them longer lifespans? Andromeda's death? Why?
Okey-okey, maybe Lilliane could see through time, too. And maybe Andromeda had a bit of it, as well. So Dahliah got it from both her mother and her grandmother. But anyway, maybe Lilliane senses something. She knows Andromeda will help save the future...and must sacrifice herself. Then Andromeda senses something, too. Her descendants will need help, which means her sisters need to live longer. 
So does Dahliah eventually sense something? Cause three logic, y'know. 
Eh, I'll figure it out. It'll come eventually, knowing me. Lol.

Sombra thinks. He makes plans. He examines angles.
Shadow acts. She improvises. She plays games.
Lorelei does pretty much all of that. X)

What if the Alicorns found out that Wyverns have crystal hearts, and used them somehow, for power?
Alidian Alicorns can also be the ones who first discovered this, and the ones who made the Empire passed that knowledge on. Lauren did, too.

Genetics time!
Lilliane has blue(ish) eyes. Luna inherits this. Andromeda does not -- she has green eyes. Tempest Shadow and Dahliah get Lilliane's blue eyes, and Nebula gets Andromeda's green. Cadence gets her pink(ish-purple?)  eyes from wherever Celestia got them from. 
The parents of Blackthorn had purple fur. He passes this on to Tempest, Dahliah and Nebula. Cadence is pink because reasons lol. IF ANYONE HAS OBJECTIONS JUST LOOK AND PINKIE AND HER FAMILY. Also because Celestia is technically pink XD
Lilliane's mane was red. This goes to both Celestia and Andromeda. Andromeda gives yellow to Dahliah, and red to Tempest. Nebula gets blue from Blackthorn. Cadence gets pink and yellow. Purple -- I dunno.
--Cutie Marks 
Okay, so Andromeda has a star. Dunno what Tempest has yet...still working on that, hehe. Dahliah has a flower sundial. Nebula has a crystal butterfly. 

What if Dahliah is also kind of an Asrai, too? Asrais are aquatic sprites that are breathtakingly beautiful and shy. Known only to surface once a century. Touch is believed to be very cold. Sooouuund familiar? :)


Could somepony like...Tempest...have been the one who reincarnated Lorelei? Or set into motion the events that reincarnated her?

Heehee, how 'bout Sombra's name is taboo or something, and that's part of why the Crystal ponies don't want to talk about him? 

Flirting! XD
Carnelian -- Natural flirt
Nebula -- Doesn't know how to flirt
Dahliah -- Tries, but doesn't really know what she's doing 
Coal -- Kind of a flirt

Idea! Alidian structures could be similar to that of Twilight's castle. But technically, it's the other way around; Twilight's castle is similar to Alidian structures. Plus Crystalian structures..

Sombra might want Celestia and Luna for himself, seeing as they're the ones who banished him and the other dragons.

Thinking, thinking -- thinking! 
Sombra's goal when Coal took him back to the Empire was to bide his time until he could use Coal's body and the Dragon Amulet to become a dragon again. Then he would trap all the ponies in the Empire and kill them all. This wasn't made immediately clear to the ponies.
When Nebula destroyed the Amulet, he had transformed just enough to have gained a fierce hunger. After seeing the power of Unicorns and the abilities of the Pegasi, ‎he decided to kill all but the earth ponies, and have those left bring him crystals so he could live. He tries to get Nebula to use her magic to restore him, but she's run dry. Then Celestia and Luna appeared. (We haven't heard anything from the Crystal ponies for a while, now that I think about it...'Really? Perhaps a visit would be nice.') 
Significant moment! He remembers these two, and becomes livid. He decides to try and take their power, having overpowered them before, but underestimates their abilities and is turned to shadow.

Maybe turn So I Could Find My Way into a lullaby?

Could there be an artifact or something containing the last element? 
I don't know. If this were possible, then where did Spike get the weird gem-rock-thingy from? 
Maybe someone found it later, and then did something with it. Any green gem thingys?

Maybe the spell Lorelei puts in her magic needs to be something besides a decay spell. Think about it: If the decay spell is what's eating stuff, then wouldn't it eat the magic, too? No, because like matter, raw magic can't be destroyed.

