Abel's Planet
last updated about 4 years ago
Azra's Planet
last updated about 4 years ago
Clara's Planet
A large kingdom comprising of a large castle made up of beautiful violet crystal and a fantasy-style town surrounding it for miles upon miles. The citizens of the kingdom are all ghosts, and are brought to ghostly life when Clara first arrives. They are all loyal to Clara and many live in the castle as castle guards.
last updated about 4 years ago
Cora's Planet
last updated about 4 years ago
A realm known for its technologically forward thinking and retro-futuristic architecture. Corzan has the highest percentage of Engineers per Realm in all of the Endom.
last updated over 2 years ago
A very small realm, and includes one very large, intricate village, also gone by Creevis. Most of the Realm is field with scattered trees, but the very edge of the realms contains extensive mountain ranges containing the most chemically powerful and unbalanced substance known: Luminite.
last updated over 2 years ago
last updated over 2 years ago
last updated over 2 years ago
A vast, bright city constantly bustling with the energy of millions of residents, cars, and businesses. The Capital of the Endom.
last updated over 2 years ago
Inner Sector
last updated almost 6 years ago
last updated over 2 years ago
Kio's Planet
A cool, misty city filled with large brick roads and short buildings lined with shiny silver maintenance pipes. The Northern Pole of the planet is where all these pipes lead to, where a small building housing a large generator lies. The city is decently populated, but is easy to get lost in, and it often feels like its residents are wandering aimlessly, following the flow of the streets.
last updated almost 4 years ago
An old, wealthy realm outside of the Endom. Leuen is known for its strict traditions, intricate architecture, and a heavy cultural focus on plant life.
last updated over 2 years ago
Lucas' Planet
last updated about 4 years ago
Outer Sector
last updated almost 6 years ago
last updated over 2 years ago
Highly intelligent realm full of dragon-like people. Known for its high concentration of doctors and engineers, Soldon hosts the famous Soldon Laboratories, which recapitates Crane's Withering patients.
last updated over 2 years ago
A realm dedicated entirely to exist as a large market: an entirely walkable cultural melting pot where thousands of independent vendors can sell their wares.
last updated over 2 years ago
Zeph's Planet
last updated about 4 years ago