location_on Landmarks by person DarriusBlack

Blackwraith Jungle

Blackwraith Jungle close

This festering section of jungle is rumored to be home to undead. None have ventured to deeply into its depths, and those that have never stepped back out.

last updated over 3 years ago

Blade of Esstead

Blade of Esstead close

This ship is permately anchored off the coast. This warship has a mithral hull and a carved keel and figurehead, and is propelled by bound water elementals.

last updated almost 5 years ago

Misty Mountain

Misty Mountain close

A large mountain where the mist that covers the lands seem to emanate from.

last updated almost 5 years ago

Ogre's Mire

Ogre's Mire close

Home to Krekurg the Ogre. His lair is deep within the jungle.

last updated almost 5 years ago

Spiders Fen

Spiders Fen close

This marshy area at the base of the mountain range is home to dozens of spiders.

last updated almost 5 years ago