Chandala Village
This is a village for the Outcastes and is not government-protected, so it is deep in poverty.
last updated over 6 years ago
A city that straddles the river separating the Western Deserts and the Southern Plains.
last updated almost 6 years ago
New Kansas County
The county in which the Inferno Gem is first found.
last updated over 3 years ago
New Oklahoma County
There are a few characters in the Inferno Gem who come from this county and later moved to New Kansas County.
last updated over 6 years ago
A group of floating islands in the sky that orbits the Earth and acts as a hidden and secluded location for Magics to live in safety.
last updated over 3 years ago
The Noble City
The capital city of Terraciel, branching off from the central Wizard temple that keeps the Mother Island afloat.
last updated almost 6 years ago
The Northern Abyss
A canyon and small mining country beyond the Upper Himalayas...that fell to the ground in 1869 and caused a lot of paperwork, cleanup, and renovation.
last updated almost 6 years ago