All of the Crystal Chronicles seems to be centered around family. Maybe we can explore different family situations a little more deeply. 
Brother and sister, sisters with mentor, abusive parents, sisters reunited, sisters catching up, blah-blah-blah -- sisters. Lots of sisters.

So, going by Jericho Writers guide for making memorable characters:
‎Coal and Nebula are both Ordinary protagonists. Though they quite don't go by the plunged-into-extraordinary-and-find-extraordinary-in-themselves rule. 
And this is where you'll be taking risks.
Also, Empathy = Character's Motivations + Reader understanding
Dahliah is definitely an ordinary character.

IDEA: Crystal Keepers.
Every once in a while, an Alicorn is born in Alidia. When this happens, they receive schooling to become a Crystal Keeper. These Alicorns tend to the gem trees.

The place where the Mantle takes Lorelei's magic is shaped like a horseshoe when seen from above.  

I might have to think of the timeline in a different way.
You could compare Andromeda's death to that of the crucifixion. Not to make her seem like Jesus or something nooo XD but because there's stuff before that. 
So what's before Andromeda's death?
How about, what was happening before Equestria? 
All that Egyptian stuff,

‎Okey, so, Star Swirl's house.
I've gotta stop thinking about this like it's a university or something. It's a small house; small but finely decorated. This house overlooks a forest from atop a hill. Plenty of room for running around, and for the wizards to meet and raise the sun.

The Pillars are over a thousand years old. When they come back to Equestria, they feel like they're aging faster. The years are catching up with them.
So when Shadow Spark is dragging them into the pits of despaaaaaair X'D, he decides to send them to Elysia. They're going to die anyway -- he might as well help them get to the right place.

Okay, so the voices in these shadows; they yell and wail at whomever is there, and that pony will go crazy trying to convince them -- and themselves -- that they've got the wrong pony. While also trying to escape the pits of despaaaaaair. X'D
Cause in reality, they're yelling at Moony, but we don't know thaaaaat...X)

Maybe the reason there aren't any Unicorns or Pegasi in the Crystal Empire -- is because Sombra had them executed so that the ponies would have less strength to fight him with. Plus, he can threaten the living ponies with horrible fates if they step outa line. 
I mean, you can clearly see Unicorns and Pegasi, along with Earth ponies -- and even two Alicorns! on that crystal vase. 
So maybe that particular vase was a commission. The two Alicorns were supposed to be Nebula and Alstonite -- Alstonite being the crystaller who would crystallize the future baby. 
"Be careful with that vase; I commissioned it just for you," Alstonite said, grinning at Nebula, who immediately stopped fiddling with the vase and smiled nervously at the queen.
How bout it was commissioned by Larkspur Statuarii? Heehee -- statuarii is Latin for sculptor. XD He's Leonardo da Vinci! X'D

Characters as the Four Horsemen. 
• Lorelei -- White Rider
She spreads the disease of her manipulation. 
• King Sombra -- Red Horse 
He wages war against ponykind, and divides the Crystal Empire during his reign. Plus, he's red. (As a dragon, but you get my point.)
• Shadow Spark -- Black Horse
Shadow Spark is the black horse because not only is she black, she also brings with her in her shadows the echoes of her victims. Distressed and mourning.
She could also be connected to the White Rider, as she brings her infectious shadows into Equestria.
• Twilight Sparkle -- Pale Horse
She is the pale horse because for one: When in reverse contrast, her coat is green, the color of the mount of the pale rider. For two: Death follows her in Incarnate.
Lorelei appears in Time Whispers. Then the ponies receive word of Sombra resurfacing, though the information is vague and no one realizes at first who he actually is. Then Shadow Spark invades the Friendship Castle, and that's where ponies start dying. Finally, Twilight Sparkle.

