A massive bovine with large horns jutting from its head curving forward in front of the face to point directly at a would-be attacker. An intimidating appearance no doubt.
last updated over 3 years ago
These are the souls of women that died in horrific ways and now their souls prowl the night seeking the living to exact their revenge.
They can emit a powerful shriek that is capable of disorientation and internal bleeding.
last updated over 3 years ago
Barred Eagle
The largest avian in the known world, barred eagles are massive and breathtaking to behold.
They prefer remote mountainous regions but they can also be seen floating on thermals high above the great prairie.
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Bat, Cavern
A smaller version of a dire bat but still quite large. Cavern bats fly out of their roosts at night and into the starlit sky. They can commonly be found roosting in old warehouses and abandoned barns.
last updated over 3 years ago
Bat, Dire
Dire bats are massive bats that spend the majority of their life swooping around large caverns and cave systems below the surface.
last updated over 3 years ago
Bear, Black
Standing no more than 7 feet tall and 600 pounds the black bear is the smallest of the bears. They typically shy away from people and mind their own business unless provoked.
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Bear, Cave
Standing upright they range anywhere from 10-12 feet tall and 5-7 feet at the shoulders when on all fours and 2000 + pounds; the cave bear is nearly twice as large as a grizzly bear. There are not many men or beasts in the entire world that can survive a one on one battle with an adult cave bear. The cave bear has a well earned reputation as being one of the most powerful creatures in all the land.
last updated over 3 years ago
Bear, Grizzly
Massive bulk and a mean streak, grizzly bears will attack even when unprovoked. They will eat anything that they can catch, forage, or steal and everything in-between. Just about the only thing a grizzly fears is the cave bear and for good reason. Cave bears have been observed killing and eating grizzly bears.
last updated over 3 years ago
Bear, White
Found exclusively wandering the tundra and the far northern reaches, the white bear is the second largest of the bear species. Only the cave bear has more bulk. Their pelt is a sign of status to the far northern barbarian tribes. Traditionally a white bear cloak can only be worn by those that have defeated a white bear in single combat.
last updated over 3 years ago
The smaller cousin to the Beaver, Saltwater; the beaver prefers slow moving streams, rivers, and freshwater marshes where they build their dams and lodges. Unlike the Beaver, Saltwater these beavers are very shy and reclusive, when there is a disturbance they will hole up in their lodges until the danger passes.
last updated over 3 years ago
Beaver, Saltwater
A massive species of beaver that can grow to the size of a black bear.
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Bison, Prairie
Sometimes called the spotted bison, the massive and iconic herbivore of the prairie is the prairie bison. Herds of a million bison can sometimes be seen migrating across the plains, following the rains and the green grass. Along with the prairie chicken, the spotted bison is a staple food source on the vast expanses of the prairie.
last updated over 2 years ago
Bison, Wood
Smaller, less common, and the more docile cousin to the spotted bison, the wood bison inhabits the forests, never venturing out onto the open plains. With a much more manageable temperament the wood bison is sometimes domesticated and used in farming and as a pack animal to pull carts or carriages.
last updated over 3 years ago
Boar, Warpig
The warpig is without a doubt the most unpredictable of the wild boars. Stoutly built with razor sharp tusks they are built for battle and wholly unpredictable and fearless. Their durable hide is highly sought after by leather workers. Some of the strongest and most effective leather armor is crafted from warpig hide which rivals even the lesser metals in terms of protection.
last updated over 3 years ago
Boar, Wild
The smaller cousin to the warpig the wild boar is a popular game animal to hunt for sport and for food. Tough and mean they can prove to be quite worthy adversaries. Able to absorb powerful blows that would kill many other beasts, it is often said that a boar is too mean to know when it should be dead.
last updated over 3 years ago
Giant goblinoid creatures standing nearly 7 feet tall with Shaggy hair and leathery skin in shades of brown, green, or grey. They appear as giant goblins. They are by no means pleasant creatures but fortunately they do not have the extreme temperament of goblins because if they did, the destruction they could bring upon a city would be devastating. Highly aggressive and territorial they will attack without remorse...
last updated over 2 years ago
Canine, Bush-tailed Jackal
Small and skittish this Jackal uses its wit to steal meals from the larger predators that share its territory.
