emoji_events Items by person M.W. Poel


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Sword with a thin blade inlayed with ruins. it glowes a soft blue-white hue

last updated almost 4 years ago

BX8-23J ( B X eight dash two three J)

BX8-23J ( B X eight dash two three J) close

This robot is one of the many robots used by hospitals to keep an eye on patient and help them with basic needs. Its purpose is to bring drinks, food, alert staff in emergencies and calm patient's down

last updated over 6 years ago

Glaive of the eternal soul river

Glaive of the eternal soul river close

a large, green-bladed glaive with pitch black shaft that chills it's unfortunate victims to the bone

last updated almost 4 years ago

Hellflame 3.2

Hellflame 3.2 close

Hellflame 3.2 is one of Muirne's personal designs with an extra hot and widespread flame to envelope as many targets as possible. It is also easily adjustable in order for it to work with different types of flamable gas.

last updated over 6 years ago

I.M.I.T.H. (imif) Infinite Musical Instruments TopHat

I.M.I.T.H. (imif) Infinite Musical Instruments TopHat close

this normal looking tophat can house an infinite amount of objects as long as these objects are instruments. size or weight of the instrument does not matter

last updated almost 4 years ago

M0X-91 (M zero X dash nine one) Missy: Mox ninety one

M0X-91 (M zero X dash nine one) Missy: Mox ninety one close

Its sol purpose is to follow its assigned reporter around and film whatever its told.

Looks like a floating orb

last updated almost 4 years ago

Pucokí (puh co k e)

Pucokí (puh co k e) close

This tiny adorable robot flies around at high speed and enables its owner to talk to someone over long distances

last updated almost 4 years ago

Pumps of fairy flight

Pumps of fairy flight close

Magical heels with wings that are either designed to look like those of a butterfly or a bird. These pumps allow the wearer to make a graceful descent from large heights or beautiful jumps worthy of a ballerina.

last updated almost 4 years ago

Storon KX

Storon KX close

this gun shoots small needle like bullets designed to enter through the smallest gap. The gun's maximum effective range is 5690 meters

last updated over 6 years ago

Travelling laboratory

Travelling laboratory close

A large blue box with 3 trays on either side and two handles. It includes: Bunsen burner Pipet Several test tubes (18) Erlenmeyer flask (3) Glass beaker (2) Liebig condenser Funnel Morter and Pestle Wire gauze florence flask (15) Test tube brush Flask of distilled water

last updated almost 4 years ago