Magical powers
Most of these magics manifest within the individual with a certain affinity with a certain element of existence.
These powers have been gifted to the peoples by the Great Spirits. The guardians and some other individuals have a boosted form of these magics, making them a lot stronger. However, with hard training one can also reach high levels. The great Arcane, the raw origin of magic that the spirits gifted t...
last updated over 3 years ago
This world contains certain 'Sanctuaries', which can be entire continents or legendary and ancient locations, where the influence of the Great Spirits is very present. They are deeply connected to magic, and are revered by the various races of the world.
These places are mostly gone in modern days, but some still exist and have a certain influence on the lands around them.
last updated about 5 years ago
The Great Spirits
These Spirits function as lower gods, and all embody and guard a certain concept of existence. They were made by the Creator, and tasked to help in the creation of the world, and its inhabitants.
(For now, they can be found, under the 'Deities' tab.)
last updated over 3 years ago