face Races by person Velika Unleashed


Angelkin close

An Angel is a divine humanoid celestial creature with feathered wings and a natural affinity for white magic, that has been blessed by the Mother of Light. Angels have three subspecies: Seraphim, Sanobim and Cherubim.

An angel can be born from other Angels or created by the Mother of Light.

last updated about 3 years ago


Draconian close

A Dragon is a large, magical reptile with four limbs, wings and a devastating elemental breath. Through the use of Dragon Magic, Dragons are able to have a human form and communicate with other creatures telepathically while in their draconic form. Sentient members of the dragon species are called Draconians.

Dragons can only be born from other dragons.

Please see the size chart for restrictions.

last updated about 3 years ago


Dwarf close

A Dwarf is a short-heighted humanoid that dwells in mountains and in the earth and is variously associated with wisdom, smithing, mining, and crafting. A dwarf can only be born to other dwarves.

Since the Darkness descended, most of the Dwarves have made their home in the Underground District or in the Cliffside District of Scaeptrum.

The dwarves are a battle-ready people, and would fight fiercely against wh...

last updated about 3 years ago

High Elf

High Elf close

A High Elf is a humanoid with pointed ears that has a deep connection to the worlds' ley lines. They were proficient with magitech, supplying the world with magitech weapons and items, and were capable of building cities that flourished even in the absence of essential resources.

High Elves can only be born to other High Elves.

last updated about 3 years ago