A popular tourist destination on Inatsum, Atoth is built around a very calm part of the ocean that is ideal for swimming.
last updated 5 months ago
The planet Mars, a few thousand years into the future. It's quite a tourist destination.
last updated 5 months ago
This is the city where the Rising Aspen characters grew up, where ColdWinds headquarters is located, where a lot of the story takes place.
last updated 4 months ago
A quiet town nestled around Lanuubird Lake. Not quite as popular a tourist spot as Atoth, but they still get a good amount of visitors during the summer.
last updated 5 months ago
The Abyss
Strange dimension from "Tales From the Abyss"
last updated 5 months ago
The Ruins
An abandoned building, which has been slowly falling apart over the years. It most likely used to be a pool given the small lake that sits inside and around it.
last updated 5 months ago