emoji_events Items by person Salem Wilson

Sadie's wand

Sadie's wand close

A cooking spoon, made of an old willow tree, so it is flexible. The wands handle is sort of Chunky, and it gets a little slender, but it widens out into a spoon. The handle has a bunch of tiny crystals encrusted in it

last updated almost 5 years ago

Salem's wand

Salem's wand close

Slender wand carved out of an old Appletree, soaked in citrus oils for 12 moons. Dyed a navy blue and encrusted with tiny gems and crystals. A gold wire attaches a small, quarts pillar crystal to the handle of the wand, firmly attached. The golden wire snakes up the wand in a spiral pattern, all the way to the tip, and is anchored there.

last updated almost 5 years ago