terrain Locations by person Ellia


Sieland close

A fantasy town Heavily populated Biggest town in Edyre Crammed with buildings, mostly small shops, always busy

last updated almost 5 years ago

The Dark Lake

The Dark Lake close

This is the home of the dark sea people. Nobody but them ever goes there, for there are rumors that bad things happen to the people who do. There was one young man who left to see the sea people, and they found his remains in a river branching from the lake. The only other people to have seen the lake are the Nine Gods and Goddesses

last updated almost 5 years ago

The Valley of Light

The Valley of Light close

Light! Light! Light! With (man made) fires constantly burning inside the mountains and homes, and the sunlight being captured amongst the mountains, the valley is almost always shining (hence the name)

last updated almost 5 years ago