pets Creatures by person Ctc9592

Ajon (A-jon)

Ajon (A-jon) close

Medium sized, covered in a wool like substance, and sharp horns.

last updated about 7 years ago

Arathix (A-wrath-ic)

Arathix (A-wrath-ic) close

The Arathix are a hive based creature that relies on deep underground tunnels and eggs to sustain their species.

last updated almost 7 years ago


Bashilom(Bah-she-lum) close

The Bashilom is a silent killer that takes it's time to kill its prey letting the fear and anxiety seep into it's flesh before for killing it slowly.

last updated almost 7 years ago


Hereic(Hair-ic) close

A advanced form of Undead, know for it's thick bones and bile it spews from it's bloated stomach.

last updated over 6 years ago

Tarkon (Tar-Khan)

Tarkon (Tar-Khan) close

Know as the bird of titans, the Tarkon is a large bird that is glimpsed mostly by sailors and water based nations. They rely on the oceans for their food and will rarely leave it.

last updated almost 7 years ago