Aras Emox
last updated over 3 years ago
Carrie Cox
Carrie Cox is an Artist-in-Residence within The Inbound Lands.
last updated about 6 years ago
Corvus (CORE-vus) is one of the Long Face Folk, and appears in several of the Bird Folk Legends. She is a Formwalker who moves between the forms of Crow and of Walking Folk. She is one half of the Dual Faces responsible for the sense of balance in the Inbound Lands.
last updated about 7 years ago
Coyotl (KI-yah-tull) is one of the Long Face Folk, and appears in several of the Bird Folk Legends.He is a Formwalker who moves between the forms of Coyote/Dog and of Walking Folk. He is one half of the Dual Faces responsible for the sense of balance in the Inbound Lands.
last updated over 3 years ago
Joseph Heckle
A historian and archeologist studying the powerhouse on Mu'silao'ki Island
last updated over 3 years ago