group Characters by person Zoe the GM

Ailvna Bloodforge (Warsmith)

Ailvna Bloodforge (Warsmith) close

The Craftsman

last updated about 3 years ago

Haru Izumi

Haru Izumi close

The Sun

last updated about 3 years ago

Kaylah Alexander

Kaylah Alexander close

The First

last updated about 3 years ago

Luna Quintana (Not finished.)

Luna Quintana (Not finished.) close

The Witch

last updated about 3 years ago

Mevia Cross

Mevia Cross close

She's a badass monster hunter, and has a skill for fighting more paranormal creatures such as ghosts, demons, and vampires, instead of giant beasts. Mevia is good at understanding and working with others, so she would most likely be taking on more of a leadership or offensive role.

last updated about 3 years ago