language Universes by person Antares 💫


Atune close

A dystopian society built on the planet of Atune, located deep within the reaches of the galaxy, populated by the brightly coloured creatures called Asrets, who pride themselves on how bright their scales are and cast out anyone unfortunate enough to have a darker colour than them. Due to this, there's a secret underground plot brewing: A secret society of Asrets is dead set to wipe out this injustice and make a n...

last updated 9 months ago


Fixianor close

A large, dangerous expanse full of surreal, magical creatures who have... Not the nicest intentions. Consisting of Mainland Fixianor and Fixianor Space, the many denizens of Fixianor's vast territory are all different and unique in their own, strange ways, even if they don't necessarily get along. Danger is upon this world: In the form of two warring space kings, a secret scientific plot, an escaped sentient lab w...

last updated 9 months ago


Jovia close

A dangerous magic-filled planet inhabited by strange, monstrous creatures which call themselves the 'Jovians', territorial, aggressive animals which come in clans ruled by a 'Deity', and resemble the flying vehicles of Earth, only alive and move animalistic looking.

last updated 9 months ago

The Game of Life

The Game of Life close

Two realms: Celestial, and the world of the Mortals, are in peril, faced with the threats of supernatural horrors, malicious souls, and the utterly insane. Only one being can help save the worlds from destruction, a dragonet student who lives in a quiet village within Sky Kingdom territory.

last updated 9 months ago