Recruited from the purest of souls among those who had departed, they were chosen bu Albion himself to become the world's first line of defense against the evil horrors that Zhevos had let lose on it.
They would be guardians of the highest order, only to step in when the people themselves would not be able to fight off the evil forces.
last updated about 5 years ago
The elves are in most ways very similar to humans, except for their usually fair skin, varying hair colours and much longer ears.
The elves also have a stronger affinity with magic, which causes them to be more pure of heart, and less likely to give in to corruptions.
The elves are a slowly dying race, because they are being hunted down, over time.
last updated about 5 years ago
The human race is very diverse, they are the most adaptive and tenacious of all races on the planet. They are also the biggest race, in numbers, and still growing, while the others are slowly falling in decline..
Unfortunately, they are also the most susceptible to illnesses and forms of corruption, due to their lower affinity with magic, compared to the other races.
last updated about 5 years ago