group Characters by person zackattack

Amato 'Big Brains' Magno

Amato 'Big Brains' Magno close


last updated over 6 years ago

Coriolano 'Shades' Tantalo

Coriolano 'Shades' Tantalo close

Where shades to keep a powerful gaze attack supressed

last updated over 6 years ago


Ghost close

Motivator. Blackmailer. an anti hero.. or villain. Is a gifted technomancer. Able to upload and download self to computers, wirelessly interacte with them via her own mind.

The super power to remain unknown. Omega class

last updated over 6 years ago

Kaylie 'The Hulk' Ciraulo

Kaylie 'The Hulk' Ciraulo close

Appearing normal, can shapeshift at will into a hulking brute

last updated over 6 years ago

Kiara Tavos

Kiara Tavos close

Anti heropowers include :illusion, Sound, harm, super toughness,flight

created over 6 years ago

Mr universe

Mr universe close

God Tier. Super human x Energy blast Telekenisis Gravity Magic

created over 6 years ago

Rakesh Hep'kah

Rakesh Hep'kah close

Rakesh was responsible for the binding and locking away of Tal'Khum, the Vile

last updated over 3 years ago

Raquel 'Crackers' D'Orazio

Raquel 'Crackers' D'Orazio close

Breaker. Very strong. melee hits deal critical injuries

last updated over 6 years ago

Skomac Runehand, of clan bloodhammer

Skomac Runehand, of clan bloodhammer close

King Under the Mountains

created over 6 years ago

StormShot, Qweller of the living.

StormShot, Qweller of the living. close

Villain Powers include Precognition Super agility Super Toughness Energy control Telekenisis

created over 6 years ago

Wyatt 'Mumbler' Shutts

Wyatt 'Mumbler' Shutts close

can generate extremely loud sonic booms. Mumbles to avoid collateral

last updated over 6 years ago

Zack druer

Zack druer close

Hero powers include Elemental control Shapeshifting Gravity Telepathy Energy absorption

created over 6 years ago

Zack Druer Aka StormShot Quelled of the living

Zack Druer Aka StormShot Quelled of the living close

created over 6 years ago