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Canine, Dire Wolf
Coming in at around 400 pounds the dire wolf is three times the size and has three times the aggression of a standard wolf. They travel in small family packs which usually consist of a mating pair and one or two offspring. Their small litter size makes them quite a bit less common than their smaller cousins.
last updated over 3 years ago
Canine, Wolf
Wolves travel in large packs of up to 20 individuals during plentiful times but break off into several smaller packs of 3 or 4 during more lean times or especially harsh seasons. Wolves tend to steer well clear of their much larger dire wolf cousins. Only a wolf pack at full strength would dare to attempt a confrontation against even a lone dire wolf.
last updated over 3 years ago
Caravan Spider
This massive 3 foot arachnid is an ambush predator that can be found just about anywhere. They possess very mild toxic venom but prefer to overpower their prey only employing their venom to soften up the internal organs once they have disabled their intended meal. Sometimes referred to as a “ten-spine” by the locals due to the 10 small spines protruding from its back where the young ride along.
last updated over 3 years ago
Carrion Beast
With sightless, milky white eyes the carrion beast has the most developed sense of smell of any known animal. Found exclusively in deep caves. Do not let their name fool you, they will make a meal out of any creature alive or dead that they come across.
last updated over 3 years ago
Carrion Crawler
The carrion crawler is a wormlike carrion feeder that slides along the deep caverns and caves eating anything in its path alive or dead. You should not have to worry about stumbling across one on accident because you will most likely smell it well before you see it
last updated over 3 years ago
Cave Terror
A vicious little beast that resembles a medium sized, hairless canine; the cave terror prowls the dark tunnels and deep underground caverns below the surface.
last updated over 3 years ago
Chicken Bear
A 6-7 foot flightless bird with a massive and shaggy body. Powerful legs and a thick, heavy beak.
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Crocodile, Salt Marsh
The largest of the crocodile species these behemoths can reach 30+ feet in length and easily swallow a man whole.
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Crocodile, Spiny
The smaller relative of the Salt-marsh crocodiles, these are still a formidable foe reaching 15 feet in length with a row of dagger-like spines that run down it's back.
last updated over 2 years ago
Black - acid white - frost red - fire green - poisonous fog
copper - darkness bronze - confusion fog silver - lightning gold - sonic blast
last updated over 2 years ago
EeL, Electric
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Eel, Spotted
The spotted eel is quite common in all freshwater bodies of water from rivers and streams to swamps and lakes. They can even travel short distances across land between water sources making them highly adaptable and found anywhere there is even just a few inches of water. Spotted eels have even shown up in odd places like peoples backyard wells and stone lined garden pools.
last updated over 3 years ago
Increasingly rare, these are solitary forest creatures that resemble trees. Highly intelligent and highly protective of the forest. They will attack anyone who threatens their forest home.
Loggers beware if the local Ent hears your axe chopping at a living tree, or the farmer that thinks to burn back the forest to make way for a larger field for his livestock or harvest.
last updated over 2 years ago
These poor souls are trapped in the in-between. They are destined to be tormented by having eternal rest in sight and at their fingertips but not able to take that final step. Unable to achieve eternal rest fades are driven mad and lash out at the living until they are finally released. A fade is thought to be the soul of a cursed mortal.
last updated over 3 years ago
Feline, Prairie Lion
The prairie lion is the largest of the cats. They can reach sizes comparable to a black bear. The prairie lion is quite capable of taking down prey much larger than themselves. It is quite common for a lone lion to take down an adult spotted bison.
