last updated almost 4 years ago
Constance 'Tancy' Karst
Their an unknown at the moment, they don't like the fact that their age is messed up, but they're glad that it is so they don't have to deal with the headache that the position of being the face of the Karst Line could bring. They get along with Dion, mostly because they have information and vice versa.
last updated almost 7 years ago
Dion Karst
They're a diplomat and a connection to Glass and Castle. They have political value and connections.
last updated almost 4 years ago
last updated about 7 years ago
Lady Costra - Dragonfly Choker
last updated almost 4 years ago
wants to just be them, not be dragged into any messes, stay sane, be content as they can, and understands the duty of the First Line but would rather focus on themselves.
It's not that their selfish. They just want to live, exist.
last updated about 7 years ago
N. Karst
last updated about 7 years ago