Chomis are a species of Theropod Dinosaur that live mostly in water (although they are known to go onto land occasionally) They are extremely large and only a few specimens are known to exist. They have large teeth, and ornamental spikes on their backs (the males have thin brightly colored skin in between them). They also have bioluminescent uniform spots that glow bright blue. They mostly hund large ocean creatur...
last updated over 1 year ago
The Denree is a species of mammal-like creature that is naturally arboreal, but commonly lives in cities. The species is native to Craphis, and was one of the first organisms to adapt to the presence of humans on the planet. It is the most populous non-human animal on Craphis, and is invasive on many other planets, as it was transferred off-world by commerical ships exporting goods.
last updated 2 months ago
Dimetrodon sp.
last updated about 1 month ago
Diplodocus sp.
last updated about 1 month ago
Iguanodon sp.
last updated about 1 month ago
Mammuthus sp.
last updated about 1 month ago
Prognathodon sp.
last updated about 1 month ago
Spinosaurus sp.
Spinosaurus is a large, semiaquatic theropod dinosaur. It has a giant neural spine sail on its back that it uses for sexual and social display. It has Long, slender crocodile-like jaws that it uses to catch fish. It has a paddle-shaped tail that it uses to propel itself through the water. It has large, strong forelimbs and large claws that it uses to lacerate and possibly eviscerate prey and potential attackers wi...
last updated about 1 month ago
Torosaurus sp.
last updated about 1 month ago
Torvosaurus sp.
last updated about 1 month ago
Triceratops sp.
last updated about 1 month ago
Zetoraptor sp.
last updated about 1 month ago