last updated over 3 years ago
Feline , Slant-backed Sabrecat
This predator is lean and reclusive, the sabrecat slinks around rocky outcroppings searching for prey. Their lean bodies allow them to squeeze into narrow crevasses. They typically prey on rodents and small game but they are capable of taking down a full-sized goat or even a large adult deer.
last updated over 3 years ago
Feline, Tundra Leopard
These are highly specialized predators that work in pairs to take down the largest of game. These large cats are masters at stalking and killing young mastodons and wooly rhinos. Nearly the size of a prairie lion, tundra leopards can efficiently take down the largest of game animals. One leopard will distract while the other strikes and retreats. They repeat this process until fatigue and blood loss overcomes thei...
last updated over 3 years ago
Flat-headed Hyena
Masters of intimidation the flat-headed hyena easily exceeds 200 pounds and possesses a bone-crushing bite that is powered by their massive neck and jaw muscles. A pack can successfully drive off even the fiercest of predators from a kill.
last updated over 3 years ago
Forest Hag
At first glance this creature has the appearance of a hunchbacked old woman wearing a tattered shawl. Do not be fooled, this creature is all claws and fangs with a bit of innate magic too.
last updated over 3 years ago
These stone-like creatures live in old ruins and mountain ranges. Seeking high perches to observe their territory and to swoop down on intruders. Coming in a range of grey shades with knobby blotchy skin they are perfectly camouflaged in their rocky homes. They even have a limited ability to change their shade and texture to match their surroundings
last updated over 3 years ago
A ghoul is a more powerful version of a rotting corpse
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Giant Cave Cricket
About the size of a medium housecat these insects usually travel the cave systems in swarms; eating everything in their paths. They can be found outside of caves when they are out searching for a new locations after they have eaten everything in their former cave
last updated over 3 years ago
Giant Crab
These massive crustaceans are found all along the beaches. Their massive claws can deliver a devastating and crushing blow. A thick shell protects them from damaging blows
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Giant, Green
Green giants are the most intelligent and smallest of the giants, rarely exceeding 10 feet. They are more widespread than their cousins the frost and stone giants.
Green Giants will work with other races and they can be found nearly everywhere from open grasslands to thick murky swamps.
Their skin ranges from bluish to yellow to shades of green and even in rare occasions, orange. Their beards and hair are ...
last updated over 2 years ago
Giant, Ice
These giants thrive in the coldest of regions, even more so than Frost Orcs. Reaching a height of 12 feet, Ice giants are covered in thick, white hair and beards that can grow past their knees and turn blue with age.
They wield weapons of ice carved from the bottom layers of the great northern glaciers. The ice is so compacted from hundreds of tons of layers pressing down for thousands of years that they are s...
last updated over 2 years ago
Giant Salamander
Living in deep caves and underground cavern systems that run alongside rivers and lakes where water seeps through the walls . These salamanders have a powerful bite and can reach lengths of nearly 4 feet long
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Giant, Stone
Hailing from deep inside the mountain ranges, the stone giants can be found. These are the largest of the humanoid creatures and exceed 15 feet tall.
Incredible strength, thick granite like skin, and impeccable accuracy with thrown weapons make Stone Giants one of the most dangerous foes an adventuring party might face.
A lone adventurer stands very little chance of surviving a prolonged encounter with a S...
last updated over 2 years ago
Gull, Speckled
The most common of the gulls, the speckled gull patrols the beaches eating any scraps they can find that wash ashore. They will even follow ships far out to sea, eating the refuse and fish scraps that are thrown overboard.
last updated over 3 years ago
Gull, Stone
These gulls can be found all along the shoreline but they are more common along particularly rough and rocky shorelines where they nest in rock crevasses.
last updated over 3 years ago
The Hydra makes its home in the caves below the high tide waterline all along the coast and the rocky islands scattered throughout the sea. They come in three varieties with either 3, 4, or 5 heads. The 5-headed variety is the largest, nearly rivalling the size of a small dragon.
