Magic Research Paper

In these documents I will be recording my research into magic and it's various effects, uses, and of course the --  science of it as well! As this is my very first official research paper I do hope you'll bear with me, I'll try to be as coherent and factual as possible. 

General subject: Magic

Sources: Star Swirl's notes, journals, diary; (gusty the great book); Princess Twilight's (theory book?); (Celestia)

Topics: Sleeper magic; is magic good or evil; implementation; pros vs cons; natural energy; spells, curses, (other forms of magic); tribal magic; magical components; emotions

Introduction paragraph: (Hook, thesis, transition),

Body paragraphs: (main point, introduction, examples, explanations, conclusion that ties to thesis, transition)

Conclusion paragraph: (restated thesis, concise summary of the body and how it ties to thesis, signal for the end of essay)


Magic is a constant source of wonderment and fascination. For thousands of years we've studied how it works, and yet we still don't fully understand it, despite it being such an integral part of our everyday lives. 

(Evidence of limited knowledge)

There have been many wizards and sorcerers across history who've spent almost their entire lives devoted to the study and development of magic. Star Swirl the Bearded and Princess Twilight Sparkle are two prime examples. Star Swirl kept many journals and notes, and even did his own spellwork. Twilight Sparkle became a princess through her contribution to one of his spells. Before that she spent almost every waking moment studying magic. 

Here today, I have compiled much of their works, as well as theories and confirmed functionalities, folk legends, ancient artifacts and prophecies, and even some of my own theories. I aim to question much of this, to pick apart what we know and don't know. Perhaps by bringing this all together, we can connect just a few more dots in the puzzle that is -- magic. 

I'll start at the beginning, with what we know about the base components of magic. (Include ala, nubilus marks)

How magic 'n stuff works!
Magic that is not contained in some way will basically expand upon itself. The magic of the Everfree forest is not completely contained, but it is held back just enough to only expand in the plants and creatures.
Ways of being contained can include being attached to the host of the magic (a regular unicorn/any other creature with magic) a vessel (i.e. jars and boxes, but if the vessel is damaged the magic may leak out), and amulets or gems.
Raw magic expands slowly, but if it's weak magic, it gets spread thin. After a while it slowly sinks into the earth, joining with the rest of the magic encompassing all of Equestria. 
Ala is a remnant of raw magic. It's like dust, but glitters like diamonds. This dust revives and rejuvenates. 
Nubilus marks occur when outside energy interacts with the raw magic, basically creating an energy surge. This leaves a pure white streak on most solid surfaces.

Magic must be contained, or it could expand upon itself and become an insatiable force. Theory suggests in this way, magic is acting like a living organism, in that its cells are multiplying and expanding. What causes this expansion? What keeps it from happening? 

I theorize that magic has the need to connect with something, something to attach to. What is magic without a vessel? It either spreads itself thin, or it consumes everything. This does not necessarily mean that magic is in any way, sentient. It's like fire. Fire must have something to be in, to burn from, or it doesn't exist. If it burns from everything it will eventually disappear that way, too. If it has something to hold onto, it can just be. 

So what is the difference between living organisms and inanimate objects, two things magic can use as a vessel? 

Living organisms can control and channel magic though their natural energy. Inanimate objects are simply that, and have no source of energy for magic to draw upon or be channeled with. They're merely a vessel, a container for magic. Some objects have magical conduits, such as crystals or metals. Crystals are a natural way for magic to be channeled. (SCIENCE, SCIENCE, SCIENCE)

Now, what makes us all different from each other? What makes our skills with magic vary? Why is it stronger for some, weaker for others, and for more it just comes naturally? This could all depend very heavily on the host vessel. Consider that earth ponies and pegasi, in comparison to unicorns, have a very simple, base level of magic. Why are unicorns able to channel magic in strange and mysterious ways? Anatomical research of the unicorn's horn shows that horns are a natural conduit for magic. On the outside is a layer of bone covered by the unicorn's fur, stretching anywhere from three inches to a foot or more. Beneath lies a layer of fat and dead skin cells, called dentin. This protects the core of the horn, an extremely sensitive and delicate mass of nerves, (and other things). Right outside the core is a thin layer of what we call (crystal-like name). This is an extremely fascinating component, in that it acts almost exactly like simple, pure crystal. It's what is believed to act as the main conductor for channeling magic. I theorize that this is also what makes unicorns the best gem hunters. If this substance is very similar to crystal, perhaps it's drawn to crystals like two magnets are drawn to each other. 

Since earth ponies and pegasi don't have these natural conduits, they're gifted with a simpler, easier to control type of magic. But what's keeping magic from manifesting abilities across the board? Why don't we see earth ponies who can walk on clouds, or pegasi who can help the plants grow? 

This can be traced back to basic biology. What makes a pony who they are depends on the pairing of chromosomes they receive. U is the pure unicorn chromosome. T is for earth pony, and S is for the pegasi. UT, US, UU; TS, TU, TT; SU, ST and SS are the possible pairings. Whichever is the dominant chromosome determines what tribe the pony is. Theory suggests the secondary chromosome is what gives certain ponies different body structure. A pegasus with underdeveloped wings probably has secondary T. An extremely powerful unicorn probably has both U chromosomes, and has a higher chance of being taller or having a longer horn. An earth pony with secondary U might have stronger magical abilities, or with secondary S, they might be thinner boned. There are thousands of variables beyond the simple base chromosomes, thousands of tiny cells and strings of DNA that determine our lot in life. 

Then there's sleeper magic, magic that's not directly channeled the same way unicorns or other creatures channel it. The natural abilities granted to the earth ponies and pegasi are a type of sleeper magic. There's also the curious case of Starlight Glimmer, Princess Twilight Sparkle's first student. Evidence from research conducted after the events of her untimely passing suggests she was, in fact, a reincarnation. This is an extremely rare phenomenon, with very few documented cases throughout history. Starlight Glimmer had the amazing ability to directly affect the magic and psyche of those around her. Ponies would act out of character, and their magical abilities would be changed, sometimes becoming weaker or stronger. Glimmer had two U chromosomes, but even more fascinating was the makeup of her magic. 

How do our emotions also effect magic?