Blessed Forest
Savia is a forest-covered continent with small mountain ranges and vast hills. Deep within Savia the Feywild Tree is located, which hums with energy and magick from the Feywilds. The tree allows the denizens of the continent and the Feywilds to come and go from the mortal realm and fae realm as they please. Because of this, Savia is deeply covered in fae magick, which makes the forests large and their bounty plent...
last updated almost 4 years ago
Glaice is a very harsh, snowy continent that is plunged into constant sunlight half the year and constant darkness the other half. Vast and jagged mountain ranges are spread out through the entire continent.
last updated almost 4 years ago
Heavenry is a medium sized continent covered mainly in civilization. Forests are scarce and lone trees are harder to find, this is a purely industrialized continent. A small portion of the continent is taken over by dwarves who have build iron walls around the mountain range that encloses it from the rest of the continent. Owhary is a country on the inner portion of the continent where it is home to merchants, art...
last updated over 3 years ago
Trophius is a small island continent with a vast underwater area.
last updated almost 4 years ago
Wyvern Islands
The Wyvern Islands aren't technically continents, but instead several small sized islands close by each other. Each island is almost an exact clone of each other, though they vary in size and shape though none are out of the small category.
last updated almost 4 years ago