Important goal
What. Is. Andromeda's. TALENT? 
What's her purpose? Celestia raises the sun and watches over the ponies. Luna raises the moon and walks in dreams.
Let's think about what she does. 
She...interferes with cosmic stuff. Helping her sister out of the moon, helping give Twilight wings...
Hmm, I'm seeing a helping pattern here. Maybe her talent is helping? 
It would explain why one of her descendants wants to help everybody.
Hey, that sounds pretty good. But what does she do -- celestial-wise? 
Uh...well, is there any way for Lauren, or Star Swirl even, to have seen that she would die and guide ponies to 'heaven'?
Omg, maybe they did...and they regard her with sadness, cause SHE'S GONNA DIE, but IT'S NECESSARY.
Okay! Interesting. I just wish it weren't so...cliche...
Y'know -- oh, the pretty-pretty princess doesn't know what her special talent is, oh, BOO HOO, we've seen it a million times already. *facepalm
She's born into Equestria so that she can learn to care for others, to guide them, and to see the good in all.

Theory: There is a seventh element of Harmony. 
The Elements appear to those who can wield them. The seventh shows itself to Spike, and he hides it somewhere. 
No one can wield all the elements at once. Their power is too great. And if the Elements are destroyed, they can be restored if there is at least one intact. So when Celestia and Luna use them, they put one in a safe place.

Maybe in Time Whispers, Dahliah has issues trusting herself. She and Starlight are very much alike, and when Starlight Glimmer turns into Lorelei, Dahliah starts questioning whether or not she'll do the same.

Y'know what would be cool?
Remember that 'Cosmic Star' thing you came up with a while ago? 
Andromeda was born to die and lead dead ponies to a better place. But first she had to learn to care for others. 
What if she never had that life-changing moment where she realized 'Hey, I gotta help others?'
Her heart would shrivel up in despair. She'd become Cosmic Star, and things would be veeery different.
I'm building off this real quick:
If Andromeda never fought with her sisters, she never would have learned that sometimes, our hearts fill with repressed emotions and anger. During these times, we may say or do things we would soon regret. So forgiveness is key.
"Everyone deserves a second chance, and everyone deserves forgiveness."

After her magic became the Nightmare Forces, Lorelei could no longer wield it. Becoming an Alicorn once more did not give her the magic she needed, so she sent her children out to retrieve the Elements. When they were annihilated, she decided to take drastic action. Even she could not be touched by the Nightmare Forces, for fear of decay, though the more magic one has, the longer it takes for them to decay. So she -- conversed -- with her companions, Sombra and Moon Spark. They would help her destroy Equestria. They each had a bone to pick with ponies; Moon Spark was turned away from them, and wanted revenge against the Pillars for rejecting Stygian. And Sombra...oh fork, I don't even know where to start with him...X'D
So Moon Spark would go to Equestria, and retrieve the magic of the celestial sisters. She would present this to Lorelei, who would wield it as her own. As agreed between Moony and Sombra, if she encountered the Mane Six, she would keep them alive. ("I'm gonna toy around with them a bit, though -- if you don't mind. I'd like to have some fun, it's been ages.") Sombra meant to exact his own revenge on those ponies; after rallying one of the strongest and most feared races -- his own kind. He presents himself to them, telling a tale of being turned into a half dragon/half pony monster by the Equestrians more than a millenia before. He tells them that he was once the feared dragon lord Sombra, and had come to reclaim his throne for retribution. Though they had all heard tales of the dreaded Dragon Lord Sombra, Ember is skeptical. But by way of clever manipulation, he convinces the dragons to lock her up for high treason. (Locking her up because even though she committed 'high treason', she's still a dragon, and the small part of Coal that's still left won't let him kill her.)

The Nightmare Forces are a decaying force...if a living being breathes in the mist, they will decay from the inside out. Most beings vomit up their own insides, but for some, the mist eats away at their stomach and lets their rotting guts spill onto the ground. From there, if the mist is also on the outside, it will shrivel the eyes, hollow the flesh.

Okey-pokey, so maybe Nebula can have Cadence. 
Sounds good. Hoping there aren't random ideas I stored in here that would contradict that, though...XP
Nebula will need some slight modifications to her design.  

‎Maybe Lorelei should be the final boss, instead of this Umbra character. Although, I still want to have that moment between Dahliah and Umbra...maybe the spirits could fuse and make him? Hmmmm....
Sooo, if Lorelei is the final boss in Incarnate, instead of Umbra, ‎what happens in Time Whispers? 
Probably what's already happening. Lorelei gets away in the end, and goes to find Sombra and Shadow Spark.

