Aisha Maroon
The daughter of the former king, family of Felipe, ruler of the kingdom, and love interest of Henry
last updated over 3 years ago
Esmeralda Sendson
Kye's sister
last updated almost 4 years ago
Felipe Von Smitenl
He is the son of the queen, and is the main character. Either that, or he is one of the main characters.
last updated almost 4 years ago
Koroma Sendson
Kye and Esmeralda's sister, daughter of Rosa and Jacquon Sendson, and Esmeralda's business partner.
last updated almost 4 years ago
Kye Sendson
Aisha's love interest, an important member of the royal guard, someone who helped Felipe escape, Rosa's son, and someone who tried to protect Maranne.
last updated almost 4 years ago
Maranne Von Smittenl
She's the old ruler of the kingdom, a suspect for the murder of the king, and Felipe's mother.
last updated over 3 years ago
Matheo Maroon
Former king, Felipe's uncle, Maranne's former husband, Aisha's father
last updated over 3 years ago
They are the one that gives the Prince advice after the queen sends him away, and they also give him directions to the castle, even spending a few nights with them while the Prince is on his journey.
created almost 7 years ago
Ravi Felipe Irom
Felipe's father, Matheo's brother, Maranne's old affair.
last updated over 6 years ago
Rosa Sendson
Once knew the queen and king, and is Kye's mother.
last updated almost 4 years ago
She is a witch that tries to capture Felipe, but he ends her life for her instead
created almost 7 years ago