group Characters by person charlie crome

Agents of Chaos

Agents of Chaos close

Mysterious ancient beings who's role in world history has been lost to time. They once rode the sea of Chaos, great oceans of being itself, locked in eternal battle, until they were trapped forever in the 12 pillars of the void.

last updated about 7 years ago


Cyrsil close

created about 7 years ago


Meud close

created about 7 years ago


Minobi close

A great Mega-Spirit, a collective intelligence that was formed by the fusing of the many lost souls of the world. After many millennia being trapped in the mortal realm it was forced to split and create Various portals to the many ethereal planes across the world. Taking form in ways relevant to the destination of the portal.

last updated about 7 years ago


Nyrnhir close

last updated about 7 years ago


Rakk close

last updated over 3 years ago


Uem close

A superintelligence made from Y’lahilian Ist computers, while it nearly had the knowledge and perception of any of the great lords of new, it was limited by its physical constraints from reality, unlike the great lords. It was destroyed along with the Y’lahil.

last updated about 7 years ago


Valkxurr close

created about 7 years ago


Yov-Uxhd close

created about 7 years ago