I say, Starlight Glimmer accidentally created the multiverse, with all the major fanfic universes.
It happens during her time-travel escapade.

Gotta change up the plot behind Incarnate a bit. 
You'll have to account for the Griffins, the Hippogryphs, the Changelings, and the Yaks. You'll also have to take into consideration the fact that the Young Six/CMC will want to help in any way they can.  

People might theorize that I'm comparing Alidia to heaven, and if I am, I'm saying that heaven itself is gone by destroying Alidia. I am, in a way, comparing the two. There are similarities. But Alidia is, in fact, not heaven at all. Though it could very well be described as heaven on earth -- or rather, Equestria -- it falls, where heaven does not.

Joy, Faith. Patience, Love. Truth, Vigor. ‎Allegiance, Courage. Selflessness, Goodness.‎ ‎
As they could be the very definition of it, the Alicorns view themselves as perfect, and hold each other up to high standards. But the banishment of Lorelei marks a new day in Alidia...one where a slight stirring of mistrust begins to take hold. And some begin to doubt themselves and others. Banishment was something pretty much unheard of within this place.

Perhaps you could have male Alicorns. But they look slightly different. Curved horns, broader wings? More colors, too. ‎Or just patterns.
Also, the Mantle. A group of older, more experienced Alicorns within Portmanteau. Kinda like Celestia and Luna's status within Equestria. +++, since the three sisters are used to seeing each other -- girls -- they don't really decide to not make male Alicorns in Equestria. They just don't think about it.

If the Alicorns can foresee certain things, wouldn't Twilight have been able to see things when she had celestial power?
Not necessarily. Alicorns have to be trained to see these things. And if Celestia and Luna had been trained, then Twilight simply did not tap into that power OR, she herself would have needed training in order to figure that out.

Alternatively, only Queen Lauren's line can foresee things.

I think, when it comes to the battle between the Alicorns and the dragons -- when Andromeda finds out about what's going on, you can apply some of what you felt in that round of Mansions of Madness. 
Her sisters are being overwhelmed by the dragons. If they don't get help, they will die. She realizes she might have to sacrifice herself in order to help them, which makes her nervous...but also makes her feel intense love for them.

Sombra's Goals:
Become ruler of the dragons once again 
Destroy ponykind 
He will get rid of Ember, and blame it on the ponies. He will tell the dragons that he was once a loved and respected king (not entirely false, heehee), and that the ponies overthrew him and deformed him. He waited for the right time to reclaim his reign, and he offers to lead the dragons into battle against the ponies.

Change: Good or not good?
Maybe Andromeda could try to distract Sombra, instead of leaping in front of his fire. She heads straight for him, intending to keep him from using his fire.

When the Nightmare Forces want to corrupt someone, they appear to them in the form of a deepest desire.

Ooh, how about you bring Harpies into the story? But they went extinct, before ponies could really get to know them.

How 'bout the dragons live in the Crystal Mountains?
Nope, 'cause that's where Moony lives.
Okey, what about on the mountain where Canterlot will be? 

Prince Blue Blood is Celestia's nephew. And she says as much in a very easy, offhand way (or maybe Rarity pointed it out -- eh, I dunno). So who are his parents? 
Y'know, he kinda has a likeness of Andromeda. Pale body, yellow hair. And I think his Cutie Mark is something like a star.

I think it was established he is Celestia's adopted nephew.

"The moon is always there, glowing in the sky, sometimes even when the sun is out. But who pays attention to the moon when there is something much bigger, more beautiful, right next to it? Who, but the children of the night?"

Butterflies, flowers and sweets. Nebula, me, and Tempest. So, what are these?

King Sombra could be an ENTJ.

OK, OK, I just had a thought. I've said that I don't believe time travel will be possible in the future...but what if it had a different concept, rather than someone just going back in time and doing whatever they want? What if...when people went back in time...they couldn't be seen, they couldn't touch anyone, they couldn't alter history, because technically, they don't yet exist. But they could see whatever they want to see. I know it doesn't play in with when Twilight, and then Starlight, went back in time. But...I could use this idea in my own stories.

If Andromeda were to turn evil, she'd probably be called Cosmic Star.
(Black holes are collapsed stars.) }:3