emoji_events Items by person 360


hookshot close

a a metal wrist gauntlet that shoots a chain with a arrow like tip that can be fired and retracted back to the user for the use of a grappling gun

last updated almost 4 years ago

multi watch

multi watch close

a watch when the hand button is pressed is displayed a holo gram with a selection of many things, health kit that heals all wounds, tech scan that can by pass any security lock. ect the only thing it dosent have is a clock. jack crammed so much stuff into it there was no room for it

last updated almost 4 years ago

orphan savior

orphan savior close

a sawd off shotgun that is borrowed from a gun shop that senor boney duel wields

last updated almost 4 years ago


pistol close

small typical gun with a 16 shot mag

created over 6 years ago

slide sword

slide sword close

scimitar without the hand guard where a button that makes the sword part go into the handle making it good for mobility

last updated almost 4 years ago

the hunter

the hunter close

a bow hand crafted for stealth and long range shots.has two metal tips on the ends for jabbing and hitting people

last updated almost 4 years ago