Biological Zombie
Virous-Z or similar condition is the cause of this type of zombie. They are not truly dead, but can take a lot more punishment than normal as they have a kind of healing factor.
last updated about 3 years ago
Case number: 001-MHD-QM-E12H-59032z
Eleanor Cooper is given her first case as a detective for the Boston MA police. Wanting a true test of her ability to solve crimes and not have the rag pulled from underneath her. She checks in with her boss (Thomas Grassmann), who agrees her placement is a little off.
last updated almost 3 years ago
Magic Zombie
Magic Zombies are, as the name implies made by magic. Most of the time by necromancers, they do not replicate by bitting other victims, if the magic is controlled.
last updated about 3 years ago
last updated over 2 years ago