face Races by person Ryan McHugh


Felician close

Cat like race from the planet Korthos

last updated almost 2 years ago


Gorgaxen close

An insectoid race that evolved from the humanoid Sarpathans.

last updated almost 2 years ago


Human close

  • Inhabitants of Earth
  • Conclaves on select planets

last updated over 3 years ago


Human close

The original inhabitants of Earth

last updated over 3 years ago


Human close

One race of inhabitants of Genesis as well as other allied planets and systems. - First inhabitants on Genesis

last updated over 3 years ago


Meddians close

A race of cosmic werewolves

last updated about 5 years ago

Meta Humans

Meta Humans close

Sub-race of Humans which have enhanced abilities/powers

last updated over 3 years ago


Vorteauns close

Vampiric race of beings that evolved from the humanoid Sarpathans

last updated almost 2 years ago