last updated over 3 years ago
The Jackalope is a large jackrabbit that is unique because it sprouts antlers directly from its skull. The antlers are not shed yearly like deer and are kept throughout their lifetime but do not regrow if broken. They are born with tiny, fleshy nubs both the male and females sprout antlers that grow with age but become more brittle as the years pass.
last updated over 3 years ago
Small lizard-like humanoids that are easily distracted by shiny objects but can be dangerous if provoked or if you hold the shiny object that is their focus of desire. Kobolds have long spindly arms and gangly legs with a large knobby and boney head that has a ridge of small blunt spikes running around the circumference of their heads meeting at the base of the skull and continuing down their back along the spine...
last updated over 3 years ago
A powerful mage that has conquered death can be transformed into a lich. Without the boundaries of life holding them back, lich’s have the potential to be the most powerful spell-casters in the entire world. The most powerful liches rival the power of many vampires but their paths rarely cross as they tend to try and avoid each other out of grudging and mutual respect for each other's power.
last updated over 3 years ago
Lizard, Cave
Any place you can find a cave you will find cave lizards. Coming in a variety of shades of blue, green, or orange their skin is popular to use as an accent in leather working.
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Lizard, Flame-backed Skink
These lizards can be found along the edges of the wasteland and other arid climates. They secret a burning acid from glands that run along their back. They can reach upwards of 2 feet in length.
last updated over 3 years ago
Lizard, Rock
Large robust lizards the length of a man's leg. This species doesn't have teeth but bony ridges along its mouth can cause a very painful, slicing bite and their whip-like tail has been known to bring a man to his knees.
last updated over 3 years ago
Lizard, Shingle-backed Monitor
These hardy lizards have tough rugged scales that overlap across its back and down its sides, much like shingles on a roof. These overlapping scales can repel even the sharpest of blades.
last updated over 3 years ago
Long-necked Antelope
A medium sized antelope ranging from 75 to 100 pounds these fleet footed master jumpers can leap over 15 feet into the air and a distance of over 40 feet from a standstill.
last updated over 3 years ago
Lost Soul
A lost soul is the soul of a godless mortal who was not able to cross over in death. They are destined to walk the lands until their spirit is released.
last updated over 3 years ago
A large, lumbering, and dim witted beast. A Lummox stampede is considered one of the most feared disasters to occur. As long as you take care not to spook them they can be domesticated for food, milk and leather.
last updated over 3 years ago
Living in mountainous regions, the manticore is truly a sight to behold with the face that resembles a man and the body of a lion with a scorpion like tail. These fearsome beasts can be disturbing to look at and fearsome to do battle with. Their venom is highly prized and will fetch a premium price.
last updated over 3 years ago
The largest of the tundra inhabitants. A large adult male Mastodon stands 14 feet high at the shoulders and can exceed 10 tons in weight. They are covered in a thick shaggy coat that drags to the ground. Their curved ivory tusks typically reach 7 to 9 feet but on rare occasions they can exceed 15 feet. Ivory is highly prized by craftsmen and can fetch a premium price.
last updated over 3 years ago
These massive and thick necked beasts are rumored to be an experiment gone wrong. Many powerful spellcasters and even Vampires use them as unwitting guards to their hideouts and lairs. Minotaurs have an unexplainable desire to patrol passageways and to follow familiar circuits and patterns along pathways
last updated over 3 years ago
Orc, Frost
These Orcs are tall exceeding 7 feet and broad shouldered with massive tusks protruding up from their bottom jaw, sometimes growing so long it impedes their vision and needs to be trimmed. Pale skin that ranges from snow white to a pale ice blue.
last updated over 3 years ago
Orc, Mountain
Shorter than Frost Orcs but much more heavily muscled and stout. Their skin is the color of stones and has a dusty appearance. Two thick, blunt tusks grow up from their lower jaw but barely extend past their lower lip
last updated over 3 years ago
A very powerful and dangerous foe because they exist simultaneously in our realm and the realm of the dead. This makes them very hard to defeat using conventional weapons.
last updated over 3 years ago
Prairie Chicken
Prairie chickens are an important food source for the inhabitants of the great prairie; they are plentiful and repopulate rapidly. Nomadic tribes have been known to domesticate them to be used as a traveling food source.
last updated over 3 years ago
Rat, Sewer
The most commonly found rat in the city is the sewer rat
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Rat, Swamp
The largest of the rats is the swamp rat.
