ac_unit Deities by person ArnarionRey


??? close

A horrible abomination, created by Erebos, that he long since lost control of.

This being is responsible for causing insanity within living beings, but also created this pure state of chaos within people, that can drive them to become insane.

last updated over 3 years ago


Ahadi close

The Elemental spirit of earth. Ahadi was the first Elemental to be created, when the world was shaped. He has been bound to the world itself, ever since, and is very serious about this duty.

He gave his fellow spirits and Elementals the canvas to express themselves, and the very ground for every living being to walk on.

Ahadi is the most resilient of the Elementals and seems to be very close to fellow Elemen...

last updated about 5 years ago


Akuji close

The ferryman of the Dead. Akuji is responsible for the spirits of people who just passed away. He takes them on their journey to the afterlife that was decided for them.

Just like Imani, Akuji resides in a realm between that of the mortals and the dead.

last updated about 5 years ago


Albion close

The head of the angelic order. Albion was tasked to form an order of angels, to protect the Earth from the evil that Erebos unleashed, after his betrayal.

Albion is the first and highest ranking angel, who came directly from The Creator as his 'child'. He resides in the realms of The Creator, but prefers to be with the Great Spirits, whom he sees as his equals and siblings.

Some of the spirits view him as th...

last updated over 3 years ago


Arsa close

The Gracious Spirit of the dark, and twin sister of Yoa. Once, they kept watch over the night sky and space, until Arsa was captured by Erebos, as he saw in her a perfect instrument to bring fear to the people of the world.

last updated over 3 years ago


Avonaco close

Avonaco is the spirit of wildlife. He is responsible of the lives of almost every non-human creature that walks the Earth.

He resides in a North-American Sanctuary.

last updated about 5 years ago


Cicero close

The Chronicler of all that is and will be. Cicero tends to stick to himself, in his great study, where he oversees his records of all the events in the universe.

last updated about 5 years ago


Dewi close

Dewi is the Spirit of Love and Fertility. She gave people the ability to love and create and carry new life, and protects these very concepts.

A misconception among people is that Dewi is also responsible for one's feelings of lust, which is not true.

She resides in one of the Asian sanctuaries, located in India.

last updated about 5 years ago


Eireen close

Spirit and caretaker of nature. Eireen tends to roam the Earth, as she feels more connected to the very forests and fields that she created.

Eireen is also one of the elementals, making her the Elemental of Nature for Europe.

last updated about 5 years ago


Erebos close

Once, the Spirit of the underworld, where evil souls went to await their reincarnation.

Erebos was tasked to look after the souls of those who lived bad lives, and guide them, where necessary. However, his outlook on his duty, and position as Spirit started to change.

He eventually fell to corruption and became the first evil Spirit, creating and causing horrible situations for the world of the living and al...

last updated about 5 years ago


Huracan close

Huracan is the Elemental spirit of wind. He resides in North and South-America, and brought the winds to the world, upon its creation.

last updated almost 5 years ago


Imani close

As overseer of the spirit world, she guides and soothes the inhabiting spirits through a pure and ancient form of dance.

last updated about 5 years ago


Jabali close

The Spirit of strength. He gave people the ability to tap into their inner strength.

last updated almost 5 years ago


Keana close

Keana is the Elemental spirit of fire, and youngest among all spirits. She resides in Oceania, where she can practice her powers more freely, without harming a lot of other beings.

When she came to Earth, she gave fire to the people, but this went wrong very quickly, as the people struggled to control the fire, just like Keana, herself. Because of this, Sanaa decided to stay close to her, surrounding Keana's ho...

last updated about 5 years ago


Nenet close

As the spirit of interconnection, Nenet wove a great layer over the entire world, connecting the consciousnesses of every living being, along with those of herself and her fellow Spirits with one another. This also gave people the ability to created alternative ways to connect with one another.

Nenet resides in the skies and around the layer of consciousness, to make sure it stay intact.

However, she does no...

last updated about 5 years ago


Sanaa close

The elemental spirit of the world's waters, from oceans to rivers. She gave water to the world, upon its creation and watches over it, to this day.

last updated about 5 years ago


Torvir close

The craftsman of the Great Spirits. Torvir gave the people their ability to craft physical objects, and creatively express themselves.

As a craftsman, he takes great pride in his creations, and carries out his duty with a fierce passion.

He resides in one of the European Sanctuaries.

last updated almost 5 years ago


Yangtso close

Yangtso is the Keeper of Balance, or rather, the balance in oneself. When the other Spirits gave people their concepts of being, he came last, and gave them the ability to reach a state of balance in all these concepts and peace within themselves.

He resides in the Tibetan Sanctuary.

last updated about 5 years ago


Yoa close

The creator of the stars and heavenly bodies. Yoa is one of the 'otherworldly' Spirits, who does not reside on Earth, and rarely visits the physical realm.

She resides high up, en past the skies, surrounded by the stars and darkness of her twin sister, Arsa.

last updated over 3 years ago