Sovereign Gale's SandWing bracelet
It is made out of thin, brown tumbleweed, decorated with cactus spikes woven in the bracelet, with a small stone carving in the middle.
last updated over 3 years ago
Speckle's vest
Speckle's vest is a simple, brown-colored, comfortable to wear, vest. Speckle loves it dearly and can be seen wearing it constantly.
last updated over 3 years ago
The Purple Notebook
The Purple Notebook is a tattered, purple notebook, filled with what seems like scribbled gibberish. It belongs to Speckle, and contains her notes, logins for sites, phone numbers, and codes to destroying all existing universes. Only Speckle and Howlite are allowed to view the insides of the notebook. It is stored in Speckle's closet.
last updated almost 4 years ago