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Rat, Wood
The most commonly found rat away from civilization is the wood rat.
last updated over 3 years ago
Rotting Corpse
A rotting corpse is similar to a skeleton except they have retained most of their flesh making them a bit harder to destroy.
last updated over 3 years ago
Sand Flea
These hefty nuisances are roughly the size of a large melon. Sand fleas are burrowing, insect-like crustaceans with a hard exoskeleton. Commonly found along the shoreline and beaches.
last updated over 3 years ago
Scarlet Raven
These are large and robust scavengers with scarlet colored plumage. Their feathers are used for a wide variety of decorative applications.
last updated over 3 years ago
When negative energy infuses with a corrupted soul it produces a shade. A shade retains the memories of their former self making them intelligent and self aware. These spirits are capable of complex strategy and battle tactics making them a very dangerous adversary.
last updated over 3 years ago
Shrub- ox
This large herbivore is larger than a bison but smaller than a wooly rhino. The shrub- ox has been domesticated for many centuries but wild populations can still be found ranging from the forest to the flat open tundra.
last updated over 3 years ago
A skeleton is the most basic form of undead and is often used as foot soldiers in the undead ranks.
last updated over 3 years ago
A Slaugh is a malevolent spirit that prowls the night seeking innocent souls to devour
last updated over 3 years ago
Snake, Asp, Shovel-nosed
The shovel-nosed asp has moderately toxic venom that it does not hesitate to use. Quick to strike this snake has a fearsome reputation. Fortunately its bite is rarely fatal.
last updated over 3 years ago
Snake, Constrictor, Leather-backed
Large and powerful the leatherback constrictor can exceed 35 feet in length. They inhabit the deep swamps and other wet and humid climates. They have a strip of thick, leathery skin that extends the entire length of their back. This may have evolved as a way to protect their spine as they prey on other predators like crocodiles or large lizards that inhabit the swamps with them. This leathery strip is prized by sk...
last updated over 3 years ago
Snake, Grass
shy and reclusive this stout snake averages around 3 feet and is harmless to all but rodents. Their size combined with powerful jaws and constricting abilities make them ideal for pest control. Farmers especially welcome them around their grain fields and barns.
last updated over 3 years ago
Snake, Viper, Long-nosed
This viper species has the most toxic venom of any reptile. Oddly enough its striking range is quite short for its size. Long and thin they can exceed six feet in length but they are unable or at least unwilling to strike out much farther than 12-18 inches. They have adapted to be the ultimate ambush predator and many times the victim does not even know they have been bitten until they collapse to the ground while...
last updated over 3 years ago
Spade Headed Slug
Giant subterranean slug that can spray a toxic slime at its attackers. Its slime is prized for alchemy.
last updated over 3 years ago
Speckle-backed Gazelle
This is a small gazelle, coming in around 35 pounds but what they lack in size they make up for in speed. The speckled back gazelle is the fastest known land animal in the world.
last updated over 3 years ago
Swamp Ape
An upright walking ape that makes the swamps their home. Highly territorial, they will charge at any intruder. Crashing through the thick growth, smashing trees and throwing debris as they charge. If the sight and sound does not scare you away they will attack with a ferocity that is hard to match.
last updated over 3 years ago
Swamp Donkey
A foul tempered beast that resides in the swamps and marshes. Their large flat teeth designed for crushing fibrous plants can deliver a devastating and crushing bite and a kick that can collapse a man’s rib cage.
