An abandoned town, once sacked by barbarians and now left in ruins. The Triboar Trail passes through Conyberry from the south-west, making it accessible from Phandalin.
last updated over 4 years ago
A small town along The High Road that was until recently abandoned. The towns residents hail from Neverwinter and in the paid service of the city's Lord Protector Dagult Neverember. They are tasked with turning Leilon into a fortified settlement capable of warding off threats from the Mere of Dead Men.
last updated over 3 years ago
A coastal city
last updated over 4 years ago
The capital city of The Neverwinter Empire, Neverwinter was badly damaged when Mount Hotenow, which lies to the north erupted some 50 years ago. The city is working to rebuild itself. The city is ruled, in absence of a royal heir, by Dagult Neverember.
last updated over 3 years ago
A coastal city
last updated over 4 years ago