@Mojack group
…share them with me.
In light of me reviving my old story from 2017, which is heavily sci-fi based (classical alien invasion story, though it does run a bit deeper than just “aliens decide to invade earth for reasons left up to the audience to decipher”) I decided to make a discussion to share your aliens with the community.
Basically anything you can think of! Their role in the story, society and culture, relation to humans (if humans are even relevant), technology, diet, appearance, history, etc. Infodumps are always welcome!
To start off, here’s the species (that I’ve changed a lot more from the original 2017 version) from my story, Nothing.
Aliens with incredibly tough skin, almost an exoskeleton shielding their body from view. It seems that certain areas (the face/mouth) are less protected than others, as to allow them to actually open their mouths. Speaking about the mouths, they’re hidden from view, but described to be a ‘flower mouth structure.’ Maybe exaggerated, but their ‘shell’ opens up to reveal a mouth in which looks normal unless presented in the light, where you see their papillae (similar to sea turtles.)
Their ‘normal’ teeth (the teeth that we, humans would be used to) imply an omnivorous diet. Lack lips; in order to prevent their teeth from wearing out from the outside environment they use their exoskeletons, which simply close up when not feeding.
Tests have proven that the Omnoi, without wearing any armour or advancements, are fairly durable as opposed to humans. But for the most part, shotguns are seen to have particularly powerful effects close range. A shot aimed properly has a chance of killing one almost instantly, but in most cases it will injure them greatly. Exceptions are made - this study was somewhat disproven, as only Common Omnoi have shells of this strength.
Their diet appears to be seafood preference, eating a number of things humans would find too tough or flimsy to eat. They possess dulled taste buds. Commonly, they eat with their hands. Using utensils is a foreign concept to this race. They look to be meat eaters, but eating humans is seen as lesser. Cannibalism is not observed as it would be tricky, due to their moderately acidic blood, and while their shells are immune to it, their body under the shell is not, though their insides are. It’s more of a problem of avoiding burning yourself.
Blood is bright, almost neon green, sizzling at most materials. When it dries, it becomes invisible to the eye, but can be seen through UV technology.
Species is generally larger than humans once fully grown. Little to no sexual dimorphism aside from males having slightly larger shells. Usually grow to heights of 8 or 9ft on average.
The tail is the part of the body which lacks a visible shell. In fact, it’s the part that has the least amount of exoskeleton protecting it. Long tails, non-prehensile. In their society, keeping your tail lowered to the ground behind you is seen as polite. Scaly tails - the rest of the body is scaly. Usually earthy colours, as opposed to the shell, which is almost always a dark charcoal colour. Eyes are visible - the species is adapted to fighting without sight (as their shell completely closes over their faces during battle, meaning they lack sight to guide them). Eyes are usually shades of green. Aiming at the eyes is seen as dishonourable in a fight - hence why, during their war with humans, they grew a dislike of them after a while.
Hands are longer and bony. Five fingers, opposable thumbs. Precise and accurate hands allow them to use machinery. A bit more exposed to the open world. Second pair is slightly shorter, lower than their main pair and more heavily shelled. Four fingers this time.
Shells are described as bumpy. Not even, rough to the touch. A harsh material, rocky. Not much sticks to it. Their torso is the most heavily armoured, and their necks are rarely visible, but studies have shown them as having ‘longer necks than humans, but not crazily so.’ Their lower body is slightly less. They appear to walk on their toes.
Without their shells, one might say they’d be tall, lanky aliens. However, thanks to their shells they do not walk at full height, and you can’t get a look for what they really look like under there because their shells are essentially attached to their bodies, so no one can say for sure what they really look like under all that.
Not many speak human languages, only the ones who care to learn or interact with humans on a weekly basis do. Their native language as been described as ‘guttural’, rough sounding, almost snarling. When mocking people, they appear to speak in a higher tone.
Weaponry of the species has not been observed to its fullest extent. As the species does not put most of its troops on the ground (why waste good soldiers when you can strike from the skies? this worked..at first..) many of their guns and melee weaponry are locked away, though they seem to use electrical power as a big component in taking down enemies. Even their own blood as an ingredient in some.
That’s all I have for now - I’ll be back with some more later. (Also don’t be afraid to ask questions!)