local_movies Scenes by person Daniel Jacob

1) Vira scares a crime boss

1) Vira scares a crime boss close

Vira uses her skills in witchcraft to scare a crime boss into stopping business with one of his clients, for unknown reasons.

last updated almost 5 years ago

2) Vira returns to base

2) Vira returns to base close

Vira travels across the rooftops to the Sanguine Heart's base, and makes her report to the boss. she then asks to see her brother and has a nice warm moment with him. as she's leaving, she see's the White Magi's leader leaving, though she doesn't know who he is. Boss guy gives her the sleeping woman assignment. Vira then goes to bed, and has her first Dream.

last updated over 3 years ago

3) Dream chatting

3) Dream chatting close

Vira and Eloise see each other in their dreams for the first time. they are both confused and neither realises whats happening before they wake up

last updated about 7 years ago

Big bad tortures protag 1

Big bad tortures protag 1 close

created about 7 years ago

Falling silences

Falling silences close

last updated about 7 years ago

The awakening.

The awakening. close

last updated almost 5 years ago