last updated over 3 years ago
Swamp Goose
These geese are unique in that they build large communal floating rafts to nest and lay their eggs on. They seem to have no preference for either fresh or saltwater for nesting but once the young are old enough to travel they are led deep into the swamps only to emerge at the next nesting cycle.
last updated over 3 years ago
Tormented Soul
As the name implies a tormented soul is a soul that has not been able to fully crossover for any number of reasons.
last updated over 3 years ago
These unusual specimens are a squat, barrel chest, 4 foot tall, toad-like humanoid living in the damp limestone caves that can be found all along the shoreline. They have demonstrated a rudimentary understanding of civilization but they have yet to make the turn to become a true civilized race.
last updated over 3 years ago
Troll, Forest
The smallest of the troll species and the one that is most likely to be reasoned with; at least until you turn your back.
last updated over 3 years ago
Troll, Rock
Highly intelligent and able to execute complex strategies, rock trolls work quite well together at ambushing unsuspecting travelers.
last updated over 3 years ago
Troll, Swamp
The largest and most vicious of the trolls. Their sheer ferocity makes up for their dull wit and low intelligence.
last updated over 3 years ago
Turtle, Slackjaw
A spectacular sight to see gliding effortlessly among the waves but lumbering tediously on land this enormous sea turtle, 10 feet in diameter, has the ability to unhinge its jaws when feeding on huge mouthfuls of fish or squid. Their large shells are coveted for the armor trade and their flesh is quite tasty as well. Turtle soup is a common meal served aboard ships.
last updated over 3 years ago
The breathtaking and mystical Unicorn is one of the rarest animals on the planet. Highly intelligent and capable of logic and reason the unicorn can be a magical sight to see for many or a potential trophy for others.
last updated over 3 years ago
At the top of the undead hierarchy and the undisputed master of the undead; a vampire is the embodiment of unholy undeath. Vampires can control and direct other undead to do their bidding. Skin as soft as silk but as hard as granite, Immune to charms and highly resistant to arcane spells the only true weakness a vampire has is to divine prayers. The origins of vampires are unknown as well as the exact process to b...
last updated over 3 years ago
Vengeful Spirit
In life, vengeful spirits were evil and corrupt mortals.
last updated over 3 years ago
Vulture, Black backed
Their droppings are sought after for antibacterial properties that are quite effective in fighting off infections. Soldiers commonly carry a poultice of vulture droppings with them into battle.
last updated over 3 years ago
Vulture, Horned-Billed
Large with nasty temperament the horn-billed vulture is the bully of the avian world. A flock of horn-billed vultures are capable of harassing even a barred eagle from a kill.
last updated over 3 years ago
Weeping Man
A weeping man is thought to be the physical body to an otherwise deceased soul. In life, the weeping man was someone who was bitter and hateful. Their sole purpose in death is to spread their misery to the living.
last updated over 3 years ago
Wooley Rhino
The second largest beast to roam the tundra. Hot tempered with poor eyesight a woolly rhino shows no fear and will charge blindly at any perceived threat. Despite their poor eyesight, their highly developed sense of smell makes them quite difficult to sneak up on and hard to kill. They have a thick wool coat covering overlapping, armored skin flaps across their entire body, even their eyes are partially obscured b...
last updated over 3 years ago
Nasty with a violent temperament a worg looks like a cross between a wolf and a boar they are highly intelligent and capable of higher thought processes and strategy when compared to any other common beast.
last updated over 3 years ago
Worm, Sand
This species is smaller than their northern cousins but otherwise nearly identical. Sand worms are around 6 to 7 feet in length. Sand worms patrol the desert, burrowing through the loose sand dunes busting up to the surface when they sense vibrations above.
last updated over 3 years ago
Worm, Tundra
With very little brain power, tundra worms live solely on instinct to survive. Coming in at 10 to 12 feet they are very massive and powerful, able to burrow effortlessly through the rocky and frozen tundra of the far north. With a face full of teeth they are a very formidable opponent. Their lack of intelligence is their downfall.
last updated over 3 years ago